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Latest release: 10.4.10 - MariaDB 10.4.10 - Changelog | Docker HubΒ 

A docker image to run MariaDB with perdiodic backups.


MariaDB Backup

Quick start

Run MariaDB docker image:

docker run --name my-mariadb-container --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

This start a new container with a MariaDB server running inside.

First we run a terminal on this container:

docker exec -it my-mariadb-container bash

You should now be in the container terminal, to properly use this terminal we need to fix the TERM environment variable :

export TERM=xterm

We can now connect to the MariaDB server using mysql command line tool :

mysql -u admin -padmin

Beginner Guide

Create new database

This is the default behavior when you run the image.

It will create an empty database, with a root and a debian-sys-maint user (required by MariaDB to run properly on debian). The default root username (admin) and password (admin) can be changed at the docker command line, for example :

docker run --env MARIADB_ROOT_USER=JaxTeller --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=SonsOfAnarchy --detach osixia/mariadb

For security reasons, by default the root user can only login to MariaDB from local networks. This can also be changed at the docker command line.

For example if you want to allow MariaDB root login from docker default network and localhost :

docker run --env MARIADB_ROOT_ALLOWED_NETWORKS="#PYTHON2BASH:['172.17.%.%', 'localhost', '', '::1']" \
--detach osixia/mariadb

Full example

This example will run a docker MariaDB container and execute an sql query from docker host:

CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run --env MARIADB_ROOT_USER=JaxTeller \
	--env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=SonsOfAnarchy \
	--env MARIADB_ROOT_ALLOWED_NETWORKS="#PYTHON2BASH:['172.17.%.%', 'localhost', '', '::1']" \
	--detach osixia/mariadb)

CONTAINER_IP=$(docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" $CONTAINER_ID)

mysql -u JaxTeller -pSonsOfAnarchy -h $CONTAINER_IP -e "select user,host from mysql.user"

Data persistence

The directory /var/lib/mysql (witch contains all MariaDB database files) has been declared as a volume, so your database files are saved outside the container in a data volume.

For more information about docker data volume, please refer to :

Use an existing MariaDB database

This can be achieved by mounting a host directory as volume. Assuming you have a MariaDB database on your docker host in the directory /data/mariadb/CoolDb simply mount this directory as a volume to /var/lib/mysql :

docker run --volume /data/mariadb/CoolDb:/var/lib/mysql \
--env MARIADB_ROOT_USER=MyCoolDbRootUser \
--env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=MyCoolDbRootPassword \
--detach osixia/mariadb

You can also use data volume containers. Please refer to :

Administrate your mariadb server

If you are looking for a simple solution to administrate your MariaDB server you can take a look at our phpMyAdmin docker image:


Use a custom my.cnf

Add your custom my.cnf in the directory image/service/mariadb/assets and rebuild the image (see manual build).

Or you can set your custom config at run time, by mounting your my.cnf file to /container/service/mariadb/assets/my.cnf

docker run --volume /path/to/my.cnf:/container/service/mariadb/assets/my.cnf --detach osixia/mariadb


Use autogenerated certificate

By default SSL is enable, a certificate is created with the container hostname (it can be set by docker run --hostname option eg:

docker run --hostname --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

Use your own certificate

You can set your custom certificate at run time, by mounting a directory containing those files to /container/service/mariadb/assets/certs and adjust their name with the following environment variables:

docker run --volume /path/to/certificates:/container/service/mariadb/assets/certs \
--env MARIADB_SSL_CRT_FILENAME=my-cert.crt \
--env MARIADB_SSL_KEY_FILENAME=my-cert.key \
--env MARIADB_SSL_CA_CRT_FILENAME=the-ca.crt \
--detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

Other solutions are available please refer to the Advanced User Guide

Disable SSL

Add --env MARIADB_SSL=false to the run command :

docker run --env MARIADB_SSL=false --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

Fix docker mounted file problems

You may have some problems with mounted files on some systems. The startup script try to make some file adjustment and fix files owner and permissions, this can result in multiple errors. See Docker documentation.

To fix that run the container with --copy-service argument :

	docker run [your options] osixia/mariadb:10.4.10 --copy-service


The container default log level is info. Available levels are: none, error, warning, info, debug and trace.

