This repository contains the contents for the w203 Regression Lab due during week 14 of the Fall 2021 Term.
- lab_2.Rmd: Final lab2 submission markdown file.
- lab_2.pdf: Rendered pdf of the final lab2 markdown file.
- Lab 2 Presentation.pdf: Slides to presentation during sync wk14 session.
- data: Folder containing the raw dataset downloaded from Kaggle.
- functions: Folder containing various functions used for data wrangling and exploration.
- exploration: Folder containing various markdown files with respective rendered pdfs used in a sandbox format for exploratory data analysis, model testing, etc...
- pictures: Folder containing .PNG files referenced in the lab_2.Rmd
- assignment.Rmd: Assignment markdown file.
- assignment.pdf: Rendered pdf of the assignment markdown file.