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Repositories list
49 repositories
- Github action to retrieve all (added, copied, modified, deleted, renamed, type changed, unmerged, unknown) files and directories.
- Github action to generate coverage reports
- Github action to generate CHANGELOG/
- Github action to run ESLint on changed pull request files with support for reporting errors via Github checks.
- Github action to validate unused node project dependencies.
- Github action to report code coverage for, mocha, jest, etc.
- Github action to detect any issues with your file used for distributing python packages
- Github action to document your database using
- Github action to run PyCQA's bandit security linter.
- Github action to modify specific project files with an updated version of your project based on each release tag.
- Github action to verify file changes that occur during the workflow execution.
- Github action that bumps the current version in your Cargo.toml
- Github action to run test using Puppeteer, the headless chrome Node API
- Github action that compares versions based on the previous semantic version tag and the latest tag i.e (major, minor, patch, prerelease, build)
- Github action to run AWS CDK
- Github action to generate coverage badge without uploading results to a 3rd party.
- Generate coverage badge for go modules