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Ouster ROS driver

The driver publishes Ouster sensor data as standard ROS topics. The driver supports ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18, and ROS Noetic for Ubuntu 20. Follow ROS installation guide to get started using ROS on your platform.

Building ROS Driver

The build dependencies include those of the sample code:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libeigen3-dev libjsoncpp-dev

Additionally, you should install the ros dependencies:

sudo apt install \
  ros-<ROS-DISTRO>-pcl-ros \
  ros-<ROS-DISTRO>-tf2-geometry-msgs \

where <ROS-DISTRO> is melodic or noetic.

Alternatively, if you would like to install dependencies with rosdep:

rosdep install --from-paths <path to ouster example>

To build:

mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules
source /opt/ros/<ROS-VERSION>/setup.bash
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


Do not create your workspace directory inside the cloned ouster_example repository, as this will confuse the ROS build system.

For each command in the following sections, make sure to first set up the ROS environment in each new terminal by running:

source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Running ROS Nodes with a Sensor

Make sure the sensor is connected to the network. See "Connecting to the Sensor" in the Software User Manual for instructions and different options for network configuration.

To connect to a sensor and publish its data as ROS topics, execute the command:

roslaunch ouster_ros sensor.launch sensor_hostname:=<sensor hostname>

where: - sensor_hostname:=<sensor hostname> can be the hostname (os-99xxxxxxxxxx.local) or IP of the


Additionally, the launch file has following list of arguments that you can use: - metadata:=<path-to-metadata> to set the name where sensor metadata configuration will be

saved to. Note that by default the working directory of all ROS nodes is set to ${ROS_HOME}, which is generally $HOME/.ros. If you provide a relative path to metadata, i.e., metadata:=meta.json it will write to ${ROS_HOME}/meta.json. If you wish the file be saved in the current directory you may use the absolute path instead, such as metadata:=$PWD/meta.json
  • udp_dest:=<hostname> to specify the hostname or IP to which the sensor should send data
  • lidar_mode:=<mode> where mode is one of 512x10, 512x20, 1024x10, 1024x20, or 2048x10, and
  • viz:=true/false to visualize the sensor output, if you have the rviz ROS package installed

Recording Data

To record raw sensor output you may use the provided record.launch file as follows:

roslaunch ouster_ros record.launch      \
    sensor_hostname:=<sensor hostname>  \
    metadata:=<json file name>          \
    bag_file:=<optional bag file name>

This will connect to the specified sensor, write the sensor metadata to a file and start recording imu and lidar packets to the specified bag_file once the sensor is connected.

It is necessary that you provide a name for the metadata file and maintain this file along with the recorded bag_file otherwise you won't be able to play the file correctly.

If no bag_file is specified then a name will be generated based on the current date/time.

By default ROS saves all files to $ROS_HOME, if you want to have these files saved in the current directory, simply give the absolute path to each file. For example:

roslaunch ouster_ros record.launch      \
    sensor_hostname:=<sensor hostname>  \
    metadata:=$PWD/<json file name>     \
    bag_file:=$PWD/<bag file name>

Alternatively, you may connect to the sensor using the roslaunch ouster_ros sensor.launch .. command and then use the rosbag command in a separate terminal to start recording lidar packets at any time using the following command:

rosbag record /ouster/imu_packets /ouster/lidar_packets

For more information on rosbag functionality refer to rosbag record.


When recording a bag file directly via the rosbag record, you need to save the metadata information of the sensor you are connected to. This can be achieved by supplying a path to the metadata argument of the sensor.launch. You will need the metadata file information to properly replay the recorded bag file.

Playing Back Recorded Data

You may use the replay.launch file to repalay previously captured sensor data. Simply invoke the launch file with the following parameters:

roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch      \
    metadata:=<json file name>          \
    bag_file:=<path to rosbag file>

A metadata file is mandatory for replay of data. See Recording Data for how to obtain the metadata file when recording your data.

Ouster ROS Services

The ROS driver currently advertises three services /ouster/get_metadata, /ouster/get_config, and /ouster/set_config. The first one is available in all three modes of operation: Sensor, Replay, and Recording. The latter two, however, are only available in Sensor and Recording modes. i.e. when connected to a sensor.

The usage of the three services is described below:

  • /ouster/get_metadata: This service takes no parameters and returns the current sensor metadata, you may use as follows:

    rosservice call /ouster/get_metadata

    This will return a json string that contains the sensor metadata

  • /ouster/get_config: This service takes no parameters and returns the current sensor configuration, you may use as follows:

    rosservice call /ouster/get_config

    This will return a json string represting the current configuration

  • /ouster/set_config: Takes a single parameter and also returns the updated sensor configuration. You may use as follows:

    rosservice call /ouster/set_config "config_file: '<path to sensor config>'"

    It is not guranteed that all requested configuration are applied to the sensor, thus it is the caller responsibilty to examine the returned json object and check which of the sensor configuration parameters were successfully applied.