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cosmos-snap-provider 0.1.15

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @leapwallet/cosmos-snap-provider@0.1.15
Install via package.json:
"@leapwallet/cosmos-snap-provider": "0.1.15"

About this version


The cosmos-snap-provider is specifically designed for seamless integration of the Leap Cosmos Snap with the CosmJS client.


1. getSnap

This method is used to detect if the Leap Cosmos Snap is installed within the user's browser instance of Metamask.


import { getSnap } from '@leapwallet/cosmos-snap-provider';
const snapInstalled = await getSnap(); // Returns true if the snap is already installed

2. connectSnap

connectSnap facilitates the connection to the Leap Cosmos Snap. If the Snap isn't installed, this function triggers its installation and establishes a connection.


import { getSnap, connectSnap } from '@leapwallet/cosmos-snap-provider';
const snapInstalled = await getSnap();
if (!snapInstalled) {
  connectSnap(); // Initiates installation if not already present

3. getKey

getKey fetches the chain address corresponding to a specific chainId. Ensure the Snap is connected with the dapp before invoking this function.

const key = await getKey(chainId);

4. Sugest Chain

Utilize the suggestChain method to suggest any chains of coinTypes in the list below

  118, 564, 494, 639, 483, 4444, 701, 990, 394, 852, 7777777, 459, 880, 931,
  371, 505, 529, 234, 330, 5555, 370,


import { suggestChain } from '@leapwallet/cosmos-snap-provider';
await suggestChain({
  chainId: 'coreum-mainnet-1',
  chainName: 'coreum',
  bech32Config: {
    bech32PrefixAccAddr: 'core',
  bip44: {
    coinType: 990,

4. cosmjsOfflineSigner

If you're already employing cosmjs libraries for transaction signing, cosmjsOfflineSigner is recommended. It functions as an offline signer with existing cosmwasm clients. Before utilizing it as an offline signer, verify that the dapp is connected to the Snap.


import { SigningStargateClient } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate';
import { GasPrice } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
import { cosmjsOfflineSigner } from '@leapwallet/cosmos-snap-provider';

const offlineSigner = new cosmjsOfflineSigner(chainId);
const accounts = await offlineSigner.getAccounts();
const rpcUrl = ''; // Populate with an RPC URL corresponding to the given chainId
const stargateClient = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(
    gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString('0.0025ujuno'),



  • cosmos-snap-provider-0.1.15.tgz

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