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HTTP/JSON api for OBB Rules. This api acts mainly as a json proxy to the main logic. This is a pure service, it does not have any side effects, like persistence. You can call it with the game's data repeatedly and easily build tools or bots around it.
Also check out the game's main API hub: OBB API.
Available at rules.api.orionsbelt.eu.
You can verify the api's version and several constants used on the game's logic.
> curl http://rules.api.orionsbelt.eu/
It will create a game in the deploy state, where each player has the same unit stash and the stash has randomly selected 8 different units.
> curl http://rules.api.orionsbelt.eu/game/random
It will request a process turn by the given :player
or p2
). The data will be a JSON message consisting of the current state of the game, and a collection of actions to apply to that game. The result will yield the next game state if successfull, or a list of errors.
is JSON payload, that can be given via a GET request in the query string via context
(url encoded) or in a POST request's body.
Expected data:
name | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- game | - | the current board actions | - | the list of actions to process on this turn viewed-by | p1 | the given board is viewed from this player action-focus | p1 | the received actions were performed with this focus (p1 or p2) p2-focused-board | false | if the server should also return a view of the board from p2
> curl http://rules.api.orionsbelt.eu/game/turn/p1?context=%7B%22game%22%3A%7B%22state%22%3A%22p1%22,%22elements%22%3A%7B%22%5B1%201%5D%22%3A%7B%22player%22%3A%22p1%22,%22unit%22%3A%22kamikaze%22,%22quantity%22%3A1,%22coordinate%22%3A%5B1,1%5D,%22direction%22%3A%22south%22%7D,%22%5B1%204%5D%22%3A%7B%22player%22%3A%22p2%22,%22unit%22%3A%22rain%22,%22quantity%22%3A1,%22coordinate%22%3A%5B1,4%5D,%22direction%22%3A%22east%22%7D%7D%7D,%22actions%22%3A%5B%5B%22move%22,%5B1,1%5D,%5B1,2%5D,1%5D,%5B%22move%22,%5B1,2%5D,%5B1,3%5D,1%5D,%5B%22attack%22,%5B1,3%5D,%5B1,4%5D%5D%5D%7D
POST example:
"game": {
"state": "p1",
"elements": {
"[1 1]": {
"player": "p1",
"unit": "kamikaze",
"quantity": 1,
"coordinate": [1,1],
"direction": "south"
"[1 4]": {
"player": "p2",
"unit": "rain",
"quantity": 1,
"coordinate": [1,4],
"direction": "east"
"actions": [
["move", [1,1], [1,2], 1],
["move", [1,2], [1,3], 1],
["attack", [1,3], [1,4]]
Example response:
"success": true,
"board": {
"action-results": [
["move", [1,1], [1,2], 1],
"success": true,
"cost": 1,
"message": "OK"
["move", [1,2], [1,3], 1],
"success": true,
"cost": 1,
"message": "OK"
["attack", [1,3], [1,4]],
"success": true,
"cost": 1,
"message": "OK"
"state": "final",
"elements": {
"[1 3]": {
"frozen": true,
"player": "p1",
"unit": "kamikaze",
"quantity": 1,
"coordinate": [1,3],
"direction": "south"
"cost": 3,
"message": "TurnOK"
Get a current board/game in another player focus. For example, if by default player A is at the bottom,
this request will show the board as if player A was at the top. The input is the same as in /game/turn
"success": true,
"board": {
"state": "p1",
"elements": {
"[8 8]": {
"player": "p1",
"unit": "kamikaze",
"quantity": 1,
"coordinate": [
"direction": "north"
"[8 5]": {
"player": "p2",
"unit": "rain",
"quantity": 1,
"coordinate": [
"direction": "west"
"cost": "OK",
"message": "OK"
You can request the unit given it's name
or code
> curl http://rules.api.orionsbelt.eu/units/crusader
> curl http://rules.api.orionsbelt.eu/units
// ... and so on
Shows the default ranking information for new players
> curl http://rules.api.orionsbelt.eu/ranking/default
Calculates the new ranking given the winner's current ranking and the other player's ranking.