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icinga2 Cookbook

This is a Chef cookbook to manage Icinga2 using Chef LWRP.

More features and attributes will be added over time, feel free to contribute what you find missing!


Chef Super Market

Issue Tracking

For issue reporting or any discussion regarding this cookbook, open an issue at Dev Icinga. New users need to Register first.


  1. Open Bug / Feature issue at Dev Icinga
  2. Fork the repository on Github
  3. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  4. Write your change
  5. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  6. Run the tests (rake), ensuring they all pass
  7. Write new resource/attribute description to
  8. Write description about changes to PR along with Dev Icinga issue #
  9. Submit a Pull Request using Github


  • classic ui setup is incomplete for ubuntu/debian platform
  • add chef node zone/endpoint objects for icinga2 agent setup
  • add lwrp envendpoint / envzone lwrp for environment resource

Major Changes


  • icinga web2 uri updated to /icingaweb2

  • epel repository is by default enabled for rhel platform family except amazon platform


  • Deprecated node features attribute and recipe icinga2::server_features in favour of LWRP feature


  • LWRP environment now generates different conf file with zone name if resource attribute zone is defined

    file name:

    file name without zone: host_#{environment}.conf

    file name with zone: host_#{environment}_#{zone}.conf

    Note: Cookbook version prior to v0.7.0 users must delete configuration file host_#{environment}.conf manually if zone attribute is defined.

Cookbook Dependencies

  • ulimit cookbook
  • apache2 cookbook
  • yum cookbook
  • yum-epel cookbook
  • apt cookbook
  • pnp4nagios cookbook


  • icinga2::default - does not do anything, used for LWRP usage

  • icinga2::server - install & configure icinga2 server with default icinga Objects

  • icinga2::server_apache - manages apache and icinga2 classic ui / web / web2 vhost using apache2 cookbook

  • icinga2::server_os_packages - install os packages for icinga2

  • icinga2::server_install - install icinga2 core/ido server packages

  • icinga2::server_core - configures icinga2 core configuration files & directories

  • icinga2::server_ido_schema - load icinga2 ido db schema

  • icinga2::server_classic_ui - configures icinga2 classic ui

  • icinga2::server_web2 - configures icingaweb2

  • icinga2::server_pnp - configures pnp4nagios for icinga2

  • icinga2::server_objects - manages icinga2 default objects/templates objects if node['icinga2']['disable_conf_d'] is set in which case conf.d objects config is not included in icinga2.conf and objects are created using LWRP

  • icinga2::server_object_host - creates icinga2 generic-host Host template

  • icinga2::server_object_notificationcommand - creates icinga2 default NotificationCommand objects

  • icinga2::server_object_service - creates icinga2 defaultgeneric-service Service templates

  • icinga2::server_object_timeperiod - creates icinga2 default TimePeriod objects

  • icinga2::server_object_user - creates icinga2 generic-user User template and icingaadmin User object

  • icinga2::server_object_usergroup - creates icinga2 icingaadmins UserGroup object


  • icinga2::default - icinga2 server default attributes file

  • icinga2::repo - icinga2 yum/apt repositories file for packages install

  • icinga2::server_classic_ui - icinga2 server classic ui default attributes file

  • icinga2::server_constants - icinga2 server constants parameters file

  • icinga2::server_objects - icinga2 objects default attributes file

  • icinga2::server_ido - icinga2 ido db default attributes file

  • icinga2::server_web2 - icinga2 web2 ui default attributes file

Supported Icinga Version

This cookbook is being developed for Icinga2 - v2.2.x primarily on Amazon Platform (EPEL Release 6 Package).

Supported Icinga2 Install Types

Currently Icinga2 installation is supported ONLY via Repository Packages, as it is a recommended best practice.

Icinga2 Server Setup

To setup icinga2 server on a node, add recipe icinga2::server which will install necessary packages and configuration files.

Icing2 with PNP4Nagios

Recipe icinga2::server_pnp setup and configures PNP4Nagios along with rrdtool.

Simply add recipe icinga2::server_pnp to icinga2 server run_list to setup PNP4Nagios along with rrdcached.

For PNP4Nagios cookbook pnp4nagios is used and for RRDTool cookbook rrdtool is used.

Icinga2 Agent Client

NRPE Client recipe was removed from this cookbook in favour of nrpe cookbook.

Icinga2 Agent setup will be added soon.

Icinga2 Web / Classic UI engine

Currently this cookbook only supports Apache as Web engine and configuration is managed by cookbook apache2.

Web engine is configurable by node attribute node['icinga2']['web_engine'], defaults to apache.

Icinga2 Classic UI

Icinga2 Classic UI is enabled by default and set as default UI.

However, Classic UI can be disabled by attribute node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['enable'].

How to add users for icinga2 Classic UI

Icinga2 Classic UI users is controlled by node Hash attribute node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['users']. This attribute accepts a Hash of username => htpasswd(passwd), so that password is not available in plain text.

By default icingaadmin user is added with password icingaadmin:

default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['users'] = {
  'icingaadmin' => '$apr1$MZtKRLAy$AV9OiJ.V/mI9g30bHn9ol1'

Override it if required in wrapper cookbook or role or environment.

To add more users for icinga2 Classic UI auth, add new users to Hash attribute in the same way icingaadmin user is added

default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['users']['user_name'] = '$apr1$MZtKRLAy$AV9OiJ.V/mI9g30bHn9ol1'

Icinga2 Classic UI Authorization

Icinga2 Classic UI User authorization is managed by below node Array attributes:


By simply adding users to above attributes will provide necessary access to the UI.

How to add a guest user

To add a guest user without any admin privileges, first add a guest user (with password guest)

default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['users']['guest'] = '$apr1$cA/eVUgT$aIoWUPwV5uONJoYslb7lg0'

Then authorise guest user to view Host/Service status

node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_services'] = %w(icingaadmin guest)
node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_hosts'] = %w(icingaadmin guest)

How to add an admin user

To make a user admin, add the user to below node attributes:


Icinga2 Server IDO Schema Load

Icinga2 IDO setup & feature is disabled by default. It can be enabled by configuring node attribute node['icinga2']['ido']['load_schema'].

Recipe icinga::server_ido_schema only create DB schema, it does not create database or user or grants etc.

IDO schema files are stored by default under directory /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql and /usr/share/icinga2-ido-pgsql.

Icinga2 IDO type is configurable by node attribute node['icinga2']['ido']['type'], which can be configured to mysql or pgsql.

ido pgsql schema upload is not fully tested, please open an issue if encounter any problem.

Icinga Web2 Setup

Icingaweb2 is not enabled by default. It can be enabled by configuring node attribute node['icinga2']['web2']['enable'].

Icingaweb2 can also be enabled by including recipe icinga2::server_web2 to node run_list.

Recipe icinga::server_web2 configures below items.

  • create config directory /etc/icingaweb2
  • create token file /etc/icingaweb2/setup.token
  • create log directory /var/log/icingaweb2

Rest of the configuration can be completed by browsing icingaweb2 Web UI http://server/icingaweb.

Icinga2 Cluster Deployment

Icinga2 Distributed / HA cluster setup examples will be added soon.

Icinga2 Monitor a Chef Environment Nodes

This cookbook does not only provide management of Icinga2 server & objects, it also provides automation around Chef environment.

Using LWRP environment a whole environment nodes can be added to Host objects with environment wide Host object parameters.

