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OpenSearch Project Tools

Tests codecov

Tools to gather stats on a GitHub organization.



  1. Clone the repository locally on your desktop.
  2. Install Ruby 2.7 or newer. We recommend using RVM.
  3. Install bundler with gem install bundler.
  4. Run bundle install.

Global Options


Set GITHUB_API_TOKEN to a personal access token (PAT) or with --token to avoid running into too many rate-limit requests as authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. See GitHub rate limiting for more information.


Use -q or --quiet to remove progress bars.


The tool will cache data into .cache by default for all GitHub API queries to avoid making duplicate requests. To disable caching use --no-cache. Run with --debug to display cache hits and misses.

Debug Logging

Use -d or --debug to get cache logging and full stack traces if a command fails.

Org Info

./bin/project org info

repos: 78

You can specify a GitHub org name for all commands, including org info.

./bin/project org info --org=aws

Org Members

Shows the difference between org members and member data.

./bin/project org members

Sorted List of Repos

./bin/project repos list

Org Teams

Shows org team memberships. Requires a repo:admin read-only PAT token.

./bin/project org teams

Code Owners

Audits repo CODEOWNERS files.

./bin/project codeowners audit


Shows maintainer stats.

./bin/project maintainers stats

As of 2024-03-19, 113 repos have 231 maintainers, where 12% (29/231) are external.
A total of 22% (25/113) of repos have at least one of 29 external maintainers.

You can pass a date to find out stats for a given point in time.

./bin/project maintainers stats --date=2023-06-01

As of 2023-06-01, 103 repos have 202 maintainers, including 18% (19/103) of repos with at least one of 17 external maintainers.

You can limit to a list of repos using --repo.

./bin/project maintainers stats --repo=opensearch-project/OpenSearch --repo=opensearch-project/opensearch-py

Shows missing

./bin/project maintainers missing

Audits maintainer lists for maintainers that have 0 commits on a project.

./bin/project maintainers audit

Review maintainer contents, permissions, and CODEOWNERS.

./bin/project maintainers permissions

Find maintainer e-mails from their commits.

./bin/project/maintainers emails

Contributor Stats

Shows most frequent contributors bucketed by members, contractors, students, and external.

./bin/project contributors stats

total = 5
members (2): 12 10
contractors (3): 4

By default returns stats for the last full week. Specify from and to for different dates.

./bin/project contributors stats --from=2022-10-02 --to=2022-10-03

You can specify relative dates.

./bin/project contributors stats --from="last monday" --to="today"

For large organizations the default paging interval of 7 days may be too big and fail with error: There are 1000+ PRs returned from a single query for 7 day(s), reduce --page.. Decrease the page size.

./bin/project contributors stats --org=aws --page 3

Contributor Lists

Lists human contributors.

./bin/project contributors list


Specify org and repo.

./bin/project contributors list --repo=aws-cli --org=aws

Specify multiple repos.

./bin/project contributors list --org=aws --repo=aws-cli --repo=deep-learning-containers

Display pull requests for external contributors.

./bin/project --quiet contributors prs --from=2021-03-14 --page=365

Pull Requests

Show a list of pull requests.

./bin/project prs list --org=aws --repo=aws-cli

Pull Request Stats

Shows bucketed contributions.

./bin/project prs stats

Between 2023-05-01 and 2023-05-07, 11% of contributions (34/284) were made by 21 external contributors (21/105).

students: 2.5% (7)
members: 81.0% (230)
external: 9.5% (27)
contractors: 6.7% (19)
unknown: 0.4% (1) add tracetest as a partner - [@mathnogueira] Add Hyland as partner - [@aborroy] Unset port for SigV4Handler, fixes #84 - [@shyim]

By default returns stats for the last full week. Specify from and to for different dates.

If the tool sees a new contributor, it will direct you to add aliases into data/members.txt, data/contractors.txt, data/students.txt, or data/external.txt and open a browser page for each user so you can examine their account (specify --ignore-unknown to disable this behavior). Otherwise, it will output PRs and stats made by external contributors. The easiest way to lookup whether an account belongs to the org is with ./bin/project org members. Commit and PR your changes to the data lists.

Get the stats since the beginning of year till today.

./bin/project prs stats --from=2022-01-01 --to=today

Get the stats for a given repo for last week.

./bin/project prs stats --org=aws --repo aws-cli

Get the stats for multiple repos.

./bin/project prs stats --org=aws --repo=aws-cli --repo=deep-learning-containers

Get the stats for an entire org and several repos.

./bin/project prs stats --org=opensearch-project --repo=aws/aws-cli --repo=aws/deep-learning-containers

Get the stats for unmerged (open and closed without being merged) PRs.

./bin/project prs stats --status=unmerged


Shows issues bucketed by label.

./bin/project issues labels

enhancement: 54
untriaged: 43
bug: 36
security vulnerability: 19
v2.4.0: 12
good first issue: 7
hacktoberfest: 6
autocut: 6

Specify org and repo.

./bin/project issues labels --org=aws --repo=aws-cli

By default returns stats for the last full week. Specify from and to for different dates.

Find untriaged issues.

./bin/project issues untriaged --from=2021-01-01 --to=2022-10-01

Find old issues labeled for a release.

./bin/project issues released --from=2021-01-01 --to=2022-10-01

v1.3.6: 3
v1.3.7: 1
v2.0.0: 3
v2.1.0: 6
v2.2.0: 31
v2.3.0: 11
v2.3.1: 1
v2.4.0: 193

  v2.1.0: 1
  v2.2.0: 1
  v2.3.0: 2
  v2.4.0: 22
  v1.3.0: 1
  v2.4.0: 38

Member Bios

Shows users in data/users/members.txt that do not have some variation of org membership info in their GitHub bio.

./bin/project members check

DCO Signers

Shows name and email address from all contributors that have signed a developer certificate of origin on any commit.

./bin/project contributors dco-signers --from=2022-01-01 --to=2022-01-31 --org=opensearch-project --repo=OpenSearch


See how to contribute to this project.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ, or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


If you discover a potential security issue in this project we ask that you notify AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.


This project is licensed under the Apache v2.0 License.


Copyright OpenSearch Contributors.


OpenSearch project/org tools.



Code of conduct

Security policy





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