Migrated from our static Pelican site
Based off of the Mainroad theme on https://github.com/Vimux/Mainroad and the previous OSL theme
Hugo uses markdown to write its pages, thus the front matter of a page will look slightly different.
The author of a page should be included as an array of authors
within the front matter:
authors: [OSUOSL Admin]
To add a header image at the top of a blog pst, use the CSS tag #blog
![Image Alt](/images/image_path#blog)
The search feature is implemented using Pagefind and can be installed with npx
or by downloading the binary.
To compile and host the site under development on port 1313, use:
$ hugo server
Pagefind sources from the public/
directory hugo compiles when the website is built. To view the website with full functionality:
First compile it:
$ hugo
Then run it using pagefind:
$ ./pagefind --site public --serve