There are certain functionalities added to LWRP environment, like:

  • define icinga2 Host parameters for an entire environment

  • auto create HostGroup object for an entire chef environment

  • auto create HostGroup object for node's application attribute to group nodes for an entire chef environment application type

  • auto create HostGroup object for node's cluster attribute to group nodes for a chef environment cluster

  • auto add chef node Cloud attributes as Host custom vars, currently only AWS EC2 attributes are supported, but is easy to extend the support to other cloud providers

  • auto create HostGroup list for a chef environment node

  • limit a chef environment spreaded across multiple regions to icinga2 server region, e.g. in multi region ec2 production environment, one would want to setup an icinga2 server in region us-east-1 just to monitor us-east-1 nodes, but not the production nodes of other regions, like ap-southeast-1

  • allow chef node to determine host.address from node['fqdn'] DNS resolution instead of node['ipaddress'] and either ignore chef node if failed to resolve DNS or fallback to use node['ipaddress'] as host.address

  • exclude a node by run_list role, not yet tested

  • exclude a node by run_list role, not yet tested

  • filter chef node if match certain node attributes

  • override an environment and use an entire different search_pattern, this feature extends LWRP environment functionality to select nodes by a user given search pattern

  • Host object attribute display_name is set to chef node hostname

  • can exclude chef nodes from icinga2 monitoring if attribute node['monitoring_off'] is set

Simply create a LWRP resource for a chef environment, to start monitoring all nodes in that environment. More details can be found in examples.

Icinga2 Monitor an User Defined Chef Environment Nodes/HostGroups

Last section explains the benefits of using LWRP environment using in built library search function to determine chef_environment nodes / icinga2 Host and auto create icinga2 HostGroup.

This section explains how a user can provide a custom inventory list of nodes, host groups etc.

To find all the valid chef nodes for a chef environment, this cookbook uses default library icinga2::search. There are lots of custom & cloud specific attributes embedded in it which may or may not work for every scenarios.

To overcome and make it less enforcing, LWRP environment has a Hash attribute env_resources which can be used by an user from a wrapper cookbook recipe to pass chef environment nodes & hostgroups. If this attribute is set, cookbook will not use default library to search chef_environment nodes and will create Host objects for user defined values.

env_resources Hash attributes has below valid key names:

  • nodes - Hash of {:Hostfqdn => {icinga2 Host attributes}, :Hostfqdn => {icinga2 Host attributes}, …}
  • clusters - Array of cluster HostGroups […] if any
  • applications - Array of application HostGroups […] if any
  • roles - Array of roles HostGroups […] if any


icinga2_environment 'UserDefinedEnvironment' do
  import node['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['import']
  environment 'production'
  check_interval '1m'
  retry_interval '10s'
  max_check_attempts 3
  action_url '/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=_HOST_'
  env_resources :nodes => {:fqdn => {attrs}, :fqdn => {attrs}}

For more details about nodes attributes, check LWRP environment object tempalte.

Like env_resources, user can also define custom template for LWRP environment using attribute cookbook and template.

Icinga2 Host Custom Vars

environment LWRP Host Vars

LWRP environment resources sets Host custom vars for each node via node Hash attribute - node['icinga2']['client']['custom_vars']. All defined vars will be added to Host object.

host LWRP Host Vars

When using icinga2_host LWRP, node custom vars will not be added automatically. There will be no search performed as the Host object could be different than a chef Node.

To add Host custom vars, use Hash attribute custom_vars.

A resource attribute will be added to icinga2_host LWRP to perform a search to fetch custom vars defined for a node, so that manual addition is not required.

icinga2 User Defined Objects / Configuration

A configuration directory is created under /etc/icinga2 for user to put configuration not default to icinga2 or LWRP.

Directory name is configurable using node attribute node['icinga2']['user_defined_objects_d'].

This is just to keep user custom defined configuration, it is included in icinga2.conf.

LWRP Examples

Different LWRP usage examples are added to examples directory.

To configure icinga2 server, check examples/icinga2_server directory. More examples will be added as we go.

LWRP 'assign where' and 'ignore where' statements

assign where (icinga) == assign_where (LWRP)

ignore where (icinga) == ignore_where (LWRP)

assign where statements are defined as a LWRP resource Array attribute -assign_where. Each array element is treated as a different assign where statement and LWRP creates a separate statement.


assign_where ['host.address',
  'host.vars.nrpe && host.vars.enable_check',
  'host.vars.application == "redis"'

Above LWRP resource will be applied to an Object as shown below:

assign where host.address
assign where host.vars.nrpe && host.vars.enable_check
assign where host.vars.application == "redis"

Similarly, ignore where statements are created using LWRP resource Array attribute ignore_where.

icinga2 LWRP Resources

Currently icinga2 cookbook supports below Objects LWRP Resources:

  • icinga2_apilistener
  • icinga2_applynotification
  • icinga2_applyservice
  • icinga2_checkcommand
  • icinga2_endpoint
  • icinga2_envhostgroup
  • icinga2_environment
  • icinga2_eventcommand
  • icinga2_externalcommandlistener
  • icinga2_feature
  • icinga2_gelfwriter
  • icinga2_graphitewriter
  • icinga2_host
  • icinga2_hostgroup
  • icinga2_idomysqlconnection
  • icinga2_idopgsqlconnection
  • icinga2_notification
  • icinga2_notificationcommand
  • icinga2_scheduleddowntime
  • icinga2_service
  • icinga2_servicegroup
  • icinga2_sysloglogger
  • icinga2_timeperiod
  • icinga2_user
  • icinga2_usergroup
  • icinga2_zone
  • icinga2_livestatuslistener
  • icinga2_statusdatawriter
  • icinga2_compatlogger
  • icinga2_checkresultreader
  • icinga2_checkercomponent
  • icinga2_notificationcomponent
  • icinga2_filelogger
  • icinga2_perfdatawriter


  • Few of LWRP attributes which are required to create an icinga2 Object are not declared :required => true in LWRP in favour of creating icinga2 Object template.

  • Same LWRP resource used to create icinga2 Object, can also be used to create icinga2 Template as well.

  • Few of LWRP resource attributes which refers to icinga2 constants or can refer to constants are treated as literal String. It means they will not be transformed into ruby String by LWRP while creating configuration file.


Below attribute definition generate correct syntax for ApiListener LWRP attribute cert_path:

    cert_path 'SysConf + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".crt"'

    will transform to:

	cert_path SysConf + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".crt"

While below attribute definition generate incorrect syntax:

	cert_path 'SysConf + /icinga2/pki/ + NodeName + .crt'

	will transform to

	cert_path SysConf + /icinga2/pki/ + NodeName + .crt

icinga2 LWRP Resources Generated Object/Template File

LWRP Resource Object Config File Location

Icinga2 Object created by LWRP are stored under a separate directory objects.d. Directory name is configurable by node attribute node['icinga2']['objects_d'].

This directory is created under icinga2 config directory node['icinga2']['conf_dir'].

LWRP Resource Object/Template Config File Name Convention

A LWRP generated icinga2 Object's are stored into a single file. It means each LWRP has its own conf file.

As few of LWRP can create an Object and Template, below conf file name convention is followed through out LWRP resources.

Object conf file : "#{LWRP_NAME}.conf".
Template conf file : "#{LWRP_NAME}_template.conf".


LWRP `icinga2_host` object resources will create icinga2
`Host` objects conf file - /etc/icinga2/objects.d/host.conf

LWRP `icinga2_service` object resources will create icinga2
`Service` objects conf file - /etc/icinga2/objects.d/service.conf

LWRP `icinga2_service` template resources will create icinga2
`Service` templates conf file - /etc/icinga2/objects.d/service_template.conf

LWRP `icinga2_applyservice` resources will create icinga2
`apply Service` conf file - /etc/icinga2/objects.d/applyservice.conf

and so on ..

All LWRP generated icinga2 object/template/apply conf files are kept in a single directory and managed separately.

