Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Enable API for Email entities [BAP-11460]
Manage emails information and related context via API so emails integrations could be done via 3rd party apps
- API for emailcontext entities [BAP-22004]
API allows to find contexts for emails and search for available email contexts based on user search term
- Global view for Reports [BAP-22082]
Reports created in global organization can be viewed within all other organizations and custom reports can be created per organization only
- Change the Default Welcome OROCRM Message [BAP-22085]
- Add upsert strategy for Batch API [BAP-21801]
Upsert strategy for batch API allows to streamline integration flows so records will be created and updated within one API request
- Add translation keys to System Translations for Oro Add-on and API resource [BAP-22140]
- Allow to specify which DB connections must be pinged in DbPingPeriodic [BAP-22152]
- Remove redundant and fix mismatch docblocks [BAP-22158]
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Read only FS cache issues [BAP-21221]
- “More than one result was found for query although one row or none was expected" exception in EntityChangesToAuditEntryConverter::findOrCreateAuditEntry [BAP-21424]
- Data audit logging functionality ignores audit setting for related entity [BAP-21460]
- Very long and non-parametrized queries cause doctrine dql cache growth and unexpected results in PG stats and activities tables [BAP-21788]
- Incorrect work of disabled by default choice-tree grid filters [BAP-22067]
- Cannot use custom identifier_field_names in API filters when association equals to DB [BAP-22118]
- Redis healthchecks do not work [BAP-22145]
- Message consumer memory usage is growing with every execution of oro:cron [BAP-22147]
- EntityReflectionClass::getMethods returns unstructured result [BAP-22161]
- Unable to access storefront with whitelisted IP in maintenance mode [BAP-22167]
- API for user role creation fails when the role code is too long [BAP-22179]
- Can't make entity extensible if it contains unmapped property [BAP-22201]
- 500 error on sending email because of Datetime types mismatch [CRM-9379]
- Mailchimp integration uses obsolete Mailchimp API [CRM-9410]
- "oro:activity-contact:recalculate" command failed after installation [CRM-9412]