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esbuild-worker-dedupe 1.0.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @desmosinc/esbuild-worker-dedupe@1.0.1
Install via package.json:
"@desmosinc/esbuild-worker-dedupe": "1.0.1"

About this version

Proof of concept for inlining web worker code with esbuild with shared dependencies deduplicated.

Try it

./bundle.ts --main test/basic/main.ts --worker test/basic/worker.ts --outdir build
cat build/main.ts # notice that the code from shared.ts only appears once
open index.thml # check the JS console to see that the main thread and worker code executed successfully.

How it works

The idea is to use a two-step process:

First, take advantage of code splitting to factor out the common dependencies between the main entrypoint and the worker, which produces three "chunks", that look sort of like:


import { SharedThing } from "./shared.js";
// src/main.ts
import { createWorker } from "inlined-worker!./worker"; // NOTE: we intentionally skipped this import in the first step.
                                                        // We'll come back to it in the next step.
console.log("main", new SharedThing().id);


import { SharedThing } from "./shared.js";
// src/worker.ts
function doSomething() {
  console.log("worker", new SharedThing().id);


// src/shared.ts
var SharedThing = class {
  constructor() { = Math.random();
export { SharedThing };

Next, we manually bundle the outputs from the previous step:

  1. From shared.js, emit code that: a. stores the original source of shared.js in __sharedModuleSource b. evaluates that string immediately to provide the actual exports from shared.js (e.g. SharedThing in the example above), storing them as __sharedModuleExports
  2. From worker.js, emit code that creates a __workerModuleSource string containing code that first evaluates __sharedModuleSource to get the shared module exports and then evaluates the source of worker.js. Using this string, create an object URL with which to instantiate the worker.

Example output:

(() => {
// shared.js
const __sharedModuleSource = `
const __chunkExports = {};
// src/shared.ts
var SharedThing = class {
  constructor() { = Math.random();

Object.defineProperty(__chunkExports, 'SharedThing', { get: () => SharedThing });

return __chunkExports;`
const __sharedModuleExports = (new Function(__sharedModuleSource))()
const __workerSourceExports = (function () {
  // worker.js
  const __workerModuleSource = `
  const __sharedModuleExports = (function (){${__sharedModuleSource}})();` +
// src/worker.ts
function startWorker() {
  console.log(\"worker\", new __sharedModuleExports['SharedThing']().id);
  if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && URL && typeof URL.createObjectURL === 'function') {
    return {
      createWorker: () => {
        const workerURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([__workerModuleSource], { type: 'application/javascript' }))
        const worker = new Worker(workerURL);
        return worker;
  } else {
    // Just for testing in Node
    return {
      createWorker: () => {
      (new Function(__workerModuleSource))();

// src/main.ts

console.log("main", new __sharedModuleExports['SharedThing']().id);




  • esbuild-worker-dedupe-1.0.1-npm.tgz

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