Fast Clojure.test runner for Boot.
- Requires tools.namespace 0.3.0-alpha3
- Uses eftest to display pretty reports
- When used with Boot watch task, uses to reload changed namespaces and to run only the tests in changed or affected namespaces
- When fails the next tasks are not run but no exception is shown
- Option to throw an exception when tests fail (use on CI to exit process with failure)
- Tries to recover from namespace reload errors so that no process restart is needed
- Run all tests by hitting
- Can optionally run tests parallel
- Two hooks to manage test environment
hook: run a function before any tests are runon-end
hook: run a function after all tests are run
- Maybe provide a way to run all the tests from REPL? Nrepl middleware?
- Junit output
- Check if it would make any sense to merge the improvements to boot-test?
- Cloverage integration
- A way to disable unloading/reloading of certain namespaces? Is it required?
Copyright © 2016-2017 Juho Teperi
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.