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Added more specific bigrams.
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Elmerot committed Oct 12, 2023
1 parent 666e6fe commit 952826e
Showing 1 changed file with 257 additions and 1 deletion.
258 changes: 257 additions & 1 deletion 3.data_exploration/3.other_term_frequencies.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ get_economy_term_counts <- function(chunk_path) {
text = str_squish(str_c(lemma, collapse = " ")),
year = first(date),
climate_count = count_economy_terms_of_interest(text, "(?<!společenské |politické )klima\\b"),
climate_count = count_economy_terms_of_interest(text, "(?<!společenský |politický )klima\\b"),
climatic_count = count_economy_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklimatický"),
bank_count = count_economy_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bbanka"),
koruna_count = count_economy_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bčeský koruna"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,3 +171,259 @@ economy_term_counts_per_year %>%
fill = "")
ggsave("economy_term_counts_plot.png", width = 18, height = 12, dpi = 600)

# Here we have code for terms connected to droughts.
```{r drought terms}
# This function counts the frequency of a given term in a vector of text.
# Args:
# text_vector: A vector of text to search for the given term.
# drought_term: A string representing the term to search for.
# Returns:
# An integer representing the frequency of the given term in the text vector.
# Example:
# count_terms_of_interest(c("The quick brown fox", "jumps over the lazy dog"), "the")
# # Output: 2
count_drought_terms_of_interest <- function(text_vector, drought_term) {
str_count(text_vector, regex(drought_term))
# This function reads in a chunk of data from a specified path and performs text analysis on it.
# It filters the text by parts of speech (ADJ, NOUN, PUNCT), converts all lemmas to lowercase, and joins the data with a document ID by date.
# It then calculates the frequency of various climate-related terms in the text,
# including "klima", "oteplování", "globální oteplování", "skleníkový efekt", "uhlíkový stopa", "ekologický", "klimatický", "uhlí", and "počasí".
# The function returns a data frame with the document ID, year, and the frequency of each term in the text. NB: For bigrams, make sure both words are lemmatized, e.g. "český koruna" or "klimatický změna".
get_drought_term_counts <- function(chunk_path) {
text_stats <- chunk_path %>%
readRDS() %>%
filter(upos %in% c("ADJ", "NOUN", "VERB")) %>%
transmute(doc_id, lemma = tolower(lemma)) %>%
inner_join(doc_id_by_date, by = "doc_id") %>%
mutate(date = as.character(year(date))) %>%
group_by(doc_id) %>%
text = str_squish(str_c(lemma, collapse = " ")),
year = first(date),
climate_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "(?<!společenský | politický )klima\\b"),
climatic_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklimatický"),
fossil_fuel_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bfosilní palivo"),
drought_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bsucho"),
dam_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bpřehrada"),
planting_trees_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bsázet strom"),
water_retention_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bzadržovat voda"),
soil_management_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bmanagement půda"),
soil_retention_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bpůdní vláha"),
water_retaining_count = count_drought_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bvodní nádrž"),
combined_count = climate_count + climatic_count + fossil_fuel_count + drought_count + dam_count + planting_trees_count + water_retention_count + soil_management_count + soil_retention_count, water_retaining_count
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(combined_count > 0) %>%

## Run the function on chunk-to-chunk basis
# If we are using Linux or MacOS, we can use multiple CPUs to make the whole
# process much faster. Each core handles different chunk at the same time.
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows") {
# Use normal apply with Windows
drought_term_counts_df <-
lapply(list_of_processed_chunks, get_drought_term_counts) %>% bind_rows()
} else {
drought_term_counts_df <-
mclapply(list_of_processed_chunks, get_drought_term_counts, mc.cores = detectCores() - 2) %>% bind_rows()
saveRDS(drought_term_counts_df, "data/drought_term_counts_df.rds")

## Summarize the key term count per year
# This code chunk groups the term counts by year and summarizes the counts for each term.
# The resulting data frame has one row for each year, with columns for each term and the count of that term for that year.
drought_term_counts_per_year <- drought_term_counts_df %>%
group_by(year) %>%
n_climate_noun = sum(climate_count),
n_climate_adj = sum(climatic_count),
n_fossil_fuel = sum(fossil_fuel_count),
n_drought = sum(drought_count),
n_dam = sum(dam_count),
n_planting_trees = sum(planting_trees_count),
n_water_retention = sum(water_retention_count),
n_soil_management = sum(soil_management_count),
n_soil_retention = sum(soil_retention_count),
n_water_retaining = sum(water_retaining_count)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Add a row with the total counts for each drought term across all years
., across(where(is.numeric), sum),
across(where(is.character), ~"Total")
# This code chunk uses the kable function from the knitr package to create a table of the term counts per year in markdown format.
# The resulting table is printed below the code chunk in the R Markdown document.
knitr::kable(drought_term_counts_per_year, format = "pipe")

## Visualize all of the terms and their frequencies
# This code reads in a data frame of drought term counts per year, filters out the "Total" row,
# pivots the data frame to a longer format, removes the "n_" prefix from the drought term column,
# and creates a grouped bar chart using ggplot2 to display the lemma occurrences per year.
# The x-axis represents the year, the y-axis represents the count of lemma occurrences,
# and the fill represents the lemma drought term. The chart is displayed with a minimal theme,
# a continuous y-axis with breaks and labels every 500 counts, and a color palette from
# the RColorBrewer package. The x-axis label is hidden, the y-axis label is "Lemma occurrences per year",
# and the fill legend is blank.
drought_term_counts_per_year %>%
filter(year != "Total") %>%
pivot_longer(where(is.numeric), values_to = "count", names_to = "drought_term") %>%
mutate(year = as.factor(year),
drought_term = str_remove(drought_term, "^n_")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year, y = count, fill = drought_term)) +
geom_col() +
theme_minimal() +
breaks = seq(0, 50000, 2000),
labels = seq(0, 50000, 2000)
) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
labs(x = element_blank(),
y = "Lemma occurences per year",
fill = "")
ggsave("drought_term_counts_plot.png", width = 18, height = 12, dpi = 600)

# General climate change terms
```{r overall climate change terms}
# This function counts the frequency of a given term in a vector of text.
# Args:
# text_vector: A vector of text to search for the given term.
# climate_change_term: A string representing the term to search for.
# Returns:
# An integer representing the frequency of the given term in the text vector.
# Example:
# count_terms_of_interest(c("The quick brown fox", "jumps over the lazy dog"), "the")
# # Output: 2
count_climate_change_terms_of_interest <- function(text_vector, climate_change_term) {
str_count(text_vector, regex(climate_change_term))
# This function reads in a chunk of data from a specified path and performs text analysis on it.
# It filters the text by parts of speech (ADJ, NOUN, PUNCT), converts all lemmas to lowercase, and joins the data with a document ID by date.
# It then calculates the frequency of various climate-related terms in the text,
# including "klima", "oteplování", "globální oteplování", "skleníkový efekt", "uhlíkový stopa", "ekologický", "klimatický", "uhlí", and "počasí".
# The function returns a data frame with the document ID, year, and the frequency of each term in the text. NB: For bigrams, make sure both words are lemmatized, e.g. "český koruna" or "klimatický změna".
get_climate_change_term_counts <- function(chunk_path) {
text_stats <- chunk_path %>%
readRDS() %>%
filter(upos %in% c("ADJ", "NOUN", "VERB")) %>%
transmute(doc_id, lemma = tolower(lemma)) %>%
inner_join(doc_id_by_date, by = "doc_id") %>%
mutate(date = as.character(year(date))) %>%
group_by(doc_id) %>%
text = str_squish(str_c(lemma, collapse = " ")),
year = first(date),
climate_change_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklimatický změna"),
change_of_climate_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bzměna klima"),
climate_impacts_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bdopad klima"),
global_warming_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bglobální oteplování"),
climate_model_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklimatický model"),
climatic_fluctuation_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklimatický výkyv"),
climate_catastrophe_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklimatický katastrofa"),
climate_is_changing_count = count_climate_change_terms_of_interest(text, "\\bklima se měnit"),
combined_count = climate_change_count + change_of_climate_count + climate_impacts_count + global_warming_count, climate_model_count + climatic_fluctuation_count + climate_catastrophe_count, climate_is_changing_count
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(combined_count > 0) %>%

## Run the function on chunk-to-chunk basis
# If we are using Linux or MacOS, we can use multiple CPUs to make the whole
# process much faster. Each core handles different chunk at the same time.
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows") {
# Use normal apply with Windows
climate_change_term_counts_df <-
lapply(list_of_processed_chunks, get_climate_change_term_counts) %>% bind_rows()
} else {
climate_change_term_counts_df <-
mclapply(list_of_processed_chunks, get_climate_change_term_counts, mc.cores = detectCores() - 2) %>% bind_rows()
saveRDS(climate_change_term_counts_df, "data/climate_change_term_counts_df.rds")

## Summarize the key term count per year
# This code chunk groups the term counts by year and summarizes the counts for each term.
# The resulting data frame has one row for each year, with columns for each term and the count of that term for that year.
climate_change_term_counts_per_year <- climate_change_term_counts_df %>%
group_by(year) %>%
n_climate_change_count = sum(climate_change_count),
n_change_of_climate_count = sum(change_of_climate_count),
n_climate_impacts_count = sum(climate_impacts_count),
n_global_warming_count = sum(global_warming_count),
n_climate_model_count = sum(climate_model_count),
n_climatic_fluctuation_count = sum(climatic_fluctuation_count),
n_climate_catastrophe_count = sum(climate_catastrophe_count),
n_climate_is_changing_count = sum(climate_is_changing_count)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Add a row with the total counts for each climate_change term across all years
., across(where(is.numeric), sum),
across(where(is.character), ~"Total")
# This code chunk uses the kable function from the knitr package to create a table of the term counts per year in markdown format.
# The resulting table is printed below the code chunk in the R Markdown document.
knitr::kable(climate_change_term_counts_per_year, format = "pipe")

## Visualize all of the terms and their frequencies
# This code reads in a data frame of climate_change term counts per year, filters out the "Total" row,
# pivots the data frame to a longer format, removes the "n_" prefix from the climate_change term column,
# and creates a grouped bar chart using ggplot2 to display the lemma occurrences per year.
# The x-axis represents the year, the y-axis represents the count of lemma occurrences,
# and the fill represents the lemma climate_change term. The chart is displayed with a minimal theme,
# a continuous y-axis with breaks and labels every 500 counts, and a color palette from
# the RColorBrewer package. The x-axis label is hidden, the y-axis label is "Lemma occurrences per year",
# and the fill legend is blank.
climate_change_term_counts_per_year %>%
filter(year != "Total") %>%
pivot_longer(where(is.numeric), values_to = "count", names_to = "climate_change_term") %>%
mutate(year = as.factor(year),
climate_change_term = str_remove(climate_change_term, "^n_")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year, y = count, fill = climate_change_term)) +
geom_col() +
theme_minimal() +
breaks = seq(0, 3000, 50),
labels = seq(0, 3000, 50)
) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
labs(x = element_blank(),
y = "Lemma occurences per year",
fill = "")
ggsave("climate_change_term_counts_plot.png", width = 18, height = 12, dpi = 600)

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