Default icinga2 /etc/icinga2/{conf.d,zones.conf}

As this cookbook supplies almost all necessary LWRP for icinga2 feature, object, template etc. it is a good practice and safe to say to use LWRP instead of managing configuration /etc/icinga2/conf.d or /etc/icinga2/zones.conf default configuration files.

Note: Default configuration files managed by cookbook:

  • /etc/icinga2/constants.conf
  • /etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf
  • /etc/icinga2/init.conf

icinga2.conf no longer includes zones.conf in favour of LWRP.

LWRP icinga2_environment

As mentioned in a section above, instead of creating Host objects for each chef node, using LWRP environment Host objects can easily be created for all chef nodes for a chef environment.

LWRP resource attributes are common for all the Host. It may be required to define or override attribute for few specific Host objects, but it is not yet incorporated or foreseen any usage at this point which might change over time.

Turn Off Monitoring for a Chef Node

To turn off monitoring for a chef node, simply set attribute - node['monitoring_off'].

If this attribute is set for a chef node, LWRP environment will simply ignore that node.

LWRP generated config file

There are two files generated by LWRP environment:

  1. if zone is not defined - host_#{*environment*}.conf

  2. if zone is defined: host_#{environment*}_#{*zone*}.conf

Note: Cookbook version prior to v0.7.0 might require to manually delete configuration file host_#{*environment*}.conf if zone is defined.

LWRP example

icinga2_environment 'SingaporeDevelopment' do
  import node['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['import']
  environment 'development'
  limit_region true
  ignore_resolv_error true
  enable_cluster_hostgroup true
  enable_application_hostgroup true
  cluster_attribute 'flock'
  application_attribute 'application'
  check_interval '1m'
  retry_interval '10s'
  max_check_attempts 3
  action_url '/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=_HOST_'

Above LWRP resource will create Host objects for a chef environment nodes for a given search_pattern and other filter.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :create, options: :create, :delete, :reload
  • environment (required, String) - chef environment name
  • cookbook (optional, String) - default icinga2, chef cookbook name for template
  • template (optional, String) - default object.environment.conf.erb, chef template name
  • search_pattern (optional, String) - chef search pattern for given environment
  • env_resources (optional, Hash) - user provided Hash for environment nodes and host groups etc., overrides default chef search nodes inventory
  • cluster_attribute (optional, String) - chef node cluster attribute to create hostgroup and Host vars
  • application_attribute (optional, String) - chef node application attribute to create hostgroup and Host vars
  • enable_cluster_hostgroup (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create HostGroup objects for chef node cluster's
  • enable_application_hostgroup (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create HostGroup objects for chef node application's
  • enable_role_hostgroup (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create HostGroup objects for chef node run_list role
  • host_display_name_attr (optional, String) - whether to use hostname or fqdn for Host Object attribute display_name, options: hostname fqdn
  • use_fqdn_resolv (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to use DNS FQDN resolved address for Host object attribute address
  • failover_fqdn_address (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to use chef node attribute node['ipaddress'] if failed to resolve node FQDN
  • ignore_resolv_error (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to ignore node FQDN resolve error
  • ignore_node_error (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to ignore node if failed to determine node[]'chef_environment'] or node['fqdn'] or node['hostname']
  • exclude_recipes (optional, Array) - exclude chef node if run_list matches recipe, not yet tested
  • exclude_roles (optional, Array) - exclude chef node if run_list matches role, not yet tested
  • env_custom_vars (optional, Hash) - add Host object custom vars to all chef node
  • limit_region (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to limit chef node to chef server region, currently tested for Amazon EC2, e.g. a icinga2 server located in region us-east-1 will only collect nodes located in `us-east-`` region
  • server_region (optional, String) - icinga2 server region can be overridden if cloud provider is not supported by the cookbook using this attribute
  • add_cloud_custom_vars (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to add cloud attributes, currently supports amazon ec2, e.g. instance id, vpc subnet etc.
  • env_filter_node_vars (optional, Hash) - filter or match chef nodes for a given Hash attribute values
  • import (optional, String) - icinga Host object import template attribute
  • check_command (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute check_command
  • max_check_attempts (optional, Integer) - icinga Host object attribute max_check_attempts
  • check_period (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute check_period
  • check_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Host object attribute check_interval
  • retry_interval (optional, Integer) - icinga Host object attribute retry_interval
  • enable_notifications (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_notifications
  • enable_active_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_active_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_event_handler (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_event_handler
  • enable_flapping (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_flapping
  • enable_perfdata (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_perfdata
  • event_command (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute event_command
  • flapping_threshold (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute flapping_threshold
  • volatile (optional, , TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute volatile
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute zone
  • command_endpoint (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute command_endpoint
  • notes (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute notes
  • notes_url (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute notes_url
  • action_url (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute action_url
  • icon_image (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute icon_image
  • icon_image_alt (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute icon_image_alt

Note: Few of LWRP resource attributes has default value, please check LWRP resource until information is added here.

LWRP icinga2_envhostgroup

LWRP envhostgroup creates an icinga Hostgroup object for LWRP environment host groups.

An environment host groups are evaluated at compile time, hence it conflicts with LWRP hostgroup resources. To avoid the conflict, LWRP envhostgroup resources are created in a separate object file for an environment.

LWRP Environment HostGroup example

icinga2_envhostgroup 'envhostgroup' do
  environment environment_name
  groups %w(group)

Above LWRP resource will create HostGroup for a chef environment.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • environment (name_attribute, String) - chef environment name
  • groups (optional, Array) - host group names

Note: This LWRP resource is only meant for LWRP environment and not to be used for custom resources.

LWRP icinga2_host

Unlike LWRP environment, LWRP host creates an icinga Host object or template.

LWRP host can be useful for servers not managed by Chef or to monitor Cloud Services like Amazon Elastic Cache or Amazon RDS etc.

LWRP Host Object example

icinga2_host '' do
  display_name 'Production Redis Server'
  address ''
  custom_vars :check_tcp_ports => %w(6379), :application => 'redis', :environment => 'production', :cluster_name => 'prodredis0001'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Host object.

LWRP Host Template example

icinga2_host 'generic-host' do
  template true
  max_check_attempts 5
  check_interval '1m'
  retry_interval '30s'
  check_command 'hostalive'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Host template - generic-host.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :create, options: :create, :delete, :reload
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga Host object import template attribute
  • import (optional, String) - icinga Host object import template attribute
  • address (optional, String) - icinga Host object import template attribute
  • address6 (optional, String) - icinga Host object import template attribute
  • groups (optional, Array) - icinga Host object import template attribute
  • check_command (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute check_command
  • max_check_attempts (optional, Integer) - icinga Host object attribute max_check_attempts
  • check_period (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute check_period
  • check_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Host object attribute check_interval
  • retry_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Host object attribute retry_interval
  • enable_notifications (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_notifications
  • enable_active_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_active_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_event_handler (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_event_handler
  • enable_flapping (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_flapping
  • enable_perfdata (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute enable_perfdata
  • event_command (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute event_command
  • flapping_threshold (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute flapping_threshold
  • volatile (optional, , TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Host object attribute volatile
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute zone
  • command_endpoint (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute command_endpoint
  • notes (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute notes
  • notes_url (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute notes_url
  • action_url (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute action_url
  • icon_image (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute icon_image
  • icon_image_alt (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute icon_image_alt
  • custom_vars (optional, String) - icinga Host object attribute vars
  • tempalte (optional, String) - whether to create a Host template

LWRP icinga2_hostgroup

LWRP hostgroup creates an icinga HostGroup object.

