Scheduling Abstraction Layer (SAL) is an abstraction layer initially developed as part of the EU project Morphemic ( Its development continued through the Nebulous EU project ( SAL aims to enhance the usability of ProActive Scheduler & Resource Manager by providing abstraction and additional features.
SAL is a project initially developed under the Morphemic project, part of the EU's Horizon 2020 initiative. Its development continued through the Nebulous EU project, part of Horizon Europe inititative. It offers an abstraction layer on top of the ProActive Scheduler & Resource Manager, making it easier for users to interact with the scheduler and take advantage of its features. Seamlessly supporting REST calls and direct communication with the Proactive API, SAL empowers users to harness the scheduler's capabilities. Whether you want to use SAL as a microservice or deploy it as a Docker container, this repository provides the necessary resources to get you started.
SAL can be deployed in several ways: as a standalone microservice, within a Docker container, or as a Kubernetes pod. Below are the detailed instructions for each deployment method.
In this deployment approach, SAL runs directly on the host system using a Java runtime environment. Management is handled manually, meaning you control the environment, dependencies, and configurations. However, this method is limited by the capabilities of the host system, and scaling requires manually setting up additional instances. The deployment relies on the host's network settings, with external access and load balancing also requiring manual setup. This approach is suitable for development, small-scale deployments, or when direct control over the runtime environment is necessary.
To use SAL as a microservice, follow these steps:
- Clone the SAL repository:
# pull the SAL project
git clone
# go to your SAL folder
cd scheduling-abstraction-layer
- Build the microservice:
# Apply Spotless code formatting, clean the project, and build using Gradle
./gradlew spotlessApply clean build --refresh-dependencies
# Use the '-x test' flag at the end to skip running tests during the build process
The generated .war
file will be located at: scheduling-abstraction-layer/sal-service/build/libs/scheduling-abstraction-layer-xxx.war
- Run the Microservice:
./gradlew bootRun
This command starts SAL as microservice on default port 8080
on your host.
The sal-common
Java library provides class definitions for SAL concepts. It can be added to gradle projects by adding the following into build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ''
allowInsecureProtocol = true
dependencies {
// SAL client library
implementation 'org.ow2.proactive:sal-common:13.1.0-SNAPSHOT'
In this deployment approach, SAL runs inside a Docker container, providing a consistent environment across different systems. Management is handled via Docker commands or Docker Compose, with containerization isolating the application and its dependencies. While SAL can scale across multiple containers on the same machine, scalability is limited to a single-node setup unless additional tools are utilized. Docker manages networking, though more complex configurations may require manual setup. This method is ideal for consistent deployment across various environments, easier distribution, and meeting basic scalability needs.
SAL can be deployed as a Docker container either by using a pre-built image or by building your own.
You can pull the latest or a specific version of the SAL Docker image from remote Docker repository DockerHub:
: The latest daily release of SAL.activeeon/sal:dev-YYYY-MM-DD
: A specific version of SAL released on a particular date. Replace YYYY-MM-DD with the desired date to pull that specific version.
To pull an image:
docker pull activeeon/sal:dev
Prerequisites: Docker installed on your machine.
- Edit the Docker Compose File:
Open docker-compose.yaml
Specify which version of the Kubernetes cluster you will deploy. Default scripts set for deployment are for k8s.
CLUSTER_TYPE: "k8s" # (defult) or "k3s"
- Setup connection to the ProActive scheduler
#Set up connection to ProActive server (PWS) by introducing the ip address of ProActive server with the port, as well as the access credential:
- Setup which SAL image will be used:
#Set up image to be used for SAL from
image: activeeon/sal:test
NOTE: It is possible to generate automatically an image from the .war
file generated in section 2.1.1. In this case the image tag (e.g. test) should not exist in DockerHub repository.
- Setup database PASSWORD :
test: [ "CMD", "mariadb-admin" , "ping", "-h", "localhost", "--password=PASSWORD" ]
- Setup SAL ports :
- "8088:8080" # sal service ports
- "9001:9001" # sal-pda service ports for debugging
- In a case you do not want to use the deployment with persistent volume comment following:
# Comment this if you do not want to attach a volume for persistent data storage:
- mariadb_data:/var/lib/mysql
#Comment this part if you do not want to include volume for peristant data storage
mariadb_data: {}
NOTE: In a case of committing improvements to the SAL project, you will need to keep your local changes to the docker-compose.yaml
untracked. Use the following command:
git update-index --assume-unchanged docker/docker-compose.yaml
- Build and Start the Containers:
Open a terminal and Build SAL as described in Section 2.1.1
Navigate to the directory containing your docker-compose.yaml
(e.g. docker) file to start docker containers:
cd .\docker\
docker-compose up --build
NOTE: Make sure that previous containers are removed (Step 4)
NOTE: Note that there will be some unresolved warning and errors during built of SAL, which do not have impact on its functionality.
