This is a library C99 header-only library for converting IEEE-754 floating point numbers to string.
This is a header-only library. The headers can be copied anywhere else, as long as they are all in the same directory. A basic example is provided below:
#include "dragonito.h" //Can be included anywhere
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
float value = 123.456;
drgnt_i32 max_length = drgnt_f32_to_default(NULL, value);
char* buffer = malloc(max_length + 1);
drgnt_i32 length = drgnt_f32_to_default(buffer, value);
buffer[length] = 0;
printf("%s\n", buffer); //Output: "123.456"
return 0;
//Include only in a single .c file
#include "dragonito.h"
This library also offers several adjustable formatting functions:
Function Name | Input Value | Output |
drgnt_f32_to_fix | 11000000512 | 11000000512.0 |
drgnt_f32_to_exp | 11000000512 | 1.1000000512e+10 |
drgnt_f32_to_srt | 11000000512 | 1.1e+10 |
drgnt_f32_to_gen | 11000000512 | 11000000000 |
(The examples are using the functions for 32-bit floats, but 64-bit equivalents are also provided)
Here is a simple example of how to use one of these formatting functions:
//Extract the float's bits
drgnt_u32 bits = drgnt_f32_to_bits(123.5f);
//Estimate the output length so we can allocate enough memory
drgnt_u32 max_length = drgnt_estimate_srt_len32(bits, 1, 0);
char* buffer = malloc(max_length + 1);
//Convert the float to a string using shortest-round-trip (SRT) formatting
drgnt_i32 length = drgnt_f32_to_srt(buffer, bits, 1);
buffer[length] = 0;
printf("%s\n", buffer); //Output: "123.5"