LWRP HostGroup example

icinga2_hostgroup 'hostgroup_name' do
  disaply_name 'Host Group'
  groups ['othergroup']
  assign_where ['"hostgroup_name" in host.vars.hostgroups']
  ignore_where ['"hostgroup_name" in host.vars.hostgroups']

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga HostGroup object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga HostGroup attribute display_name
  • groups (optional, Array) - icinga HostGroup attribute groups
  • assign_where (optional, Array) - an array of assign where statements
  • ignore_where (optional, Array) - an array of ignore where statements

LWRP icinga2_service

LWRP service creates an icinga Service object or template.

LWRP Service Object example

icinga2_service 'redis-ec.abcdef.0001.apse1.cache.amazonaws.com_service_check' do
  display_name 'Production Redis Service Check'
  host_name ''
  check_command 'tcp'
  custom_vars :tcp_port => 6379

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Service object for a host tcp port check.

LWRP Service Template example

icinga2_service 'generic-service' do
  template true
  max_check_attempts 5
  check_interval '1m'
  retry_interval '30s'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Service template object for a generic-service Service.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :create, options: :create, :delete, :reload
  • display_name (optional) - icinga Service object attribute display_name
  • import (optional) - icinga Service object attribute import
  • host_name (optional) - icinga Service object attribute host_name
  • groups (optional) - icinga Service object attribute groups
  • check_command (optional) - icinga Service object attribute check_command
  • max_check_attempts (optional) - icinga Service object attribute max_check_attempts
  • check_period (optional) - icinga Service object attribute check_period
  • check_interval (optional) - icinga Service object attribute check_interval
  • retry_interval (optional) - icinga Service object attribute retry_interval
  • enable_notifications (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_notifications
  • enable_active_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_active_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_event_handler (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_event_handler
  • enable_flapping (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_flapping
  • enable_perfdata (optional) - icinga Service object attribute enable_perfdata
  • event_command (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute event_command
  • flapping_threshold (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute flapping_threshold
  • volatile (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute volatile
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute zone
  • command_endpoint (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute command_endpoint
  • notes (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute notes
  • notes_url (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute notes_url
  • action_url (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute action_url
  • icon_image (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute icon_image
  • icon_image_alt (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute icon_image_alt
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga Service object attribute vars
  • tempalte (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create a Service template

LWRP icinga2_applyservice

LWRP service creates an icinga Service object or template.

LWRP Apply Service Object example

icinga2_applyservice 'nrpe_check_load' do
  display_name 'CPU Average Load'
  import 'generic-service'
  check_command 'nrpe'
  custom_vars :nrpe_command => 'check_load'
  assign_where ['host.vars.nrpe']
  check_interval '1m'
  retry_interval '15s'
  max_check_attempts 3
  action_url '/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$'

Above LWRP resource will apply an icinga Service object to all Hosts with custom vars host.vars.nrpe.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :create, options: :create, :delete, :reload
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute display_name
  • import (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute import
  • host_name (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute host_name
  • groups (optional, Array) - icinga Service object attribute groups
  • check_command (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute check_command
  • max_check_attempts (optional, Integer) - icinga Service object attribute max_check_attempts
  • check_period (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute check_period
  • check_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Service object attribute check_interval
  • retry_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Service object attribute retry_interval
  • enable_notifications (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_notifications
  • enable_active_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_active_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_passive_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_passive_checks
  • enable_event_handler (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_event_handler
  • enable_flapping (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_flapping
  • enable_perfdata (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute enable_perfdata
  • event_command (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute event_command
  • flapping_threshold (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute flapping_threshold
  • volatile (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Service object attribute volatile
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute zone
  • command_endpoint (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute command_endpoint
  • notes (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute notes
  • notes_url (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute notes_url
  • action_url (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute action_url
  • icon_image (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute icon_image
  • icon_image_alt (optional, String) - icinga Service object attribute icon_image_alt
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga Service object attribute vars
  • assign_where (optional, Array) - an array of assign where statements
  • ignore_where (optional, Array) - an array of ignore where statements

LWRP icinga2_servicegroup

LWRP servicegroup creates an icinga ServiceGroup object.

LWRP ServiceGroup example

icinga2_servicegroup 'servicegroup_name' do
  disaply_name 'Service Group'
  groups ['othergroup']
  assign_where ['"servicegroup_name" in host.vars.servicegroups']
  ignore_where ['"servicegroup_name" in host.vars.servicegroups']

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga ServiceGroup object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga ServiceGroup attribute display_name
  • groups (optional, Array) - icinga ServiceGroup attribute groups
  • assign_where (optional, Array) - an array of assign where statements
  • ignore_where (optional, Array) - an array of ignore where statements

LWRP icinga2_feature

LWRP feature enable or disable an icinga Feature.

LWRP Feature enable example

icinga2_feature 'feature'

Above LWRP resource will enable an icinga Feature.

LWRP Feature disable example

icinga2_feature 'feature' do
  action :disable

Above LWRP resource will disable an icinga Feature.

LWRP Options

  • name(name_attribute) - icinga2 feature name
  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable

LWRP icinga2_user

LWRP user creates an icinga User object.

LWRP User Object example

icinga2_user 'user_name' do
  import 'generic-user'
  enable_notifications true
  states %w(OK Warning Critical Unknown Up Down)
  types %w(DowntimeStart DowntimeEnd DowntimeRemoved Custom Acknowledgement Problem Recovery FlappingStart FlappingEnd)
  display_name 'User Info'
  groups %w(usergroup)
  email 'user@domain'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga User object.

LWRP User Template example

icinga2_user 'generic-user' do
  template true

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga User template.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga User attribute display_name
  • import (optional, String) - icinga User attribute import
  • groups (optional, Array) - icinga User attribute groups
  • email (optional, String) - icinga User attribute email
  • pager (optional, String) - icinga User attribute pager
  • period (optional, String) - icinga User attribute period
  • states (optional, Array) - icinga User attribute states
  • types (optional, Array) - icinga User attribute types
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga User attribute zone
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga User attribute vars
  • enable_notifications (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga User attribute enable_notifications
  • template (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create a User template

LWRP icinga2_usergroup

LWRP usergroup creates an icinga UserGroup object.

LWRP UserGroup example

icinga2_usergroup 'usergroup_name' do
  disaply_name 'User Group'
  groups ['usergroup']
  zone 'zone_name'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga UserGroup object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga UserGroup attribute display_name
  • groups (optional, Array) - icinga UserGroup attribute groups
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga UserGroup attribute zone

LWRP icinga2_zone

LWRP zone creates an icinga Zone object.

LWRP Zone example

icinga2_zone 'zone' do
  endpoints %w(endpoint)
  parent 'parent zone'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Zone object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • endpoints (optional, String) - icinga Zone attribute endpoints
  • parent (optional, String) - icinga Zone attribute parent
  • global (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga Zone attribute global

LWRP icinga2_endpoint

LWRP endpoint creates an icinga Endpoint object.

LWRP Endpoint example

icinga2_endpoint 'endpoint' do
  host 'host address'
  port 'port'
  log_duration 'log duration'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Endpoint object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • host (optional, String) - icinga Endpoint attribute host
  • port (optional, Integer) - icinga Endpoint attribute port
  • log_duration (optional, String) - icinga Endpoint attribute log_duration

LWRP icinga2_timeperiod

LWRP timeperiod creates an icinga TimePeriod object.

LWRP TimePeriod example

icinga2_timeperiod '24x7' do
  import 'legacy-timeperiod'
  display_name 'Icinga 2 24x7 TimePeriod'
  ranges 'monday' => '00:00-24:00',
	'tuesday' => '00:00-24:00',
	'wednesday' => '00:00-24:00',
	'thursday' => '00:00-24:00',
	'friday' => '00:00-24:00',
	'saturday' => '00:00-24:00',
	'sunday' => '00:00-24:00'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga TimePeriod object.

