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Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn deploy

Refer to the official documentation for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.openmove.sardegna:AroundSardiniaClient:1.0.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/AroundSardiniaClient-1.0.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import com.openmove.api.AnalyticsApi;

public class AnalyticsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AnalyticsApi apiInstance = new AnalyticsApi();
        Integer date = 56; // Integer | Initial date of research. Syntax: YYYYMMDD
        Integer startTime = 56; // Integer | Start time of research. Syntax: HHMMSS
        Integer endTime = 56; // Integer | Start time of research. Syntax: HHMMSS
        try {
            apiInstance.parkingAvailabilityGet(date, startTime, endTime);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AnalyticsApi#parkingAvailabilityGet");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnalyticsApi parkingAvailabilityGet GET /parking/availability Report about parking availabilities
AnalyticsApi parkingCancellationGet GET /parking/cancellation Report about parking cancellations
AnalyticsApi parkingReservationsGet GET /parking/reservations Report about parking reservations
AnalyticsApi ticketsCountPost POST /tickets/count Totals about purchased tickets in given dates slot
AnalyticsApi ticketsStatusPost POST /tickets/status Report about purchased tickets in given dates slot
BookingsApi agenciesGet GET /agencies Returns agencies enabled info
BookingsApi routesAgencyIdGet GET /routes/{agencyId} Returns routes info
BookingsApi routesWithFaresAgencyIdGet GET /routes-with-fares/{agencyId} Returns routes info
BookingsApi stopsAgencyIdRouteIdGet GET /stops/{agencyId}/{routeId} Returns stops info
BookingsApi tripsGet GET /trips Returns trips list
BookingsApi tripsReserveConfirmPost POST /trips/reserve/confirm Confirm reservation
BookingsApi tripsReserveDelete DELETE /trips/reserve Delete reservation
BookingsApi tripsReservePost POST /trips/reserve Register reservation (not confirmed), waiting for the confirmation
BookingsApi tripsReservePut PUT /trips/reserve Update reservation with user info
FaresApi ticketsAgenciesGet GET /tickets/agencies Returns agencies list
FaresApi ticketsFaresAgencyIdTagGet GET /tickets/fares/{agencyId}/{tag} Returns fare tickets list DEPRECATED use GET 'tickets/fares'
FaresApi ticketsFaresAttributesFareIdGet GET /tickets/fares/attributes/{fareId} Returns attributes of a given fare
FaresApi ticketsFaresDelete DELETE /tickets/fares Delete a given fare
FaresApi ticketsFaresGet GET /tickets/fares Returns fare tickets list
FaresApi ticketsFaresLineZonePost POST /tickets/fares/line-zone Add new line/zone fare
FaresApi ticketsFaresOriginDestinationPost POST /tickets/fares/origin-destination Add new origin/destination fare
FaresApi ticketsFaresSearchPost POST /tickets/fares/search Returns fare tickets list
FaresApi ticketsFaresUniqueAgencyIdTagGet GET /tickets/fares/unique/{agencyId}/{tag} Returns fare tickets list DEPRECATED use GET 'tickets/fares'
FaresApi ticketsNotesAgencyIdGet GET /tickets/notes/{agencyId} Returns notes list
FaresApi ticketsRoutesAgencyIdGet GET /tickets/routes/{agencyId} Returns routes list
FaresApi ticketsRoutesSearchPost POST /tickets/routes/search Returns routes list
FaresApi ticketsRoutesTypesNearbyPost POST /tickets/routes/types/nearby Returns route types list nearby a given position
FaresApi ticketsStopStopIdGet GET /tickets/stop/{stopId} Returns tickets stop info
FaresApi ticketsStopsAgencyIdGet GET /tickets/stops/{agencyId} Returns tickets stops list
FaresApi ticketsStopsAgencyIdRouteTypeGet GET /tickets/stops/{agencyId}/{routeType} Returns stops list
FaresApi ticketsStopsNearbyPost POST /tickets/stops/nearby Returns stops list nearby a given position
FaresApi ticketsZonesAgencyIdGet GET /tickets/zones/{agencyId} Returns zones list
FaresApi ticketsZonesFindByStopsPost POST /tickets/zones/findByStops Returns zones list
FaresApi ticketsZonesNearbyPost POST /tickets/zones/nearby Returns zones list nearby a given position
