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NUnit3TestAdapter / 3.16.0-dev-01210

NUnit3TestAdapter 3.16.0-dev-01210

Install from the command line:
Learn more about NuGet packages
$ dotnet add package NUnit3TestAdapter --version 3.16.0-dev-01210

About this version

A package including the NUnit 3 TestAdapter for Visual Studio 2012 onwards. With this package you don't need to install the VSIX adapter package, and you don't need to upload the adapter to your TFS server.

        Note that this package ONLY contains the adapter, not the NUnit framework.  You must also get the framework.
        For VS 2017 and forward, you should add this package to every test project in your solution. (Earlier versions only require a single adapter package per solution.)

        The package works with Visual Studio 2012 and newer.



  • package.nupkg

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