Production 2023-04-07
333 commits
to main
since this release
New Features
- Updated Landsat to use Collection 2 instead of Collection 1.
- Added the Landsat 9 image collection.
- Added NICFI imagery as an option to the Time Series Graph widget.
- Adds NICFI imagery as an option to Preloaded Image Collections widget.
- Modified the Preloaded Image Collections widget to allow selection by sensor type and collapsed multiple Landsat missions into a single Landsat option.
- Added automatic list population for a custom image collection’s band names (instead of having to click the refresh button).
- Added tests for a select number of Python functions.
- Updated README documentation to be more detailed and robust.
- Updated JavaScript formatting to use Prettier.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Statistics GeoDash widget was not reporting elevation statistics for small plots.
- Fixed a bug with reordering survey questions on newly created projections.
- Fixed a bug with the sum rule.
- Fixed a bug where certain nested questions would get duplicated when collecting.
- Fixed an issue with preloaded Sentinel 2 composite only showing white using default visualization parameters.
- Fixed a couple of issues with the UI displaying the correct number of plots assigned when using QA/QC functionality.