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32 repositories
PublicBuild robotics applications with AWS DeepRacer device software and hardware:
Public archiveros-kvs-streamer
Public archivedeepracer-compat-reward-function
Public archivedeepracer-env-state
Public archivedeepracer-track-geometry
Public archivedeepracer-env
Public archivedeepracer-env-config
Public archiveude-ros-bridge
Public archiveude
Public archiveude-gym-bridge
Public archivedeepsim
Public archive- Use a series of QR codes as waypoints to navigate the AWS DeepRacer around a custom path. Create your own custom path by placing the basic waypoint codes as a sequence along the track or encode additional instructions in them to invent new applications.
Public- The DeepRacer Web Server ROS package creates the web_publisher_node which launches a Flask application as a background thread and creates service clients and subscribers for all the services and topics that are required by the APIs called from the DeepRacer vehicle console.