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This chapter provides a road map for how to map AGS and DIGGS data to the OGC SensorThingsAPI data model
The AGS format is a data transfer format for ground data that is routinely used in the United Kingdom. It has also been adopted and adpated for use in some other countries including Hong Kong and Australia.
It was created and is maintained by the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists, a UK based industry organisation. Documentation can be found here.
The scope of the AGS data transfer format is limited to factual ground investigation data (typically 'Book A' data, adopting the terminology used in this Wiki). However, interpretative/design data and ground models are covered by AGSi, a separate relatively new transfer format created by AGS.
The AGS data transfer format adopts a CSV-like format for output. The data structure does not adopt an object model approach as such, but is broadly comparable comprising Groups (--> objects / database tables) and Headings ( --> attributes / table fields) and utilising parent-child relationships between groups. The AGS 'data dictionary' is very comprehensive, covering almost all field and laboratory test data that may be published in a factual ground investigation report. There are about 150 Groups and over 2000 Headings.
AGSi (for ground models and interpretative/design data) is object model based and the output is JSON. AGSi adopts a concise but very flexible data model. It does not include schema for complex geometry, instead allowing users to adopt existing standards for model geometry.
DIGGS is an XML-based schema and associated dictionaries for the storage and transfer of the properties of real-world objects and activities, amd their associations, that occur within the geotechnical and geoenvironmental domains. DIGGS is designed as a GML application schema insofar as all objects within the DIGGS namespace derive from GML abstract types and encoding follows GML’s object-property convention. Additionally, it incorporates GML 3.3 objects to support linear referencing for linear sampling features like boreholes, and vector linear referencing for 2D and 3D objects. DIGGS also relies on another XML vocabulary, WITSML, developed for the oil industry, for measure types and units symbology which allows for schema validation of unit symbols for measure type properties.
DIGGS has been adopted as the "Provisional Standard Practice for Digital Interchange of Geotechnical Data" by AASHTO. It builds off of the AGS data dictionary for its test procedure objects, but is capable of handling more complex sampling feature geometries, testing and sampling protocols, and construction activities.
Generalized DIGGS data model showing the major object classes. These classes are of abstract type and they serve as the head of substitution groups that allow for specialized concrete features.
The DIGGS data model consists of a set of object classes that share some similarity, conceptually, with OMS objects. Most relevant to interfacing with OGC's Geotech efforts are:
SamplingFeature - A physical object or location through which we observe or measure properties of an investigation target, or perform some type of activity. It serves to define the dimensionality, extent, and local spatial reference system for zones where observations or activities take place. DIGGS has developed a number of concrete sampling feature types, including Borehole, Sounding, TrenchWall.
SamplingActivity - The action taken to obtain or produce a material sample, even if the activity does not produce a sample (eg. a core run that produces no recovery). This activity typically occurs at a location on a sampling feature, or could occur elsewhere (eg. a laboratory) in the case of test or blank samples, or can produce aggregate samples where the location of the samples produced have no meaning. All material samples must refer to a SamplingActivity.
Sample - A material sample, solid, fluid, or gas that is obtained as a result of a sampling activity, for the purpose of observation and/or testing.
Measurement - An observation where the result derives principally from the use of testing equipment and/or sensors. Results are typically objective with high precision results as long as procedures are followed and equipment is operating appropriately. Results are usually numeric values, although category assignments can be calculated from numeric results.
Observation - An observation where the result derives from direct human interaction, judgment or analysis. These results are typically subjective; and often category based. Typical observation results are descriptive, interpretive, or involve generalization or modeling.
DIGGS' distinction between observations and measurements has resulted in these two object classes to be structurally quite different. DIGGS measurements are structured such that measurement components (results, observed properties, features of interest) map in a fairly straightforward way to the OGC SensorThings API data model extension for Geotechnics. Mapping DIGGS observation results to the OGC SensorThings API data model poses more of a challenge although quite feasible.
