Full-Stack Developer | Lifelong Learner & Problem Solver
“Don’t wait for things to happen. Make them happen.” - Roy Bennett
┌──┤ WHOAMI ├─────────▰▰▰ │ ├─▣ Software Engineer ├─▣ From Fez Morocco ├─▣ I love to dig deep into complex problems and attempt to find the simplest yet the most effecient solution. ├─▣ Interested in low-level Programming, DevOps, Cloud and AI. │ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰ ┌──┤ SOCIAL ├─────────▰▰▰ │ ├─◈ LinkedIn ├─◈ Twitter │ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰ ┌──┤ SKILLS ├───────▰▰▰ │ │ ├─◈│ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰ ┌──┤ SOME OF MY PROJECTS ├─────────▰▰▰ │ ├─◈ My portfolio ├─◈ Freelance company ├─◈ GYM Website ├─◈ GYM Website 2.0 ├─◈ Company Website ├─◈ Multi character ChatBots ├─◈ Dentist WebSite │ └───────────────────────────────▰▰▰