Releases: openimis/openimis-be-individual_py
Releases · openimis/openimis-be-individual_py
Release release/24.10
What's Changed
- CM-808: group by column on import by @jdolkowski in #86
- CM-808: aggregation column for individual data upload by @jdolkowski in #87
- CM-808: aggregation adjustments by @jdolkowski in #88
- hotfix: fixing migration with removing individual from data upload source table by @sniedzielski in #90
- CM-809: group aggregate upload by @jdolkowski in #89
- CM-809: fix group creation by @jdolkowski in #91
- CM-812: Added enrollment for group by @sniedzielski in #93
- CM-810: maker checker logic for group upload by @jdolkowski in #92
- CM-819: added custom filters for group beneficiaries, added programme type picker by @sniedzielski in #94
- CM-810: copy head json_ext to group json_ext by @jdolkowski in #95
- CM-810: use GroupDataSource to create groups on data upload by @jdolkowski in #96
- CM-698: add new roles to group individuals by @jdolkowski in #97
- CM-699: manage group history by @jdolkowski in #99
- hotfix: fix approving atomic then bulk task by @jdolkowski in #98
- Hotfix group upload task by @jdolkowski in #100
- hotfix: fix move individual to group by @jdolkowski in #101
- Hotfix move groupindividual by @jdolkowski in #102
- Update by @dborowiecki in #103
- merge migration by @delcroip in #104
- Revert "merge migration" by @delcroip in #105
- CM-842: added filtering of individuals not attached to any groups by @sniedzielski in #106
- CM-925: restrict enrollment of indviduals to the ones not attached to any group by @sniedzielski in #107
- CM-919: fixed changelog for group by @sniedzielski in #108
- hotfix: fixed enrollment by @sniedzielski in #109
- CM-816: added synch data with opensearch for group by @sniedzielski in #110
- CM-816: Group basic visualizations by @sniedzielski in #111
- CM-946: added global schema query by @sniedzielski in #112
- Use LogInHelper from core module & fix edge case and tests by @weilu in #113
- Individual additional field config & dev fixture generation and import by @weilu in #114
- CM-901: CM-901: added individual config for data masking by @sniedzielski in #115
- CM-983: added template file for individual upload by @sniedzielski in #116
- Switch off opensearch indexing in unit tests by @weilu in #117
- test fix by @delcroip in #118
- fixed wrong reverse related field used for individuals to get groupindividual_set by @Shahzaibahmad97 in #119
- added "individual_role" field for import process that populates role of individual in group by @Shahzaibahmad97 in #120
- CM-997: DataUpdates Synchronizations by @sniedzielski in #123
- CM-1000: adjust service to manage new way of enabling/disabling synch to opensearch by @sniedzielski in #124
- hotfix: instance from related opensearch group individual fixed by @sniedzielski in #125
- CM-1003: fixing opensearch indexing name overlapping with model name by @sniedzielski in #126
- MERGING develop into release/24.10 by @delcroip in #128
- Fix perforamnce for individual data update by @dborowiecki in #127
- Feature/adding location by @delcroip in #129
New Contributors
- @Shahzaibahmad97 made their first contribution in #119
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
Release release/23.10
What's Changed
- CM-17 Add "Individual" model to Django ORM by @malinowskikam in #1
- hotfix: fixed gql schema - fk reference by @sniedzielski in #2
- CM-113: add group to django orm by @jdolkowski in #3
- CM-108: update schema for group detail view by @jdolkowski in #4
- CM-105: add group export by @jdolkowski in #6
- CM-29: add export individuals funcionality by @jdolkowski in #7
- CM-108: fix filtering individuals by groupId by @jdolkowski in #8
- CM-108: return only distinct results of query by @jdolkowski in #10
- CM-162: added custom filters for individual by @sniedzielski in #9
- CM-105: add default value for json_ext in individual module by @jdolkowski in #11
- CM-19: Create an endpoint for "Beneficiary" import using unstructured CSV/XLSX files by @malinowskikam in #12
- CM-48: add roles management to group_individuals by @jdolkowski in #13
- CM-235: Added postgres tests execution by @dborowiecki in #14
- CM-134: add jsonExt to create/update individual mutation by @olewandowski1 in #15
- CM-250: remove individual field from IndividualDataUpload model by @jdolkowski in #16
- Update by @jdolkowski in #17
- CM-256: Add by @dborowiecki in #18
- CM-256: Added report by @dborowiecki in #19
- CM-256: Changed coverage execution command by @dborowiecki in #20
- Develop by @dborowiecki in #21
- CI Update for openimis-be-individual_py by @dborowiecki in #23
- MERGING RELEASE branches by @dragos-dobre in #26
- MERGING RELEASE branches by @delcroip in #27
- MERGING RELEASE branches by @dragos-dobre in #29
- MERGING develop into release/23.10 by @delcroip in #30
- MERGING develop into release/23.10 by @delcroip in #31
New Contributors
- @malinowskikam made their first contribution in #1
- @sniedzielski made their first contribution in #2
- @olewandowski1 made their first contribution in #15
Full Changelog: