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Release H2GIS into maven central

Bocher edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

Steps to publish a new release on maven central.

Create an account on maven central

Sign Up on

Create a GPG signature

Create a JIRA ticket

Create a ticket with Project of Support - Open Source Project Repository Hosting and Issue Type of New Project in the OSSRH JIRA.

Fill the page with the following information:

After the ticket is created, JIRA will prepare Maven repositories for you. JIRA will update the ticket and set it as resolved once it’s done. Normally it takes less than 2 business days.

Publish release version when tag is not created

Switch to Java7 from this point mvn -version should show java7.

Checkout snapshot master branch

git fetch --all -p
git checkout orbisgis/master -b prepare_release
mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare -P standalone
[INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
What is the release version for "H2GIS"? (org.orbisgis:h2gis) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "test-utilities"? (org.orbisgis:test-utilities) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2spatial-api"? (org.orbisgis:h2spatial-api) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "spatial-utilities"? (org.orbisgis:spatial-utilities) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2spatial"? (org.orbisgis:h2spatial) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2drivers"? (org.orbisgis:h2drivers) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2network"? (org.orbisgis:h2network) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2spatial-ext"? (org.orbisgis:h2spatial-ext) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2spatial-osgi"? (org.orbisgis:h2spatial-osgi) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2spatial-ext-osgi"? (org.orbisgis:h2spatial-ext-osgi) 1.2.2: : 
What is the release version for "h2-dist"? (org.orbisgis:h2-dist) 1.2.2: : 
What is SCM release tag or label for "H2GIS"? (org.orbisgis:h2gis) h2gis-1.2.2: : v1.2.2

Note that release tag must start with v

Enter your GPG and github credentials when requested.Tag must be available in orbisgis/h2gis repository.

mvn release:perform -P standalone

Stage release

Login to:

Then go to Staging repositories

Find org.orbisgis Repository.

Check Java version and if there is javadoc and sources. Then click on Close button. When close is done. Click on Release button.

Release on

Configure ~/.m2/settings.xml with nexus account


mvn clean source:jar install deploy -P orbisgis-release