In principle when you see this line in build log the SAL containers should be up and running:
_ERROR WebSocketTransport:231 - WebSocket Handshake Failed_
3. Verify Deployment
Check the status of the containers
docker-compose ps
- Stop and Remove Containers
docker-compose down
In this deployment approach, SAL is deployed as a pod within a Kubernetes cluster, which offers advanced orchestration and management features. Kubernetes automatically handles deployment, scaling, and operations across a cluster of nodes, providing native support for horizontal scaling, automatic load balancing, and self-healing capabilities. The robust networking solutions provided by Kubernetes include service discovery, Ingress controllers, and built-in load balancing. This method is ideal for large-scale, production environments where high availability, scalability, and complex orchestration are required.
To deploy SAL on Kubernetes, it is to use a Docker image as described in Section 2.2.1 from remote Docker repository DockerHub. You can then deploy this image as a Kubernetes pod.
Prerequisites: Kubernetes cluster (local or cloud-based) and kubectl CLI installed and configured.
- Edit Kubernetes Deployment and Service Manifests:
Edit sal.yaml Setup ProActive connection, SAL image and ports as described in Section 2.2.2. Step 1
NOTE: Update /path/to/scripts
to the path where your scripts are located on the host machine.
- Deploy to Kubernetes:
Apply the deployment and service manifests to your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl apply -f sal.yaml
- Verify Deployment:
- Check the status of the pods:
kubectl get pods
- Check the status of the services:
kubectl get services
- Access SAL using the service's external IP or via a port-forward:
kubectl port-forward service/sal-service 8080:8080
- Clean Up:
To delete the deployment and service:
kubectl delete -f sal.yaml
Once SAL is deployed, you can interact with it via its REST API, monitor its operation, and view logs to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Here’s how to use SAL effectively.
SAL exposes several REST API endpoints which serves as interfaces that you can use to interact with the ProActive Scheduler & Resource Manager. For detailed information on each endpoint, please go here.
To showcase usage Connect endpoint will use, which should have SAL protocol, host, port and ProActive username and password set as it was done in deployment .yaml
Below are the instructions for connecting to and disconnecting from the ProActive server, using tools such as Postman or cURL.
Download and install Postman if you haven’t already.
- Set Up Request:
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Headers: None
- Body:
- URL:
"username": {{myLogin}},
"password": {{myPassword}}
- Send Request: Click the "Send" button to execute the request and review the response.
- Replay: A text format reply containing the session ID.
- Open Terminal
- Execute cURL Command:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/sal/pagateway/connect" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username": "Proactive server username", "password": "Proactive server password"}'
- Replay: A text format reply containing the session ID.
When SAL is deployed as a Docker Container like in Section 2.2, you can view its logs using Docker commands.
- Launch your command line interface (CLI).
- List Running Containers: To find the container name or ID, use:
docker ps
Look for the container name myComposeSAL
or the name you used.
- View SAL general Logs:
docker logs myComposeSAL
- View SAL database general Logs:
docker logs myComposeMariaDB
- View detail SAL Logs inside container:
docker exec -it myComposeSAL /bin/bash #To enter the SAL container’s shell
cd logs
cat scheduling-abstraction-layer.log #View detail logs
- Query SAL Database i.e. MariaDB:
docker exec -it myComposeMariaDB /bin/bash
# Replace <password> with the password you've set for the MariaDB root user
mariadb -uroot -p<password> proactive
When SAL is deployed as a Kubernetes pod, you can access the logs using kubectl
- Get the name of the SAL pod
kubectl get po -o wide
- View SAL general Logs:
# Replace <namespace> with the appropriate namespace and <pod-name> with the actual pod name obtained in previous step
kubectl -n <namespace> logs <pod-name> sal
- View detail SAL Logs inside container:
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -c sal -- /bin/bash #To enter the SAL container’s shell
cd logs
cat scheduling-abstraction-layer.log
- Query SAL Database i.e. MariaDB:
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -c mariadb -- mariadb -uroot -p<password> proactive
#Replace <password> with the appropriate MariaDB root password.
Restarting the SAL service can be necessary for applying configuration changes, recovering from issues, or for routine maintenance. Note that on the restart SAL logs and database will be erased. Below are the instructions for restarting SAL, both when deployed as a Docker container and as a Kubernetes pod.
If SAL is deployed as a Docker container using docker-compose.yaml
, you can restart the service using the following methods:
- Restart a Specific Container:
To restart just the SAL container without affecting other services (like MariaDB):
docker restart myComposeSAL
- Restart All Services in Docker Compose: To restart all services defined in your docker-compose.yaml (including the database):
docker-compose restart
- Rebuild and Restart SAL: If you need to apply changes to the Docker image or configuration:
docker-compose up --build -d
This command will rebuild the containers if necessary and restart them in detached mode.
When SAL is deployed as a Kubernetes pod, you can restart the service by following these methods:
- Rolling Restart (Preferred Method): Kubernetes allows for a rolling restart, which updates the pods one by one without downtime:
kubectl rollout restart deployment/sal-deployment
#Replace sal-deployment with the actual name of your SAL deployment.
- Manual Pod Deletion: Alternatively, you can delete the existing pod(s) manually, and Kubernetes will automatically recreate them:
kubectl get pods
# Copy sal pod name:
kubectl delete pod <sal-pod-name>
Kubernetes will automatically recreate the pod using the existing deployment configuration.