LWRP TimePeriod template

icinga2_timeperiod 'legacy-timeperiod' do
  template true
  display_name 'legacy-timeperiod'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga TimePeriod template.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • display_name (optional, String) - icinga TimePeriod attribute display_name
  • import (optional, String) - icinga TimePeriod attribute import
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga TimePeriod attribute zone
  • ranges (optional, Hash) - icinga TimePeriod attribute ranges
  • template (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create an icinga TimePeriod template

LWRP icinga2_eventcommand

LWRP eventcommand creates an icinga EventCommand object.

LWRP EventCommand example

icinga2_eventcommand 'eventcommand' do
  command 'command name'
  custom_vars :attribute => 'value'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga EventCommand object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • import (optional, String) - icinga EventCommand attribute import
  • command (optional, String/Array) - icinga EventCommand attribute command
  • env (optional, Hash) - icinga EventCommand attribute env
  • timeout (optional, String/Integer) - icinga EventCommand attribute timeout
  • arguments (optional, Hash) - icinga EventCommand attribute arguments
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga EventCommand attribute custom_vars

LWRP icinga2_checkcommand

LWRP checkcommand creates an icinga CheckCommand object.

LWRP CheckCommand example

icinga2_checkcommand 'checkcommand' do
  command 'command name'
  env :attribute => 'value'
  arguments :attribute => 'value'
  custom_vars :attribute => 'value'
  zone 'zone name'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga CheckCommand object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional, String) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • import (optional, String) - default plugin-check-command, icinga CheckCommand attribute import
  • command (optional, String/Array) - icinga CheckCommand attribute command
  • env (optional, Hash) - icinga CheckCommand attribute env
  • timeout (optional, Integer) - icinga CheckCommand attribute timeout
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga CheckCommand attribute zone
  • arguments (optional, Hash) - icinga CheckCommand attribute arguments
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga CheckCommand attribute custom_vars

LWRP icinga2_scheduleddowntime

LWRP scheduleddowntime creates an icinga ScheduledDowntime object.

LWRP ScheduledDowntime example

icinga2_scheduleddowntime 'downtime' do
  host_name 'host name'
  service_name 'service name'
  author 'author'
  comment 'comment'
  duration 'duration'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga ScheduledDowntime object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • host_name (optional, String) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute host_name
  • service_name (optional, String) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute service_name
  • author (optional, String) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute author
  • comment (optional, String) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute comment
  • fixed (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute fixed
  • duration (optional, String) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute duration
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute zone
  • ranges (optional, Hash) - icinga ScheduledDowntime attribute ranges
  • template (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create an icinga ScheduledDowntime template

LWRP icinga2_externalcommandlistener

LWRP externalcommandlistener creates an icinga ExternalCommandListener object.

LWRP ExternalCommandListener example

icinga2_externalcommandlistener 'externalcommandlistener' do
  library 'library'
  command_path 'command path'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga ExternalCommandListener config object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default 'compat', icinga ExternalCommandListener attribute library
  • command_path (optional, String) - icinga ExternalCommandListener attribute command_path

LWRP icinga2_gelfwriter

LWRP gelfwriter creates an icinga GelfWriter object.

LWRP GelfWrite example

icinga2_gelfwriter 'gelfwriter' do
  library 'library'
  host 'host address'
  port 'port'
  source 'source'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga GelfWriter config object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default 'perfdata', icinga GelfWriter attribute library
  • host (required, String) - icinga GelfWriter attribute host
  • port (required, Integer) - icinga GelfWriter attribute port
  • source (optional, String) - icinga GelfWriter attribute source

LWRP icinga2_graphitewriter

LWRP graphitewriter creates an icinga GraphiteWriter object.

LWRP GraphiteWriter example

icinga2_graphitewriter 'graphitewriter' do
  library 'library'
  host 'host address'
  port 'port'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga GraphiteWriter config object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default 'perfdata', icinga GraphiteWriter attribute library
  • host (optional, String) - icinga GraphiteWriter attribute host
  • port (optional, Integer) - icinga GraphiteWriter attribute port
  • host_name_template (optional, String) - default icinga.$$, icinga GraphiteWriter attribute host_name_template
  • service_name_template (optional, String) - default icinga.$$.$$, icinga GraphiteWriter attribute service_name_template

LWRP icinga2_idomysqlconnection

LWRP idomysqlconnection creates an icinga IdoMySqlConnection object.

LWRP IdoMySqlConnection example

icinga2_idomysqlconnection 'idomysqlconnection' do
  library 'library'
  host 'host address'
  port 'port'
  user 'user name'
  password 'password'
  database 'database name'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga IdoMySqlConnection config object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default 'db_ido_mysql', icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute library
  • host (optional, String) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute host
  • port (optional, Integer) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute port
  • user (optional, String) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute user
  • password (optional, String) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute password
  • database (optional, String) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute database
  • table_prefix (optional, String) - default icinga_, icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute table_prefix
  • instance_name (optional, String) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute instance_name
  • instance_description (optional, String) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute instance_description
  • enable_ha (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute enable_ha
  • failover_timeout (optional, String/Integer) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute failover_timeout
  • cleanup (optional, Hash) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute cleanup
  • categories (optional, Array) - icinga IdoMySqlConnection attribute categories

LWRP icinga2_idopgsqlconnection

LWRP idopgsqlconnection creates an icinga IdoPgSqlConnection object.

LWRP IdoPgSqlConnection example

icinga2_idopgsqlconnection 'idopgsqlconnection' do
  library 'library'
  host 'host address'
  port 'port'
  user 'user name'
  password 'password'
  database 'database name'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga IdoPgSqlConnection config object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default 'db_ido_mysql', icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute library
  • host (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute host
  • port (optional, Integer) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute port
  • user (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute user
  • password (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute password
  • database (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute database
  • table_prefix (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute table_prefix
  • instance_name (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute instance_name
  • instance_description (optional, String) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute instance_description
  • enable_ha (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute enable_ha
  • failover_timeout (optional, String/Integer) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute failover_timeout
  • cleanup (optional, Hash) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute cleanup
  • categories (optional, Array) - icinga IdoPgSqlConnection attribute categories

LWRP icinga2_sysloglogger

LWRP sysloglogger creates an icinga SyslogLogger object.

LWRP SyslogLogger example

icinga2_sysloglogger 'sysloglogger' do
  severity 'critical'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga SyslogLogger object.

LWRP Options

  • name(name_attribute) - icinga SyslogLogger name
  • severity (optional, String) - icinga SyslogLogger attribute port

LWRP icinga2_notification

LWRP notification creates an icinga Notification object.

LWRP Notification Object example

icinga2_notification 'notification' do
  import 'notification template'
  host_name 'host'
  service_name 'service'
  users %w(user)
  user_groups %w(usergroup)
  interval 'interval'
  period 'period'
  states %w(OK Warning Critical Unknown Up Down)
  types %w(Custom Acknowledgement Problem Recovery)

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Notification object.

LWRP Notification Template example

icinga2_notification 'notification' do
  template true
  period '24x7'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga Notification template.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • import (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute import
  • host_name (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute host_name
  • service_name (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute service_name
  • users (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute users
  • user_groups (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute user_groups
  • times (optional, Hash) - icinga Notification attribute times
  • command (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute command
  • interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Notification attribute interval
  • period (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute period
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute zone
  • types (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute types
  • states (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute states
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga Notification attribute vars
  • template (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - whether to create a Notification template

LWRP icinga2_applynotification

LWRP applynotification creates an icinga apply Notification object for Host and Service.