Mapping from the various AGS and DIGGS formats to the harmonized GeoTech Model are available from Annex XXX Include information on the color coding of the mapping sheets here
AGS data can be mapped to the OGC SensorThingsAPI data model by adopting the following general rules:
For field observations/in situ tests:
- Nature of observation/test, e.g. SPT = Sensor: name = AGS Group, e.g. ISPT
- LOCA_ID = BHCollarThing: name
- Depth (e.g. to test) =
- BHSampling: from/to, and
- BHFeatureOf Interest
- fields providing metadata about the test or observation = Sensor: properties comprising a JSON object that uses the AGS Headings as keys
- other data, i.e. results = Observation:
- result from the DataStream that has as ObservedProperty: name = AGS Heading, e.g. ISPT_NVAL
Geology information (GEOL, DETL) and borehole field observations (e.g. PTIM, CHIS) also adopt this general approach.
Note that BHSampling is used for both insitu and lab test, despite in situ tests not using sampling as such.
For a lab test, the mapping is similar to the above but with the following differences:
- BHSampling along with BHSampler and BHSamplingProcedure are be used for the sample (SAMP data)
- BHFeatureofInterest used for the specimen (defined in lab test results in AGS) but note that it is not currently possible to map the specific from/to depths of the specimen reported by AGS data.
Where there is a set of 'child' readings within a 'parent' result, e.g. compaction test points (CMPT) within a compaction test (CMPG) then the results for each point are provided as sets of RelatedObservations where the first Observation would logically be the test/point number.
The approach described here is in keeping with the intent of SensorThings. However, there is a difficulty in practice as a judgement has to be made about whether a field represents test metadata or a test result. Sometimes this is obvious, but quite often it is not and this introduces the risk of an inconsistent in approach between users. This could be addressed by the publication of an official mapping, but it would be an onerous tasks to cover the entire AGS data dictionary as no such thing exists at present. Applications would also need to be able to deal with this programmatically.
An alternative approach would be to map all metadata as results, i.e. everything is treated as an Observation. This would make implementation easier, for both loading and querying data. However, it is not true to the intent of the SensorThings model.
Sample XML instances with proposed mapping of elements to the SensorThings API objects are provided here for DIGGS Test objects (a type of DIGGS measurement) for CPT, SPT and Atterberg limits tests. Although some effort has gone in to mapping a limited portion of DIGGS' ObservationSystems for category-based data to STA (specifically for Lithology observations), considerably more effort is needed. These observations ,as well as mapping to additonal test types such as compaction tests, and triaxial tests will continue to be developed.
As can be seen from the mapping examples, the DIGGS Test object, which handles all in-situ and laboratory based measurements that are not time-domain measurements (those are handled in a similarly structured Monitor object) are comprised of three main components
- Measurement metadata with time of test and roles
- Outcome, which further is subdivided into: Location and ResultSet objects. The Location object carries the feature of interest's location information while the ResultSet holds the observed properties and observation results.
- A procedure property that can hold any number of Procedure objects that describe how the test was performed but also contain metadat and interim observations that are procedure-specific.
In general, for the Test object:
- Test metadata properties will map to Sensor, unless the same information is provided in the procedure object.
- Location information will map to BhSampling and BhFeatureOfInterest.
- ResultSet properties map to Observed Property and Datastream (for units of measure)
- ResultSet datavalues property maps to Observation
- Procedure object maps to Sensor, except for included interim observations, where those elements will map to ObservedProperty and Observations
As for other DIGGS objects
- DiGGS linear sampling features such as boreholes and soundings map to properties in BhCollarThing, BhTrajectoryThing and the associated Location object
- DIGGS SamplingActivity maps to BhSampling and BhSamplingProcedure
- DIGGS Sample maps to BhFeatureOfInterest
- DIGGS Specimen objects map to BhFeatureOfInterest
- About the Borehole IE and Sampling Boreholes
- Geometry considerations
- Features properties vs observations
- A brief introduction to ISO 19148 and ISO 19156
- Enabling linear referencing based observations
- Conceptual Borehole Model
- A brief introduction to GeoSciML
- Extending gsml:GeologicUnit
- Extending gsml:ShearStructureDisplacement
- Extending gsml:Fold
- Extending gsml:Contact
- Adding gsml:GeotechUnit
- Extending gsml:Joint
- A brief introduction to GroundWaterML2
- Extending gwml2:HydroGeoUnit
- Extending gwml2:FluidBody
- Extending gwml2:FluidBodySurface
- Extending gwml2:HydroGeoVoid
- A brief introduction to LandInfra and InfraGML
- Reusing InfraGML:Alignment
- Extending InfraGML:Facility and FacilityPart