- Scaling the Deployment to Zero and Back: Another method to restart SAL in Kubernetes is by scaling the deployment down to zero replicas and then scaling it back up to the desired number of replicas. This effectively stops and restarts the pods:
kubectl get deployment
# Replace <namespace> with the appropriate namespace (e.g., nebulous-cd) and <sal-deployment-name> with your SAL deployment name.
kubectl scale -n <namespace> --replicas=0 deploy/<sal-deployment-name>
kubectl scale -n <namespace> --replicas=1 deploy/<sal-deployment-name>
Below are steps for checking a SAL deployment, including checking image versions, container status, and overall health, for both Docker Compose and Kubernetes deployments.
- Check Running Containers:
Ensure all services defined in your docker-compose.yaml
file are running:
docker-compose ps
This command shows the status of each container, including whether they are up and running.
- Check Image Versions:
Verify that the correct images and versions are used for each service:
docker inspect <container_name_or_id> | grep Image
# Replace <container_name_or_id> with the container's name or ID (e.g., myComposeSAL, myComposeMariaDB).
This will display the images used by each container.
- Check Health of Containers:
If a health check is defined in the docker-compose.yaml
(as in the MariaDB service):
docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' <container_name_or_id>
This will show if the container is healthy, unhealthy, or starting.
For Kubernetes, more advanced checks are available due to the nature of Kubernetes as an orchestrator.
- Check Running Pods:
List all running pods and their statuses in the relevant namespace:
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
# Replace <namespace> with the appropriate namespace
This command will show if the pods are running, pending, or in error.
- Check Deployment Details:
Verify that the correct images are being used in your deployment:
kubectl get deploy -n <namespace> <deployment_name> -o yaml | grep image
This command extracts the image versions specified in the deployment YAML.
- Check Pod Health and Status:
Check the status and details of the running pods:
kubectl describe pod -n <namespace> <pod_name>
This provides a detailed description of the pod’s state, including events, container statuses, and any errors.
- Check Service Endpoints:
Ensure that the SAL services are correctly exposed and accessible:
kubectl get svc -n <namespace>
This command lists all services in the namespace, showing their external IPs, ports, and status.
- Check Resource Utilization:
Monitor resource usage to ensure the deployment is operating within expected parameters:
kubectl top pods -n <namespace>
This shows CPU and memory usage, helping you identify any resource constraints or anomalies.
- Ensure that SAL is running
SAL need to be deployed and prepared for usage as described in Section 2.
- SAL in Docker:
The docker-compose.yaml
file includes a debugging service for SAL, exposing port 9001 by default (see Section 2.2). This port is typically configured for remote debugging using the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) so it is sufficient that SAL container is running.
- SAL as Kubernetes Pod:
The sal.yaml
file for Kubernetes also includes configuration for the debugging service, exposing port 9001 by default (see Section 2.3). To use debugging service To access the debugging port on your local machine, set up port forwarding from your Kubernetes pod to your local machine:
kubectl port-forward deployment/sal 9001:9001
#In case the SAL is not deployed as sal, replace it with the actual name of your SAL deployment.
Another approach is to use sal-pda service which is deployed by default using sal.yaml
kubectl get services
#Use the actual name of sal-pda-service and ports with ports as defined in deployment script
kubectl port-forward service/sal-pda-service 9001:9001
- Configure Your IDE for Remote Debugging:
In IntelliJ IDEA:
- Go to Run > Edit Configurations.
- Click the + button and select Remote JVM Debug.
- Set the Host to
and the Port to9001
or the one which is used for SAL deployment. In a case there is problem localhost can be replaced with your IP address. - Set the Debugger mode to Attach to remote JVM.
- Click Apply and then OK
- Start Debugging:
With your IDE configured, you can now start a debugging session.The following message should show:
Connected to the target VM, address: 'localhost:9001', transport: 'socket'
Use SAL endpoints as described in Section 3.1. and set breakpoints in your code. As the SAL service executes, your IDE will stop at these breakpoints, allowing you to inspect variables, step through code, and diagnose issues. During debugging is advised to check SAL logs as described in Section 3.2.
Contributions to SAL are welcome! If you have any bug fixes, improvements, or new features to propose, please feel free to open a pull request. For major changes, it is recommended to discuss your ideas with the maintainers first.
The Scheduling Abstraction Layer (SAL) is distributed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) 2.0. This open-source license allows for flexibility in use, modification, and distribution of the code, while also ensuring that any modifications to the SAL source code must remain open and accessible under the same license.
The MPL 2.0 provides a balance between open-source freedom and the ability to combine SAL with proprietary software, as long as changes made to the original code are made available under the MPL terms. For more details on the conditions and terms, please refer to the full LICENSE file in the SAL repository.
Note: To use SAL in conjunction with the ProActive Scheduler & Resource Manager, a separate ProActive license is required. ProActive is licensed separately, and its usage terms must be respected in addition to those of the SAL under MPL 2.0.
Thank you for using Scheduling Abstraction Layer (SAL)! If you encounter any issues or have questions, please feel free to open an issue in the repository. We hope SAL enhances your experience with ProActive Scheduler & Resource Manager!