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See the haxe grig documentation.

Stuff for working with midi data and midi files and connecting to hardware and virtual midi ports.


To install latest version from haxelib

lix install haxelib:grig.midi


haxelib install grig.midi


Make sure alsa-dev is installed on your system if you're on linux and building hxcpp version. Probably need it for other bindings as well.

If you want to use jack, you must have jack2 client on your system and set it enabled when building. For example (with the MidiOutput example):

haxe build.hxml -D enable_jack -cpp bin/MidiWriter


Install python-rtmidi if you want midi port support:

pip install python-rtmidi


Install midi if you want midi port support:

sudo npm install midi -g --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 --unsafe-perm


Install managed-midi:

nuget install managed-midi -OutputDirectory packages

Then you must link to the appropriate net framework version. Example of building MidiReader example (from ./examples/MidiReader):

haxe build.hxml --net-lib ../../packages/managed-midi.1.9.14/lib/net45/Commons.Music.Midi.dll --net-lib ../../packages/managed-midi.1.9.14/lib/net45/alsa-sharp.dll -D net-ver=45 -lib hxcs -cs bin/MidiReader

Then run with:

mono bin/MidiReader/bin/Main.exe

hxcs comes with .net 2.0, 3.0 and 4.5 so 4.5 seems to be the easiest way to build.