All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for different import implementations
- Bundled Importer to keep the imported sprites and animations in one file
- Support for the sprite-editor with the Bundled Importer
- The regular import was labelled "Generated" because it generates the content and creates new assets in a subfolder
- Creates a sprite sheet file (not dynamic)
- Editable meta data like custom physics shapes with the 'Sprite Editor'
- Generates tilemap with extended-padding (solves lines tearing issue between tiles)
- Makes animation files (not dynamic)
- Animation controller creation
- New tilemap name rule support (row-col)
- Creates multiple assets instead of one single bundle
- Transparent color option
- Tilemap empty behaviour
- Support for Unity package manager was fixed
- Different Import Modes (Sprite, Tilemap)
- Auto-Sprite creation