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js-sdk / 0.6.4-PR1076.79a6eae.0

js-sdk 0.6.4-PR1076.79a6eae.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @superfluid-finance/js-sdk@0.6.4-PR1076.79a6eae.0
Install via package.json:
"@superfluid-finance/js-sdk": "0.6.4-PR1076.79a6eae.0"

About this version

Welcome to @superfluid-finance/js-sdk πŸ‘‹

Javascript SDK for building with Superfluid Protocol.

⚠️ This repo is deprecated ⚠️

Superfluid SDK project has been modularized, for similar functionality use @superfluid-finance/sdk-core instead.

🏠 Homepage

πŸ“– Docs

Important Notice

We will be deprecating the JS-SDK and stop providing support/fixes in the near future, so please use either:

  • sdk-core which can be used for both front-end and back-end dApp development, this can be thought of more as a thin wrapper of the protocol contracts and is unconcerned with state.


  • sdk-redux for building production-grade front-ends for dApps with state management, caching logic, transaction tracking, react hooks and much more.


Here is a quick look at using the SDK.

const SuperfluidSDK = require("@superfluid-finance/js-sdk");
const Web3 = require("web3");

const sf = new SuperfluidSDK.Framework({
    web3: new Web3(window.ethereum),
    tokens: ["fDAI"],
await sf.initialize();

const bob = sf.user({ address: "0xabc...", token: sf.tokens.fDAIx.address });

// Constant Flow Agreement
await bob.flow({
    recipient: "0x123...",
    flowRate: "38580246913580", // 100 tokens / mo

// Instant Distribution Agreement
// - More utilities coming soon. See the docs for now

What's In the Bag

  • sf.user: A helpful abstraction that should handle most of your needs. See below for more details.
  • : The truffle contract instance to interact with the host contract (Superfluid.sol).
  • sf.contracts : The truffle contract objects loaded by the SDK:
    • IERC20 : The ERC20 Interface.
    • TokenInfo : A customary ERC20 token info interface (name/symbol/decimals).
    • ERC20WithTokenInfo : A combination of IERC20 and TokenInfo.
    • TestToken : A ERC20 Test token.
    • IResolver : A simple resolver interface to locate different versions of the contracts.
    • ISuperfluid : The Superfluid host contract interface.
    • ISuperToken : The Super token contract interface.
    • IConstantFlowAgreementV1 : The constant flow agreement (v1) contract interface.
    • IInstantDistributionAgreementV1 : The instant distribution agreement (v1) contract interface.
  • Token factory helper functions:
    • sf.createERC20Wrapper
  • sf.resolver: The resolver used by the SDK.
    • In test nets, there are some test tokens can be located with the resolver:
      • fDAI : The fake DAI. sf.resolver.get("tokens.fDAI").
      • fUSDC : The fake USDC. sf.resolver.get("tokens.fUSDC").
      • fTUSD : The fake TUSD. sf.resolver.get("tokens.fTUSD").
  • sf.agreements:
    • : Constant flow agreement truffle contract instance.
    • sf.agreements.ida : Instant distribution agreement truffle contract instance.
  • The constant flow agreement helper class instance.
  • sf.ida: The instant distribution agreement helper class instance.


During initialization, the resolver will be used to fetch the correct set of contracts based on the version you provide

Argument Type description default
version String Release version of the deployed protocol v1
isTruffle Boolean Use the Framework under the native truffle environment false
web3 Object Use the Framework with web3.js (1.3.x) undefined
additionalContracts String[] additional contracts to be loaded []
tokens String[] List of token keys to load from the resolver []
loadSuperNativeToken Boolean Load super native token (e.g. ETHx) if possible false
resolverAddress Address Force resolver address undefined

You also need to choose what web3 framework you plan to use, currently we support three modes:

  • Truffle native environment (developing using truffle test|exec|egc.).
  • Web3.js, currently the SDK has been tested with web3.js 1.3.x versions.

Example with Web3.js

const SuperfluidSDK = require("@superfluid-finance/js-sdk");
const web3 = require("web3");

const sf = new SuperfluidSDK.Framework({
    web3: new Web3(window.ethereum),
    tokens: ["fDAI"],
await sf.initialize();

const bob = sf.user({ address: "0xabc...", token: sf.tokens.fDAIx.address });

The exposed contract objects are of truffle-contract type.

Example with truffle native

const SuperfluidSDK = require("@superfluid-finance/js-sdk");

const sf = new SuperfluidSDK.Framework({
    isTruffle: true,
    tokens: ["fDAI"],
await sf.initialize();

const bob = sf.user({ address: "0xabc...", token: sf.tokens.fDAIx.address });

The exposed contract objects are of truffle-contract type loaded using truffle artifacts object.

πŸ‘€ User

Create a new User object to quickly create and modify agreements.


const bob = sf.user({ address: "0xabc...", token: sf.tokens.fDAI });
const carol = sf.user({ address: "0x123...", token: sf.tokens.fDAI });


Returns details about an account.

Argument Type default


console.log(await bob.details());

> {
    cfa: {
        flows: {
            inFlows: [
                    sender: "0xf17f52151EbEF6C7334FAD080c5704D77216b732",
                    receiver: "0xC5fdf4076b8F3A5357c5E395ab970B5B54098Fef",
                    flowRate: "38580246913580"
            outFlows: [
                    sender: "0xC5fdf4076b8F3A5357c5E395ab970B5B54098Fef",
                    receiver: "0x821aEa9a577a9b44299B9c15c88cf3087F3b5544",
                    flowRate: "19290123456790"
        netFlow: "19290123456790"
    ida: {} // Available soon

user.flow({recipient, flowRate, [, onTransaction, ...]})

Create / update / delete a flow to the recipient. Enter "0" to delete a flow.

Argument Type default
recipient Address or another User Object required
flowRate String required
onTransaction Function null


const tx = await alice.flow({
    recipient: bob,
    flowRate: "38580246913580", // 100 / mo
    // OPTIONS: See ConstantFlowAgreementV1Helper for more
    onTransaction: (hash) => {
        txHash = hash;

Closer to the metal

You may also use the helper classes and functions instead of the User abstraction.

The helpers are usually considered thinner wrappers of the underlying contract calls. It is suitable if you want more control and customization of how to interact with the protocol.

The available helpers currently are:

  • - Constant flow agreement helper.
  • sf.ida - Instant distribution agreement helper.
  • sf.createERC20Wrapper - Create a new ERC20 wrapper.
  • sf.batchCall - (TBD) batchCall helper.
  • sf.callAppAction - (TBD) callAppAction helper.

For their documentations, please look into their code comments directly.


Contributions and suggestions welcome!

Module packaging

Check the module size and dependencies:

yarn stats


Since testing can take a long time to execute, you may want to use the execlusive tests feature from MochaJS to isolate only the test you want. For example:

# Only run User.test.js
nodemon -x npx truffle test ./test/User.test.js



  • js-sdk-0.6.4-PR1076.79a6eae.0.tgz

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