LWRP apply Notification Service Object example

icinga2_applynotification 'servicenotification' do
  object_type 'Service'
  command 'mail-service-notification'
  users %w(user)
  interval '1h'
  assign_where ['host.address && host.vars.environment == "development"']
  ignore_where ['host.vars.monitoring_disabled == true']

Above LWRP resource will apply Notification to all Service objects for provided assign where statements and ignore for specified ignore where statements.

LWRP apply Notification Host Object example

icinga2_applynotification 'hostnotification' do
  object_type 'Host'
  command 'mail-host-notification'
  users %w(user)
  interval '1h'
  assign_where ['host.address && host.vars.environment == "development"']
  ignore_where ['host.vars.monitoring_disabled == true']

Above LWRP resource will apply Notification to all Host objects for provided assign_where statements and ignore for specified ignore_where statements.

LWRP Options

  • object_type (required, String) - apply Notification to Host or Service, valid values are: Host Service
  • action (optional, String) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • import (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute import
  • users (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute users
  • user_groups (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute user_groups
  • times (optional, Hash) - icinga Notification attribute times
  • command (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute command
  • interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga Notification attribute interval
  • period (optional, String) - icinga Notification attribute period
  • types (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute types
  • states (optional, Array) - icinga Notification attribute states
  • assign_where (optional, Array) - icinga assign where statements
  • ignore_where (optional, Array) - icinga ignore where statements

LWRP icinga2_notificationcommand

LWRP notificationcommand creates an icinga NotificationCommand object.

LWRP NotificationCommand example

icinga2_notificationcommand 'mail-service-notification' do
  command ['SysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/"']
  env 'NOTIFICATIONTYPE' => '$notification.type$', \
    'SERVICEDESC' => '$$',\
    'HOSTALIAS' => '$host.display_name$',\
    'HOSTADDRESS' => '$address$',\
    'SERVICESTATE' => '$service.state$',\
    'LONGDATETIME' => '$icinga.long_date_time$',\
    'SERVICEOUTPUT' => '$service.output$',\
    'NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT' => '$notification.comment$',\
    'HOSTDISPLAYNAME' => '$host.display_name$',\
    'SERVICEDISPLAYNAME' => '$service.display_name$',\
    'USEREMAIL' => '$$'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga NotificationCommand object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • import (optional, String) - default plugin-notification-command, icinga NotificationCommand attribute cert_path
  • command (optional, String/Array) - icinga NotificationCommand attribute command
  • env (optional, Hash) - icinga NotificationCommand attribute env
  • timeout (optional, Integer) - icinga NotificationCommand attribute timeout
  • zone (optional, String) - icinga NotificationCommand attribute zone
  • arguments (optional, Hash) - icinga NotificationCommand attribute arguments
  • custom_vars (optional, Hash) - icinga NotificationCommand attribute vars

LWRP icinga2_apilistener

LWRP apilistener creates an icinga ApiListener object.

LWRP ApiListener example

icinga2_apilistener 'master' do
  cert_path 'SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".crt"'
  key_path 'SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".key"'
  ca_path 'SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/ca.crt"'
  bind_host 'host address'
  bind_port '5665'
  ticket_salt 'TicketSalt'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga ApiListener object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional, String) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • cert_path (required, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute cert_path
  • key_path (required, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute key_path
  • ca_path (required, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute ca_path
  • crl_path (optional, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute crl_path
  • bind_host (optional, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute bind_host
  • bind_port (optional, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute bind_port
  • ticket_salt (optional, String) - icinga ApiListener attribute ticket_salt
  • accept_config (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga ApiListener attribute accept_config
  • accept_commands (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga ApiListener attribute accept_commands

LWRP icinga2_livestatuslistener

LWRP livestatuslistener creates an icinga LiveStatusListener object.

LWRP LiveStatusListener example

icinga2_livestatuslistener 'livestatuslistener' do
  socket_type 'socket type'
  socket_path 'socket path'
  bind_host 'host address'
  bind_port 'host port'
  compat_log_path 'log path'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga LiveStatusListener object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • socket_type (optional, String) - icinga LiveStatusListener attribute socket_type
  • socket_path (optional, String) - icinga LiveStatusListener attribute socket_path
  • bind_host (optional, String) - icinga LiveStatusListener attribute bind_host
  • bind_port (optional, Integer) - icinga LiveStatusListener attribute bind_port
  • compat_log_path (optional, String) - icinga LiveStatusListener attribute compat_log_path

LWRP icinga2_statusdatawriter

LWRP statusdatawriter creates an icinga StatusDataWriter object.

LWRP StatusDataWriter example

icinga2_statusdatawriter 'statusdatawriter' do
  status_path 'status path'
  objects_path 'objects path'
  update_interval 'update interval'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga StatusDataWriter object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default compat, icinga StatusDataWriter Object library
  • status_path (optional, String) - icinga StatusDataWriter attribute status_path
  • objects_path (optional, String) - icinga StatusDataWriter attribute objects_path
  • update_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga StatusDataWriter attribute update_interval

LWRP icinga2_compatlogger

LWRP compatlogger creates an icinga CompatLogger object.

LWRP CompatLogger example

icinga2_compatlogger 'compatlogger' do
  log_dir 'log dir'
  rotation_method 'rotation method'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga CompatLogger object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default compat, icinga CompatLogger Object library
  • log_dir (optional, String) - icinga CompatLogger attribute log_dir
  • rotation_method (optional, String) - icinga CompatLogger attribute rotation_method

LWRP icinga2_checkresultreader

LWRP checkresultreader creates an icinga CheckResultReader object.

LWRP CheckResultReader example

icinga2_checkresultreader 'checkresultreader' do
  spool_dir 'spool dir'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga CheckResultReader object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default compat, icinga CheckResultReader Object library
  • spool_dir (optional, String) - icinga CheckResultReader attribute spool_dir

LWRP icinga2_checkercomponent

LWRP checkercomponent creates an icinga CheckerComponent object.

LWRP CheckerComponent example

icinga2_checkercomponent 'checkercomponent'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga CheckerComponent object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default checker, icinga CheckerComponent Object library

LWRP icinga2_notificationcomponent

LWRP notificationcomponent creates an icinga NotificationComponent object.

LWRP CheckerComponent example

icinga2_notificationcomponent 'notificationcomponent' do

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga NotificationComponent object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default notification, icinga NotificationComponent Object library
  • enable_ha (optional, String) - default checker, icinga NotificationComponent attribute enable_ha

LWRP icinga2_filelogger

LWRP filelogger creates an icinga FileLogger object.

LWRP CheckerComponent example

icinga2_filelogger 'filelogger' do

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga FileLogger object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • path (optional, String) - default checker, icinga FileLogger attribute path
  • severity (optional, String) - icinga FileLogger attribute severity

LWRP icinga2_perfdatawriter

LWRP perfdatawriter creates an icinga PerfdataWriter object.

