OBTabBarController is an adaptive and customizable tab bar for iOS.
- Custom images and highlighted images on tabs.
- Custom tab bar background.
- Hide/show titles on tabs.
- Custom enabling/disabling selection on tabs.
- Custom behaviour when selecting tabs (e.g. present a modal view controller).
We strongly encourage you to use Cocoapods. It's simple, just add the dependency to your Podfile
platform :ios
pod 'OBTabBarController'
And then running pod install
will install the dependencies.
Finally, import the header file wherever you want to use it:
#import "OBTabBarController.h"
And you are done!
_tabBarController = [[OBTabBarController alloc] initWithViewControllers:
@[self.firstViewController, self.secondViewController, self.thirdViewController, self.fourthViewController]
##What's next?
- Support landscape mode.