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[internal] Introduce general code position ranges for selecting code …
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Cameron-Low authored Feb 19, 2025
1 parent 3300445 commit 3808ca8
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Showing 3 changed files with 50 additions and 26 deletions.
49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Position = struct
type codepos_brsel = [`Cond of bool | `Match of EcSymbols.symbol]
type codepos1 = int * cp_base
type codepos = (codepos1 * codepos_brsel) list * codepos1
type codepos_range = codepos * [`Base of codepos | `Offset of codepos1]
type codeoffset1 = [`ByOffset of int | `ByPosition of codepos1]

let shift1 ~(offset : int) ((o, p) : codepos1) : codepos1 =
Expand All @@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ module Zipper = struct
type ('a, 'state) folder =
env -> 'a -> 'state -> instr -> 'state * instr list

type ('a, 'state) folder_tl =
env -> 'a -> 'state -> instr -> instr list -> 'state * instr list
type ('a, 'state) folder_l =
env -> 'a -> 'state -> instr list -> 'state * instr list

type spath_match_ctxt = {
locals : (EcIdent.t * ty) list;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,6 +250,17 @@ module Zipper = struct
let zipper_of_cpos (env : EcEnv.env) (cp : codepos) (s : stmt) =
fst (zipper_of_cpos_r env cp s)

let zipper_of_cpos_range env cpr s =
let top, bot = cpr in
let zpr = zipper_of_cpos env top s in
match bot with
| `Base cp ->
let path = (zipper_of_cpos env cp s).z_path in
if path <> zpr.z_path then
raise InvalidCPos;
zpr, snd cp
| `Offset cp1 -> zpr, cp1

let split_at_cpos1 env cpos1 s =
split_at_cpos1 ~after:`Auto env cpos1 s

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,23 +300,22 @@ module Zipper = struct
List.rev after

let fold_tl env cenv cpos f state s =
let zpr = zipper_of_cpos env cpos s in

match zpr.z_tail with
| [] -> raise InvalidCPos
| i :: tl -> begin
match f (odfl env zpr.z_env) cenv state i tl with
| (state', [i']) when i == i' && state == state' -> (state, s)
| (state', si ) -> (state', zip { zpr with z_tail = si })

let fold env cenv cpos f state s =
let f e ce st i tl =
let state', si = f e ce st i in
state', si @ tl
fold_tl env cenv cpos f state s
let fold_range env cenv cpr f state s =
let zpr, cp = zipper_of_cpos_range env cpr s in
match zpr.z_tail with
| [] -> raise InvalidCPos
| i :: tl ->
let s, tl = split_at_cpos1 env cp (stmt tl) in
let env = odfl env zpr.z_env in
let state', si' = f env cenv state (i :: s) in
state', zip { zpr with z_tail = si' @ tl }

let map_range env cpr f s =
snd (fold_range env () cpr (fun env () _ si -> (), f env si) () s)

let fold env cenv cp f state s =
let f env cenv state si = f env cenv state (List.hd si) in
fold_range env cenv (cp, `Offset (cpos 0)) f state s

let map env cpos f s =
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18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions src/ecMatching.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Position : sig
type codepos_brsel = [`Cond of bool | `Match of EcSymbols.symbol]
type codepos1 = int * cp_base
type codepos = (codepos1 * codepos_brsel) list * codepos1
type codepos_range = codepos * [`Base of codepos | `Offset of codepos1]
type codeoffset1 = [`ByOffset of int | `ByPosition of codepos1]

val shift1 : offset:int -> codepos1 -> codepos1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,6 +93,13 @@ module Zipper : sig
val zipper_of_cpos_r : env -> codepos -> stmt -> zipper * codepos
val zipper_of_cpos : env -> codepos -> stmt -> zipper

(* Return the zipper for the stmt [stmt] from the start of the code position
* range [codepos_range]. It also returns a code position relative to
* the zipper that represents the final position in the range.
* Raise [InvalidCPos] if [codepos_range] is not a valid range for [stmt].
val zipper_of_cpos_range : env -> codepos_range -> stmt -> zipper * codepos1

(* Zip the zipper, returning the corresponding statement *)
val zip : zipper -> stmt

Expand All @@ -104,7 +112,7 @@ module Zipper : sig
val after : strict:bool -> zipper -> instr list list

type ('a, 'state) folder = env -> 'a -> 'state -> instr -> 'state * instr list
type ('a, 'state) folder_tl = env -> 'a -> 'state -> instr -> instr list -> 'state * instr list
type ('a, 'state) folder_l = env -> 'a -> 'state -> instr list -> 'state * instr list

(* [fold env v cpos f state s] create the zipper for [s] at [cpos], and apply
* [f] to it, along with [v] and the state [state]. [f] must return the
Expand All @@ -115,14 +123,16 @@ module Zipper : sig
val fold : env -> 'a -> codepos -> ('a, 'state) folder -> 'state -> stmt -> 'state * stmt

(* Same as above but using [folder_tl]. *)
val fold_tl : env -> 'a -> codepos -> ('a, 'state) folder_tl -> 'state -> stmt -> 'state * stmt

(* [map cpos env f s] is a special case of [fold] where the state and the
* out-of-band data are absent
val map : env -> codepos -> (instr -> 'a * instr list) -> stmt -> 'a * stmt

(* Variants of the above but using code position ranges *)
val fold_range : env -> 'a -> codepos_range -> ('a, 'state) folder_l -> 'state -> stmt -> 'state * stmt
val map_range : env -> codepos_range -> (env -> instr list -> instr list) -> stmt -> stmt


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2194,7 +2194,11 @@ and transmod_body ~attop (env : EcEnv.env) x params (me:pmodule_expr) =
List.fold_right (fun (cp, up) bd ->
let {pl_desc = cp; pl_loc = loc} = cp in
let cp = trans_codepos env cp in
let change env _ _ i tl = (),
let change env si =
(* NOTE: There will always be a head element *)
let i, tl = List.takedrop 1 si in
let i = List.hd i in

match up with
| Pup_stmt sup ->
eval_supdate env sup i @ tl
Expand All @@ -2203,8 +2207,7 @@ and transmod_body ~attop (env : EcEnv.env) x params (me:pmodule_expr) =
let env = EcEnv.Memory.push_active !memenv env in
let _, s = EcMatching.Zipper.fold_tl env () cp change () bd in
EcMatching.Zipper.map_range env (cp, `Offset (EcMatching.Zipper.cpos (-1))) change bd
| EcMatching.Zipper.InvalidCPos ->
tyerror loc env (InvalidModUpdate MUE_InvalidCodePos);
Expand Down

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