See for more info about Openstad and it's features.
This suite currently contains end to end tests for the following type of sites running on Openstad:
This is a participatory budgetting site in voting phase, where users need a voting code to be able to vote. Tests cover voting, creating voting codes etc.
This is a site where users can sumbit their ideas. Tests cover submitting ideas, validating, displaying, editing etc.
This is a voting site where users can vote on one idea by authenticating with their e-mail.
The admin panels allows for creating, editing, and deleting sites. Tests in this suite test the general create, read, delete and update of the site. As well as testing the updating of more complicated settings like changing a URL, which involves different servers and correct host settings.
Run npm install in the root of the openstad cypress repo.
npm i
Easiest way is to install cypress globally, run the following:
npm i cypress -g
Cypress allows for opening tests in a browsers environment where the tests are observable, and after the automated test it's possible to manually test. This is done as follows (make sure environemnt values are probably set ty):
cypress open
To run all tests in command line or
cypress run
See for more details on what's possible with Cypress.
See example.cypress.env.json for values that are being used. Rename this file to cypress.env.json. Also possible to set up more config files, see below for more info for how it's set up currenty
Key | Description |
votingSiteUrl | Url for a voting site, based on dummy in admin panel |
submittingSiteUrl | Url for a submitting ideas site, based on dummy in admin panel |
budgettingSiteUrl | Url for a participatory budgetting site, based on dummy in admin panel |
budgettingSiteId | Site ID participatory budgetting site |
adminUrl | url for the admin panel |
usePasswordLogin | (boolean) If using password or e-mail authentication, password is stable, e-mail authentication has issues if sending is delayed, current tests expect that multiple authentication methods are expected, in client table should be set as following: authTypes: ['Local', 'Url']. |
mailSlurpApiKey | For authentication via e-mail Mailslurp is used, api key is generated at |
defaultUserEmail | E-mail address for a normal user, test expect required fields like firstname and lastname filled |
defaultUserMailSlurpInboxId | E-mail inbox id, found at |
userPassword | Password for defaultUser |
moderatorUserEmail | E-mail address for a moderator user, test expect required fields like firstname and lastname filled |
moderatorUserMailSlurpInboxId | E-mail inbox id, found at |
adminUserEmail | E-mail address for a admin user |
adminUserMailSlurpInboxId | E-mail inbox id, found at |
adminPassword | Password for adminUser, if password auth is used |
trustedEmailDomain | Domain used for sending emails to random user, |
senderEmail | E-mailaddress for sending e-mail when creating a site |
The following scripts present in package.json makes it possible to easily run and open tests for different both staging and acc environments.
"open:staging": "cypress open --config-file cypress/config/staging.json",
"run:staging:subdir": "cypress run --config-file cypress/config/staging-subdir.json",
"open:staging:subdir": "cypress open --config-file cypress/onfig/staging-subdir.json",
"run:staging": "cypress run --config-file cypress/config/staging.json",
"open:acc": "cypress open --config-file cypress/config/acc.json",
"run:acc": "cypress run --config-file cypress/config/acc.json",
"open:acc:subdir": "cypress open --config-file cypress/config/acc-subdir.json",
"run:acc:subdir": "cypress run --config-file cypress/config/acc-subdir.json"
So for instance make sure a cypress/config/staging.json is present, and run :
npm run open:staging
and for acc make sure a cypress/config/acc.json is present, and run :
npm run open:acc
Make all environment values are present, sites are expected to exists. Admin creates and delete sites on the fly, but currently for speed and stability we have chosen to not do this yet for every type of site.
At the moment we advise using user and password login, e-mail authentication is relatively unstable since sometimes email take longer then a minute to arrive, although most of the time it's fast enough.
At the moment the tests don't work for sites with Basic Auth, although Cypress works well with it, after login we redirect via the API and here the Basic Auth credentials currently are not passed along.
The test running for liking anonymously