Solidity compiler binaries, packed into jar for use in Java based projects.
This project is not supported anymore. If you have any question or would like to contribute find us on Gitter.
Jars are available at:
Can be included in gradle via:
compile 'org.ethereum:solcJ-all:0.5.7'
We use jar in EthereumJ project, where we add addition layer of classes to interact with solc
And then we use code snippet for compilation:
String contractSrc =
"pragma solidity ^0.5.7;\n" +
"contract a {" +
" function() {throw;}" +
SolidityCompiler.Result res = SolidityCompiler.compile(
contractSrc.getBytes(), true, ABI, BIN, INTERFACE, METADATA);
System.out.println("Out: '" + res.output + "'");
System.out.println("Err: '" + res.errors + "'");
CompilationResult result = CompilationResult.parse(res.output);
CompilationResult.ContractMetadata a = result.contracts.get("a");
CallTransaction.Contract contract = new CallTransaction.Contract(a.abi);