Ever find yourself deleting whatever you write as soon as you type it out? I certainly do.
This plugin aims to solve that by disabling all the delete functions (backspace, delete key, Ctrl+x) in Obsidian. Anything you write will stay there, giving it the kind of permanence akin to writing with a pen on paper.
The goal isn't to get perfect, typo-free writing on the first try, but rather to be accepting of flaws, so you can focus on getting the ideas down first, and only then do some editing in a later pass.
This is the plugin version of digital paper, a minimal web app that does the same thing.
Enable / Disable the "paper mode" by opening the command palette (Ctrl+P) and typing "digital paper: Toggle digital paper mode".
When enabled, Obsidian's status bar will display the text "paper".
You can DM me @thepianodan
on Discord, or ping me on the official Obsidian Discord server for feedback, bug reports, and feature requests. If you don't use Discord, you can also email me at [email protected]
If this plugin adds value to your life and you'd like to support me, feel welcomed to buy my music on Bandcamp. It would mean a lot to me!
This plugin is released under the MIT License.