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keyboard-shortcut-manager / 1.0.7-legacy-1

keyboard-shortcut-manager 1.0.7-legacy-1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vaadin-component-factory/keyboard-shortcut-manager@1.0.7-legacy-1
Install via package.json:
"@vaadin-component-factory/keyboard-shortcut-manager": "1.0.7-legacy-1"

About this version

VCF Keyboard Shortcut Manager

npm version Published on Vaadin Directory

A modern library for managing keyboard shortcuts in a Vaadin application (or any framework).

  • Dispatch custom events from keyboard shortcuts.
  • Bind multiple keyboard commands to a single event listener.
  • Easily create simple keyboard shortcut help dialog/popup.
  • Compatible with web components and Shadow DOM.
  • Implemented in TypeScript.

This is a wrapper for the Tinykeys library.




npm i @vaadin-component-factory/keyboard-chortcut-manager


Create an array of KeyboardShortcut definitions:

const shortcuts: KeyboardShortcut = [
    keyBinding: 'Control+Shift+?',
    handler: 'help-dialog',
    description: 'Opens the help dialog.'

Then create a KeyboardShortcutManager instance and subscribe your shortcuts to activate them:

const ksm = new KeyboardShortcutManager({ shortcuts, helpDialog: true });


Keybinding Syntax

Refer to the following links for more information on the keybinding syntax:


Apache-2.0 License



  • keyboard-shortcut-manager-1.0.7-legacy-1-npm.tgz

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