IDMApi idmRegisterPost POST /idm/register Create an agency for having the clientId and secret for the authentication token
IDMApi idmTokenPost POST /idm/token Generate an authentication token
InspectorApi ticketsBurnPost POST /tickets/burn Returns ticket status
InspectorApi ticketsCheckGet GET /tickets/check Returns ticket status
ParkingsApi parkingsFaresTypesGet GET /parkings/fares/types Returns parkings fares
ParkingsApi parkingsGet GET /parkings Returns parkings
ParkingsApi parkingsReserveConfirmPost POST /parkings/reserve/confirm Confirm reservation
ParkingsApi parkingsReserveDelete DELETE /parkings/reserve Delete parking reservation
ParkingsApi parkingsReservePost POST /parkings/reserve Register parking reservation (not confirmed) and get Stripe payment intent
ParkingsApi parkingsReservePut PUT /parkings/reserve Update parking reservation with payment info
PreferencesApi preferencesAddTicketPost POST /preferences/add/ticket Add ticket to user preferences
PreferencesApi preferencesAddTripPost POST /preferences/add/trip Add trip to user preferences
PreferencesApi preferencesAddValidationPost POST /preferences/add/validation Add validation to user counter
PreferencesApi preferencesGetRankingPost POST /preferences/get/ranking Get user rank position data
PreferencesApi preferencesGetTicketPost POST /preferences/get/ticket Get user tickets preferences
PreferencesApi preferencesGetTripPost POST /preferences/get/trip Get user trips preferences
ShelterApi shelterAgenciesGet GET /shelter/agencies Returns agencies list
ShelterApi shelterCalendarDatesTagGet GET /shelter/calendarDates/{tag} Returns calendar dates list of given agency tag
ShelterApi shelterCalendarTagGet GET /shelter/calendar/{tag} Returns calendar list of given agency tag
ShelterApi shelterRoutesTagGet GET /shelter/routes/{tag} Returns routes list of given agency tag
ShelterApi shelterShapesTagShapeIdGet GET /shelter/shapes/{tag}/{shapeId} Returns shapes list of given agency tag
ShelterApi shelterStopTimesTagTripIdGet GET /shelter/stopTimes/{tag}/{tripId} Returns stopTimes list of given agency tag and trip id
ShelterApi shelterStopTimesTagTripIdStopIdGet GET /shelter/stopTimes/{tag}/{tripId}/{stopId} Returns stopTimes list of given agency tag, trip id and stop id
ShelterApi shelterStopsTagGet GET /shelter/stops/{tag} Returns stops list of given agency tag
ShelterApi shelterTripsTagRouteIdGet GET /shelter/trips/{tag}/{routeId} Returns trips list of given agency tag and route id
TicketsApi parkingConvertPost POST /parking/convert Convert a valid parking reservation with specific parking code
TicketsApi ticketsActivatePut PUT /tickets/activate Activate the given ticket
TicketsApi ticketsGet GET /tickets Return the list of tickets filtered by userId or ticketId
TicketsApi ticketsSelectMultiPost POST /tickets/select/multi Purchase the given fares via PSP
TicketsApi ticketsSelectPaymentResponsePost POST /tickets/select/payment/response Get payment response via PSP
TicketsApi ticketsSelectPost POST /tickets/select Purchase the given ticket via PSP
TicketsApi ticketsUserIdGet GET /tickets/{userId} Return the list of tickets filtered by userId DEPRECATED use GET 'tickets'
TripPlannerApi tripPlannerGetPost POST /trip-planner/get Returns trips list
TripPlannerApi tripPlannerTicketsGetPost POST /trip-planner/tickets/get Returns tickets list for a trip
UsersApi userCardRegistrationApiResponsePost POST /user/card/registration/api/response Get card registration response via PSP
UsersApi userCardRegistrationDelete DELETE /user/card/registration Delete card registration via PSP
UsersApi userCardRegistrationPost POST /user/card/registration Get card registration via PSP
UsersApi userCardRegistrationResponsePost POST /user/card/registration/response Get card registration response via PSP
UsersApi userCheckPost POST /user/check Check user
UsersApi userGet GET /user Get users
UsersApi userPost POST /user Register new user
UsersApi userUserIdDelete DELETE /user/{userId} Delete user
UsersApi userUserIdPut PUT /user/{userId} Update user

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.


[email protected]