SusmaBot is a Discord Bot made with Python.
This Discord bot connects with Arduino Uno via ThingSpeak and It was made to monitor the water level of the user's pet with the information to be sent from the water sensor using ESP8266 WiFi module.
- Arduino Uno
- ESP8266 WiFi Module
- Water Level Sensor
- OLED LCD Display (Optional)
- Breadboard
- Male and Female Jumper Cables
For security reasons, tokens in .env file is missing. You need to add your Discord guild name and your bot's token.
I'm currently using Heroku as the Discord bot's host, but I suggest you find a different host as it will be paid as of November 2022.
Add your WiFi name and password to Arduino code to connect with ESP8266.
Create a ThingSpeak account and create new channel.
If you want to add new parameters such as tempature and so on you can add extra fields.
Get Write a Channel Feed link and paste it to thingSpeakData variable at Arduino code.
Add your Discord guild's name and bot's token to .env file.
Add your channel link in request.get() as You can use Read a Channel Feed but since I only need single field I didn't used it.
Every time you add new library to Python code you need to update requirements.txt. To do that from IDE terminal or CMD, type pip3 freeze > requirements.txt. This process needed for Cloud hosting of Discord bot.
You can find my other projects at my GitHub page.
Thank you for your contributions and your time.