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Machine Learning in Production

Table of Contents

  1. H2 Infrastructure setup
  2. H1 Data storage & processing
  3. L2 Labeling & versioning

H2 Infrastructure setup

Run sh file to build and push docker images opetliak/ml_image:latest and opetliak/web_image:latest to docker hub :


Start minikube cluster:

minikube start

To create the Pod, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/pods/pod.yaml

It will sleep forever so we can access it using:

kubectl exec -it ml-pod -- bash

To create the Job, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/jobs/job.yaml

If we look at kubectl get pod we will see that ml-job status is Completed because of restartPolicy: Never

To create the Deployment and Service, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployments/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/services/service.yaml
kubectl get pods # it should show you 3 pods as requested in the yaml

To get access outside of the cluster:

kubectl port-forward service/ml-service 7080:8080 #or minikube service ml-deployment

Go to http://localhost:7080/

Clean up

kubectl delete service ml-service
kubectl delete deployment ml-deployment
minikube stop
minikube delete

H1 Data storage & processing

Create local cluster

minikube start

Create Persistent Volume Claim for local testing

export MINIO_LOCAL_STORAGE_PATH="/path/to/your/local/minio/storage"
kubectl create -f minio/minio-hostpath-pv.yaml
kubectl create -f minio/minio-pvc.yaml

Create Minio Deployment

kubectl create -f minio/minio-deployment.yaml

Create Minio Service

Possible options:

  • ClusterIP - connection from inside the cluster
  • NodePort and LoadBalancer - external traffic

We want to test it outside the cluster

kubectl create -f minio/minio-service.yaml

Check if everything is correct

kubectl get svc minio-service

Get the NodePort for the minio Console (in my case it's 32177):

kubectl get svc minio-service -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("console")].nodePort}'

Get the IP address of one of the Kubernetes nodes (in my case it's

kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}'

Go to and login. Here we can create bucket, upload the data, etc.


Check API and Console post (will use API port for python tests)

kubectl get service minio-service -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("api")].nodePort} {.spec.ports[?("console"}'.nodePort}

Run tests

pytest tests/utils/

Resource cleanup

kubectl delete deployment minio-deployment &&  kubectl delete service minio-service && kubectl delete pv minio-pv && kubectl delete pvc minio-pvc

L2 Labeling & versioning

Run label-studio

docker run -it  -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/face_occlusion_data:/label-studio/data heartexlabs/label-studio:latest

Open the Label Studio UI at http://localhost:8080


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