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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 5, 2023. It is now read-only.
Susannah Skyer Gupta edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 9 revisions

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Version numbers

The version number is increased with each build that is released on the app store.

  • 2.0 - non-native version
  • 3.0 - the first native IOS version, which is based on Swift.
  • 3.1 - build with Xcode 11, for IOS 13+, supports dark mode, bugs squashed.

Build numbers

Every upload to iTunesConnect requires a new build number. We just increase the build number by one.


App version 3+ uses Swift version 5.1.


The app uses many frameworks created and build by others. See the ReadMe for instructions.

Build errors

Some build errors we suffered, so you do not have to suffer as well.

Xcode can display formatted Markdown files. If the project shows Markdown markup rather than pretty formatting, make sure your project folder (OpenFoodFacts.xcodeproj) contains .xcodesamplecode.plist. If not (although it should, since this file is included in the repository), open a Terminal window, cd into your OpenFoodFacts.xcodeproj and touch .xcodesamplecode.plist.

If you see in your Xcode project, but it does not display at all, it's possible it is not linked to the correct version of the README. Resolve this by looking at the file’s location shown in the Inspector panel on the far right (you may need to use the button at the top of the window to display this panel if it’s not currently showing). Choose the small gray file folder icon below the Location dropdown and reset the file location to the that’s in the top level of your local clone of the openfoodfacts-ios repository.