LWRP PerfdataWriter example

icinga2_perfdatawriter 'perfdatawriter' do
  host_perfdata_path 'host perfdata path'
  service_perfdata_path 'service perfdata path'
  host_format_template 'host perfdata format'
  service_format_template 'service perfdata format'
  rotation_interval 'rotation interval'

Above LWRP resource will create an icinga PerfdataWriter object.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • library (optional, String) - default perfdata, icinga PerfdataWriter Object library
  • host_perfdata_path (optional, String) - default checker, icinga PerfdataWriter attribute host_perfdata_path
  • service_perfdata_path (optional, String) - default checker, icinga PerfdataWriter attribute service_perfdata_path
  • host_temp_path (optional, String) - icinga PerfdataWriter attribute host_temp_path
  • service_temp_path (optional, String) - icinga PerfdataWriter attribute service_temp_path
  • host_format_template (optional, String) - icinga PerfdataWriter attribute host_format_template
  • service_format_template (optional, String) - icinga PerfdataWriter attribute service_format_template
  • rotation_interval (optional, String/Integer) - icinga PerfdataWriter attribute rotation_interval

LWRP icinga2_applydependency

LWRP applydependency creates an icinga apply Dependency object for Host and Service.

LWRP apply Dependency Service Object example

icinga2_applydependency 'applyservicedependency' do
  object_type 'Service'
  parent_service_name 'check_nrpe'
  states %w(OK Critical Unknown Warning)
  period '24x7'
  assign_where ['service.check_command == "nrpe"']
  ignore_where [' == "check_nrpe"']

Above LWRP resource will apply Dependency to all Service objects for provided assign where statements and ignore for specified ignore where statements.

LWRP apply Dependency Host Object example

icinga2_applydependency 'applyhostdependency' do
  object_type 'Host'
  parent_host_name 'gateway host'
  states %w(Down Unknown)
  period '24x7'
  assign_where %w(host.address)
  ignore_where ['!host.address']

Above LWRP resource will apply Dependency to all Host objects for provided assign_where statements and ignore for specified ignore_where statements.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :enable, options: :enable, :disable
  • object_relation (optional, String) - default to, apply Dependency relation
  • object_type (required, String) - apply Notification to Host or Service, valid values are: Host Service
  • parent_host_name (optional, String) - icinga apply Dependency attribute parent_host_name
  • child_host_name (optional, String) - icinga apply Dependency attribute child_host_name
  • parent_service_name (optional, String) - icinga apply Dependency attribute parent_service_name
  • child_service_name (optional, String) - icinga apply Dependency attribute child_service_name
  • disable_checks (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga apply Dependency attribute disable_checks
  • disable_notifications (optional, TrueClass/FalseClass) - icinga apply Dependency attribute disable_notifications
  • period (optional, String) - icinga apply Dependency attribute period
  • states (optional, Array) - icinga apply Dependency attribute states
  • assign_where (optional, Array) - icinga assign where statements
  • ignore_where (optional, Array) - icinga ignore where statements

Cookbook Advanced Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['disable_conf_d'] (default: false): disable icinga2 conf.d default configuration directory in icinga2.conf and use LWRP to manage icinga2 objects / templates

  • default['icinga2']['build_type'] (default: release): icinga2 repository build type, options: release snapshot

  • default['icinga2']['disable_repository_d'] (default: false): disable icinga2 repository.d directory in icinga2.conf

  • default['icinga2']['include_itl'] (default: itl, plugins): icinga2.conf include itl array attribute

  • default['icinga2']['add_cloud_custom_vars'] (default: true): add cloud node attributes, limited cloud provider support is available

  • default['icinga2']['features_enabled_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/features-enabled): icinga2 enabled features location

  • default['icinga2']['features_available_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/features-available): icinga2 available features location

  • default['icinga2']['cluster_attribute'] (default: nil): icinga2 node cluster attribute name to add node cluster attribute and value to node vars

  • default['icinga2']['application_attribute'] (default: nil): icinga2 node application attribute name to add node application attribute and value to node vars

  • default['icinga2']['enable_cluster_hostgroup'] (default: true): creates icinga2 HostGroup Objects for environment clusters

  • default['icinga2']['enable_application_hostgroup'] (default: true): creates icinga2 HostGroup Objects for environment application types

  • default['icinga2']['enable_role_hostgroup'] (default: false): creates icinga2 HostGroup Objects for environment roles

  • default['icinga2']['limit_region'] (default: true): whether to limit monitoring to icinga2 server region, e.g. for ec2 collect nodes belongs to same region

  • default['icinga2']['host_display_name_attr'] (default: hostname): whether to use hostname or fqdn for environment resource Host Object attribute display_name, options: hostname fqdn

  • default['icinga2']['use_fqdn_resolv'] (default: false): whether to determine node address from fqdn

  • default['icinga2']['failover_fqdn_address'] (default: true): whether to use ohai attribute node['ipaddress'] if node fqdn does not exists

  • default['icinga2']['ignore_node_error'] (default: false): whether to ignore node errors if node fqdn, hostname and chef_environment is missing while collecting for a chef environment

  • default['icinga2']['ignore_resolv_error'] (default: true): whether to ignore node fqdn resolve errors while collecting for a chef environment

  • default['icinga2']['web_engine'] (default: `'apache'): icinga2 web server, currently supports only apache

  • default['icinga2']['install_nagios_plugins'] (default: true): install nagios plugins to icinga2 server and clients

Cookbook Core Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['version'] (default: 2.3.3-1): icinga2 version

  • default['icinga2']['conf_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2): icinga2 configuration location

  • default['icinga2']['conf_d_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/conf.d): icinga2 conf.d directory location

  • default['icinga2']['pki_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/pki): icinga2 pki directory location

  • default['icinga2']['scripts_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/scripts): icinga2 script directory location

  • default['icinga2']['zones_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/zones.d): icinga2 zones.d directory location

  • default['icinga2']['databag'] (default: `'icinga2'): icinga2 databag name, currently not used

  • default['icinga2']['objects_d'] (default: 'objects.d): cookbook created icinga2 Object/Templates resources directory name

  • default['icinga2']['objects_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/objects.d): cookbook created icinga2 Object/Templates resources directory location

  • default['icinga2']['run_dir'] (default: /var/run/icinga2): icinga2 run directory

  • default['icinga2']['run_cmd_dir'] (default: /var/run/icinga2/cmd): icinga2 location for process icinga2.cmd

  • default['icinga2']['cache_dir'] (default: /var/cache/icinga2): icinga2 cache directory location

  • default['icinga2']['spool_dir'] (default: /var/spool/icinga2): icinga2 spool directory location

  • default['icinga2']['lib_dir'] (default: /var/lib/icinga2): icinga2 lib directory location

  • default['icinga2']['log_dir'] (default: /var/log/icinga2): icinga2 core process log directory location

  • default['icinga2']['cache_dir'] (default: /var/cache/icinga2): icinga2 cache directory location

  • default['icinga2']['perfdata_dir'] (default: /var/spool/icinga2/perfdata): icinga2 perfdata directory location

  • default['icinga2']['service_name'] (default: icinga2'): icinga2 process name*

  • default['icinga2']['service_config_file'] (default: /etc/default/icinga2): icinga2 * process configuration file

  • default['icinga2']['plugins_dir'] (default: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins): icinga2 plugins directory location

  • default['icinga2']['custom_plugins_dir'] (default: /opt/icinga2_custom_plugins): icinga2 custom plugins directory

  • default['icinga2']['admin_user'] (default: icingaadmin): icinga2 admin user

  • default['icinga2']['user'] (default: icinga): icinga2 user

  • default['icinga2']['group'] (default: icinga): icinga2 user group

  • default['icinga2']['cmdgroup'] (default: icingacmd): icinga2 cmd user group

  • default['icinga2']['user_defined_objects_d'] (default: user_defined_objects): icinga2 conf directory name for user defined objects

  • default['icinga2']['user_defined_objects_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga2/user_defined_objects): icinga2 conf directory for user defined objects

  • default['icinga2']['cmdgroup'] (default: icingacmd): icinga2 cmd user group

  • default['icinga2']['apache_modules'] (default: calculated): apache modules / apache2 cookbook recipe to enable

