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Editing Static Files

Brittain Hard edited this page May 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Editing Static Files

Editing JavaScript Files

Make sure you modify the files in static directory, not in the staticfiles directory.

After you have changed a JavaScript file, you need to run python collectstatic to update the static files on the repo. It's best to make your changes and then run collectstatic after you are ready to commit.

Editing Stylesheets

Webapp uses .less for all of its stylesheets.

To modify the stylesheets, you have to install gulp. In the repository root, do the following:

  • npm install
  • npm install —global gulp
  • Run gulp to start the service that will watch for changes in the files.

Only modify the .less files in the static directory. Gulp will compile them to .css into the staticfiles directory.