Example command to run the container in debug mode:

docker run --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10 --loglevel debug

See all command line options:

docker run osixia/mariadb:10.4.10 --help

Environment Variables

Environment variables defaults are set in image/environment/default.yaml

See how to set your own environment variables

Used when the container is started without an existing database:

  • MARIADB_ROOT_USER: The database root username. Defaults to admin

  • MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: The database root password. Defaults to admin

  • MARIADB_ROOT_ALLOWED_NETWORKS: root login will only be allowed from those networks. Defaults to:

     - localhost
    - ::1

    If you want to set this variable at docker run command add the tag #PYTHON2BASH: and convert the yaml in python:

      docker run --env MARIADB_ROOT_ALLOWED_NETWORKS="#PYTHON2BASH:['localhost','','::1']" --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

    To convert yaml to python online:

  • MARIADB_DATABASES: databases to be created on image startup. If user/password was supplied (see below) then user will be granted superuser access (corresponding to GRANT ALL) to this database. You can also specify a user/password per database (see product database example) Defaults to (none).

    this variable allows multiples values, for example :

       - products:
         - user: password
         - user2: passw0rd
       - posts
       - tomatoes

    If you want to set this variable at docker run command add the tag #PYTHON2BASH: and convert the yaml in python:

      docker run --env MARIADB_DATABASES="#PYTHON2BASH:[{'products': [{'user': 'password'}, {'user2': 'passw0rd'}]},'posts','tomatoes']" --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

    To convert yaml to python online:

  • MARIADB_USERS: create a new users with corresponding passwords. These users will be granted superuser permissions (see above) for the databases specified by the MARIADB_DATABASES variable. Defaults to (none).

    this variable allows multiples values set has user: password for example :

    - boby: mcD0nald
    - billy: th3k1ng
    - tomatoes: ketchup

    If you want to set this variable at docker run command add the tag #PYTHON2BASH: and convert the yaml in python:

      docker run --env MARIADB_DATABASES="#PYTHON2BASH:[{'boby': 'mcD0nald'},{'billy': 'th3k1ng'},{'tomatoes': 'ketchup'}]" --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

    To convert yaml to python online:

Backup :

  • MARIADB_BACKUP_USER: The database backup user username. Defaults to backup

  • MARIADB_BACKUP_PASSWORD: The database backup user password. Defaults to backup

  • MARIADB_BACKUP_CRON_EXP: Cron expression to schedule data backup. Defaults to 0 4 * * *. Every days at 4am.

  • MARIADB_BACKUP_TTL: Backup TTL in days. Defaults to 15.


  • MARIADB_SSL: Enable ssl. Defaults to true

  • MARIADB_SSL_CIPHER_SUITE: TLS cipher suite. Defaults to TLSv1.2

  • MARIADB_SSL_CRT_FILENAME: MariaDB ssl certificate filename. Defaults to mariadb.crt

  • MARIADB_SSL_KEY_FILENAME: MariaDB ssl certificate private key filename. Defaults to mariadb.key

  • MARIADB_SSL_CA_CRT_FILENAME: MariaDB ssl CA certificate filename. Defaults to ca.crt

    More information at :

Other environment variables:

  • MARIADB_SSL_HELPER_PREFIX: ssl-helper environment variables prefix. Defaults to database, ssl-helper first search config from DATABASE_SSL_HELPER_* variables, before SSL_HELPER_* variables.

Set your own environment variables

Use command line argument

Environment variables can be set by adding the --env argument in the command line, for example:

docker run --env MARIADB_ROOT_USER="JaxTeller" --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD="Sons Of Anarchy" --detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

Link environment file

For example if your environment file is in : /data/environment/my-env.yaml

docker run --volume /data/environment/my-env.yaml:/container/environment/01-custom/env.yaml \
--detach osixia/mariadb:10.4.10

Take care to link your environment file to /container/environment/XX-somedir (with XX < 99 so they will be processed before default environment files) and not directly to /container/environment because this directory contains predefined baseimage environment files to fix container environment (INITRD, LANG, LANGUAGE and LC_CTYPE).

Make your own image or extend this image

This is the best solution if you have a private registry. Please refer to the Advanced User Guide just below.

Advanced User Guide

Extend osixia/mariadb:10.4.10 image

If you need to add your custom TLS certificate, bootstrap config or environment files the easiest way is to extends this image.

Dockerfile example:

FROM osixia/mariadb:10.4.10
MAINTAINER Your Name <[email protected]>

ADD ssl-certs /container/service/mariadb/assets/certs
ADD my.cnf /container/service/mariadb/assets/my.cnf
ADD environment /container/environment/01-custom

Make your own MariaDB image

Clone this project :

git clone
cd docker-mariadb

Adapt Makefile, set your image NAME and VERSION, for example :

NAME = osixia/mariadb
VERSION = 10.2.6

becomes :
NAME = billy-the-king/mariadb
VERSION = 0.1.0

Add your custom certificate, environment files, my.cnf ...

Build your image :

make build

Run your image :

docker run --detach billy-the-king/mariadb:0.1.0


We use Bats (Bash Automated Testing System) to test this image:

Install Bats, and in this project directory run :

make test


Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts, providing basic mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications.

More information:

A kubernetes example is available in example/kubernetes

Under the hood: osixia/light-baseimage

This image is based on osixia/light-baseimage. More info:


If you discover a security vulnerability within this docker image, please send an email to the Osixia! team at [email protected]. For minor vulnerabilities feel free to add an issue here on github.

Please include as many details as possible.


Please refer to: