A anonymous pastebin clone.
This list is subject to change, and is a guide of things to implement.
- Anonymous Posting
- No login required
- Anti-Spam through md5( IP + Salt ) hashes.
- Auto deletion
- Easy moderation
- Secure
- Easy 1 click setup for unlikely but possible mass production.
- Extensible
- Auto backup (Just for object DB)
- Auto update
- Auto detection of failing nodes
- Community based rating system for removal of content.
- Community based moderation.
- Anonymous advertisement system (Using Google Adsense seems contrary to the whole anonymous part).
- Maglev + Ruby
- WeBRICK (Or other alternative.)
- Ubuntu Server ( Does not really matter; GUI Optional )
- Learn maglev w/ expandable infastructure.
- Learn more webdesign (CSS + Javascript + HTML { + PHP? } )