Adaptable and a challenger senior Full-stack Web Developer with more than 10 years of experience in both backend and frontend, having a reputation for being very approachable, effective at onboarding and coaching juniors and for being the go-to person. I am a FullStack but mainly an Angular fanatic, and would enjoy discussions going deep in this field.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript / TypeScript, Python, PHP, Java, SQL
- Angular, React, Vue, Tailwind CSS, Ant Design / Material / Bootstrap / Ionic, Web API
- Node.js, Express.js, Flask, Django, Laravel, Spring Boot
- PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase (Realtime Database / Cloud Firestore), IndexedDB (idb / Dexie.js)
- UNIX-like OS / GNU Bash, Git, Docker
- Test Runners: Vitest, Jest, Jasmine, unittest (Python's built-in) & PyTest
- Bundlers: Vite, esbuild, Webpack
- Firebase: Authentication, Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Storage, Cloud Messaging, Security Rules & Hosting
- Data Science: NumPy, Pandas, Keras & TensorFlow
- Misc: Zod, Next.js, React Router, Redux, Zustand, TanStack Query, React Hook Form, Drizzle, JWT, Socket.IO, RxJS, InversifyJS, Postman, Figma