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Check for OSP nightly and create a PR #5

Check for OSP nightly and create a PR

Check for OSP nightly and create a PR #5

name: update-osp-nightly
run-name: Check for OSP nightly and create a PR
on: workflow_dispatch
permissions: {} # drop all permissions; the default triggers codecov failure
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
pull-requests: write
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Update CatalogSource
run: |
inspected=$(skopeo inspect docker://$tag)
created=$(echo "$inspected" | jq -r '.Created')
echo "DEBUG: Found tag $tag created: $created"
digest=$(echo "$inspected" | jq -r '.Digest')
echo "DEBUG: Tag digest: $digest"
sed -i -E "s/sha256:[0-9a-f]{64}/${digest}/g" operator/gitops/argocd/pipeline-service/openshift-pipelines/osp-nightly-catalog-source.yaml
- name: Enable CatalogSource # Could be removed once we switch to nightly builds
run: yq -i '.resources += "osp-nightly-catalog-source.yaml"' operator/gitops/argocd/pipeline-service/openshift-pipelines/kustomization.yaml
- name: Update Subscription # Could be removed once we switch to nightly builds
run: yq -i ' = "latest" | .spec.source = "custom-operators"' operator/gitops/argocd/pipeline-service/openshift-pipelines/openshift-operator.yaml
- name: Create Pull Request
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
commit-message: "[new-osp-nightly-build] automated change"
# the title is used as conditional for some pipeline tasks, update accordingly
title: "[DO-NOT-MERGE] Automated change to update OSP nightly"
body: |
Automated change by [update-osp-nightly]
The change is only intended to test the nightly build in the CI.
Do not merge!
branch: update-osp-nightly