runner 0.0.1
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @into-cps-association/runner@0.0.1
Install via package.json:
"@into-cps-association/runner": "0.0.1"
About this version
A utility service to manage the lifecycle of one digital twin. The lifecycle of a digital twin is made of multiple phases. This digital twin runner utility helps with the managing the execution of lifecycle phases. This utility can be launched in two scenarios:
- User launches this from commandline and let the utility manage the lifecycle of one digital twin.
- Execution infrastructure of Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) launches this utility and instructs it to manage the lifecycle of one digital twin.
The digital twin runner utility runs as a service and will provide REST API interface to execute lifecycle scripts of a digital twin. One digital twin runner is responsible for execution of a digital twin.
yarn install # Install dependencies for the microservice
yarn syntax # analyzes source code for potential errors, style violations, and other issues,
yarn graph # generate dependency graphs in the code
yarn build # compile ES6 files into ES5 javascript files and copy all JS files into build/ directory
yarn test # run tests
yarn test:nocov # run the tests but do not report coverage
yarn test:watchAll #Watch changes in test/ and run the tests
yarn start # start the application
yarn clean # deletes directories "build", "coverage", and "dist"
The Github actions workflow of lib microservice publishes the runner into public packages.
Use the instructions in publish npm package for help with publishing runner npm package.
Application of the advice given on that page for runner will require running the following commands.
yarn install
yarn build #the dist/ directory is needed for publishing step
yarn publish --no-git-tag-version #increments version in package.json, publishes to registry
yarn publish #increments version in package.json, publishes to registry and adds a git tag
npm unpublish --registry http://localhost:4873/ @into-cps-association/[email protected]
sudo npm install --registry http://localhost:4873 -g @dtaas/runner
runner # launch the digital twin runner
Once launched, the utility runs at port 3000
If launched on one computer,
you can access the same at http://localhost:3000
Access to the service on network is available at http://<ip or hostname>:3000/
Two REST API routes are active. The route paths and the responses given for these two sources are:
REST API Route | Return Value | Comment |
localhost:3000/phase | [ hello ] | The array get appended with each invocation. All the elements of are array. |
localhost:3000/lifecycle/phase | true | Always returns true |
This software is owned by The INTO-CPS Association and is available under the INTO-CPS License.