Cookbook Icinga2 Constants Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['server']['constants']['NodeName'] (default: node['fqdn']): icinga2 NodeName constant

  • default['icinga2']['server']['constants']['PluginDir'] (default: node['icinga2']['plugins_dir']): icinga2 plugins directory location

  • default['icinga2']['server']['constants']['ManubulonPluginDir'] (default: node['icinga2']['plugins_dir']): icinga2 plugins directory location

  • default['icinga2']['server']['constants']['TicketSalt'] (default: ed25aed394c4bf7d236b347bb67df466): icinga2 default TicketSalt key

Cookbook Icinga2 Host Object default Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['import'] (default: 'generic-host)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['max_check_attempts'] (default: 3)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['check_period'] (default: nil)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['check_interval'] (default: 1800)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['retry_interval'] (default: 60)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['enable_notifications'] (default: true)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['enable_active_checks'] (default: true)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['enable_passive_checks'] (default: false)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['enable_event_handler'] (default: true)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['enable_flapping'] (default: true)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['enable_perfdata'] (default: true)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['event_command'] (default: nil)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['flapping_threshold'] (default: nil)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['volatile'] (default: nil)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['check_command'] (default: hostalive)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['zone'] (default: nil)

  • default['icinga2']['server']['object']['host']['command_endpoint'] (default: nil)

Cookbook Icinga2 IDO Attributes

  • default[:icinga2][:ido][:type] (default: mysql): icinga2 ido type, valid are mysql pgsql

  • default[:icinga2][:ido][:load_schema] (default: false): whether to load db schema

  • default[:icinga2][:ido][:db_host] (default: localhost): Icinga2 ido db host

  • default[:icinga2][:ido][:db_name] (default: icinga): Icinga2 ido db name

  • default[:icinga2][:ido][:db_user] (default: icinga): Icinga2 ido db user

  • default[:icinga2][:ido][:db_password] (default: icinga): Icinga2 ido db password

Cookbook Icingaweb2 Attributes

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:enable] (default: false): whether to setup icingaweb2

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:source_url] (default: git://

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:version] (default: v2.0.0-beta3): icingaweb2 git checkout version / branch / tag etc.

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:web_root] (default: /usr/share/icingaweb2): icingaweb2 web root location

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:web_uri] (default: /icingaweb2): icingweb2 web uri

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:conf_dir] (default: /etc/icingaweb2): icingaweb2 config directory

  • default[:icinga2][:web2][:log_dir] (default: /var/log/icingaweb2): icingaweb2 log directory

Cookbook Ulimit Attributes

  • default[:icinga2][:limits][:memlock] (default: unlimited): Icinga2 service user memory limit

  • default[:icinga2][:limits][:nofile] (default: 48000): Icinga2 service user file limit

  • default[:icinga2][:limits][:nproc] (default: unlimited): Icinga2 service user process limit

Cookbook Repository Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['description'] (default: `ICINGA Release'):

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['mirrorlist'] (default: nil):

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['gpgcheck'] (default: true):

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['enabled'] (default: true):

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['gpgkey'] (default:

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['action'] (default: :create):

  • default['icinga2']['yum']['baseurl'] (default: calculated):

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['repo'] (default: ICINGA Release):

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['uri'] (default: calculated):

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['distribution'] (default: node['lsb']['codename']):

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['keyserver'] (default:

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['components'] (default: [main]):

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['deb_src'] (default: true):

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['repo_key'] (default:

  • default['icinga2']['apt']['action'] (default: :add):

Cookbook Classic UI CGI Core Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['version'] (default: 2.3.3-1): icinga2 classic-ui package version

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['gui_version'] (default: 1.12.2-0): icinga2 gui package version

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['web_root'] (default: /usr/share/icinga): icinga2 web doc root directory location

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['home_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga): icinga2 classic ui configuration home directory location

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['conf_dir'] (default: /etc/icinga): icinga2 classic ui configuration directory location

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['log_dir'] (default: /var/log/icinga): icinga2 classic ui log directory location

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi_log_dir'] (default: /var/log/icinga/gui): icinga2 gui log directory location

Cookbook Classic UI CGI User Access Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['users'] (default: { 'icingaadmin' => 'icingaadmin' }): Hash List of user => password (md5) for class ui access

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_system_information'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for system information

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_configuration_information'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for configuration information

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_full_command_resolution'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for full command resolution

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_system_commands'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for system commands

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_services'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for all services

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_hosts'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for all hosts

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_service_commands'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for all service commands

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_host_commands'] (default: [node['icinga2']['admin_user']]): Array list of users authorized for all host commands

Cookbook Classic UI CGI Configuration Attributes

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['standalone_installation'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['physical_html_path'] (default: /usr/share/icinga)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['url_html_path'] (default: /icinga)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['url_stylesheets_path'] (default: /icinga/stylesheets)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['http_charset'] (default: utf-8)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['refresh_rate'] (default: 60)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['refresh_type'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['escape_html_tags'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['result_limit'] (default: 50)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['show_tac_header'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['use_pending_states'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['first_day_of_week'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['suppress_maintenance_downtime'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['action_url_target'] (default: main)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['notes_url_target'] (default: main)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['use_authentication'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['use_ssl_authentication'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['lowercase_user_name'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_system_information'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_system_information'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_configuration_information'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']* ['authorized_for_configuration_information'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_full_command_resolution'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_full_command_resolution'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_system_commands'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_system_commands'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_all_services'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_services'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_all_hosts'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_hosts'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_all_service_commands'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_service_commands'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['authorized_for_all_host_commands'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['authorized_for_all_host_commands'].join(','))

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['show_all_services_host_is_authorized_for'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['show_partial_hostgroups'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['show_partial_servicegroups'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['default_statusmap_layout'] (default: 5)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['status_show_long_plugin_output'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['display_status_totals'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['highlight_table_rows'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['add_notif_num_hard'] (default: 28)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['add_notif_num_soft'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['use_logging'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['cgi_log_file'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi_log_dir']/icinga-cgi.log)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['cgi_log_rotation_method'] (default: d)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['cgi_log_archive_path'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi_log_dir'])

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['enforce_comments_on_actions'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['send_ack_notifications'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['persistent_ack_comments'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['lock_author_names'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['default_downtime_duration'] (default: 7200)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['set_expire_ack_by_default'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['default_expiring_acknowledgement_duration'] (default: 86_400)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['default_expiring_disabled_notifications_duration'] (default: 86_400)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['tac_show_only_hard_state'] (default: 0)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['show_tac_header_pending'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['exclude_customvar_name'] (default: PASSWORD,COMMUNITY)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['exclude_customvar_value'] (default: secret)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['extinfo_show_child_hosts'] (default: `)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['tab_friendly_titles'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['object_cache_file'] (default: /var/cache/icinga2/objects.cache)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['status_file'] (default: node['icinga2']['cache_dir']/status.dat)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['resource_file'] (default: node['icinga2']['classic_ui']['conf_dir']/resource.cfg)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['command_file'] (default: node['icinga2']['run_dir']/cmd/icinga2.cmd)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['check_external_commands'] (default: 1)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['interval_length'] (default: 60)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['status_update_interval'] (default: 10)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['log_file'] (default: node['icinga2']['log_dir']/compat/icinga.log)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['log_rotation_method'] (default: h)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['log_archive_path'] (default: node['icinga2']['log_dir']/compat/archives)

  • default['icinga2']['classic_ui']['cgi']['date_format'] (default: us)

Copyright & License

Authors:: Check AUTHORS file

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


No packages published


  • Ruby 81.0%
  • HTML 18.6%
  • Shell 0.4%