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emirhartato edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 14 revisions


ID editor is the new web-based OpenStreetMap editor which allow you to add or change OpenStreetMap data. ID editor has basic editing function that allow you to update OpenStreetMap data with ease and fast using spatial data source such as satellite imagery, GPS, and FieldPapers.

A. Starting ID Editor

• Before we start, make sure you have Internet connection on your computer. Open your internet browser, and go to OpenStreetMap website

• Then, login using your OpenStreetMap account

• Pan and zoom to your area that you wanted to edit until Edit Tab is activated. Then click small arrow (next to Edit) and click Edit with ID (in-browser editor).


B. ID Editor User Interface


  1. Feature Panel: This panel will show tags from the object on the map. You can add or edit tags from this panel.
  2. Tools: This panel shows basic editing tools: [image3] Adding point [image4] Drawing line [image5] Drawing shapes (polygon) [image6] Undo [image7] Redo [image8] Save changes
  3. Map panel: This panel will show some function to configure your map layer: [image9] Zoom In [image10] Zoom Out [image11] Go to your location [image12] Configuring background layer [image13] Opening help menu
  4. Information panel: This panel will show information for example who are the contributors for the area.

C. Configuring Background Layer

Before start editing, you can change the background layer. Now, try to click this button [image14] until a panel like shown below is displayed:


• You can change the brightness level by clicking one of these boxes:[image16] There are 3 different brightness level 100%, 50%, and 0%. Try to click all of them to see the difference.

• You also can change the background layer based on your desired tile provider (the default is Bing Aerial Imagery). You also can use OpenStreetMap layer (mapnik) as the background.

• If you have your own tile that you want to use, for example your FieldPaper that has been uploaded, click in Custom then put your FieldPaper snapshot URL (for example:


• You also can display GPS tracks from your local hard drive on your computer (GPX format). It is very easy; just drag the GPX file into ID editor.

• If there is offset with imagery, you can correct the imagery offset by clicking Fix Misalignment until there is a panel like this:


You can configure the alignment by clicking navigation button [image18] . Click [image19] to revert to the default offset.

D. Basic Editing with ID Editor

Before we start practicing with ID Editor, pan and zoom to a location that you familiar with. You can pan by hold left mouse button and drag to your desire area.

Adding Point

  1. Click [image18] , then you will see that your mouse cursor will change into plus (+) sign. Now, click on a position that you know to mark a location. Let’s say, you know that there is a hospital in your area, click on the hospital building. [image19]
  2. Now, pay attention that you have added a new point. And, at the same time, your left panel will show some attributes that you can pick to tag your point. Click Hospital to tag your point as a hospital. [image20]
  3. Your point symbol will change automatically based on the tag, and the feature panel will show some forms that you can fill detail information about your point. You can fill hospital name, address, and/or other additional information that related with your point. Note: Each feature will have different form, it depends on what tag that you choose from the feature panel.
  4. If you made a mistake, for example wrong location, you can drag your point into new location by holding left mouse button on your point. Or, if you want to delete your point click left mouse button once on the point and you will see there is a trash symbol like this [image21] . Click the trash button to delete your point.

Drawing Line

  1. Click [image22], and you will see that your mouse cursor changed into plus (+) sign. Line is useful to trace linear feature such as roads or river. Now, find a road that hasn’t been drawn on the map, try to trace it, click once on a point where the road segment started, then drag your mouse, place the second point following the road, and so on (it is a good idea to place a lot of points for curve roads to make it more detail). Double-click to end your drawing process. Now, watch your left panel. [image23]
  2. Similar with what you’ve been doing when adding point, after you draw a line, feature panels will shows up. Pick an appropriate tag to mark the line.[image24]
  3. You can drag point from the line by clicking your left mouse button on a point and dragging it. You also can move your line position by clicking your left mouse button once on the line, and then you will some additional tools. Click this symbol and start moving your line to the new position by dragging your mouse.
  4. If you click your left mouse button once on a point from the line, you can find additional tools: [image25] Delete point from line [image26] Disconnect point from line [image27] Split a line into two line from the point you’ve selected
  5. If you click your left mouse button once on a line, you can find additional tools: [image28] Delete line [image29] Form a circle from a line (will active if the line is looping) [image30] Move line [image31] Form a square shape from a line (will active if the line is looping) [image32] Reverse line direction

Drawing Shapes (Polygon)

  1. Click [image33] , and you will see that your mouse cursor changed into plus (+) sign. Shapes or polygon is useful to draw area such as field, forest, or building traces. Try to draw a building, then you will see that shape has color inside, and the color is depend on the tags. [image34]
  2. Similar like drawing line, if you click your left mouse button on a point or a line, you will see same additional tools.

E. Saving Your Changes

  1. Click Save buttons to save your changes. Then the left panel will show upload panel like this: [image35]
  2. Fill a comment about changes that you did on this area, if you satisfied, click ‘Save’.

F. Additional Information and Custom Tags

During editing information on attribute panel, you will see some icons o the bottom. You can additional information by clicking these icons: [image36] Adding elevation information [image37] Adding notes [image38] Adding contacts/phone number [image39] Adding source tag [image40] Adding website [image41] Accessibility information [image42] Adding Wikipedia link

Or, you can add custom tags by clicking [image43] then, additional panel will show up: [image44]

Click plus (+) sign to add keys and values that you desired or click trash icon to delete the tags. You can see the list of keys and values here:

G. ID versus JOSM

iD is good for...

  • When you are doing simple edits
  • When you have fast internet to load the imagery and save the edits
  • When you want to follow more consistent and simpler tagging scheme

JOSM is better...

  • If you have to edit a large number of buildings (buildings tool in JOSM is best for that)
  • If you need to change or edit polygons or lines that are already existing (it's hard to add nodes to move them)
  • If you are using a specific tagging scheme (or custom presets)