Loads an alarm configuration XML file and pretty-prints its content.
For a related web display of current alarms, see https://github.com/ornl-epics/alarm-webmon
In index.html, adjust initial text as desired, then set the 'url' to the alarm configuration snapshot.
In alarm.js, configure the settings with CONFIG comment.
Web browser security restrictions require that the index.html and the alarm configuration snapshot are on the same web server. Most also prohibit 'file://..' access.
In Chrome, development on a local machine is possible like this:
google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=/tmp
- 2020/03/12 Indicate 'automated_actions'. Styling.
- 2020/03/11 Indicate 'disabled' PVs. Count PVs.
- 2020/03/10 Initial version