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Joshua Granick edited this page Jan 1, 2014 · 2 revisions


Lime is currently targeting iOS 5 and greater. At the rate of adoption (and discarding older devices) this seems sufficient. If needed, with modification the codebase can target versions as old as iOS 3.


You need a recent version of Xcode installed, which you can download from the Mac App Store. You should not have to install the Xcode command-line tools to use the Mac target. If you do, please report this as a bug.


You can target both an iOS device or an iOS device simulator.


armv6, armv7 and x86 are supported, through (practically) only armv7 and x86 are used, because of the minimum iOS 5 requirement, armv6 devices are excluded.


Windowing is handled using a custom Objective-C stage (which connects to the rest of the C++ Lime codebase), which supports software, OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2 graphics, though OpenGL ES 2 is used by default. Audio uses AVAudioPlayer or OpenAL, depending on the format, both included with the operating system. Other dependencies include libjpeg, libpng, Freetype and cURL.


Apple does not provide tools to deploy to either a simulator or a device without manually pressing the button in Xcode. We prefer to be able to automate this from the Lime tools, similar to other platforms, so we have helped support the ios-deploy and ios-sim projects.

If you encounter issues during deployment, improvements in these projects would be appreciated. In the event that they do not work as needed, use "lime update ios" instead of "lime build", "lime run" or "lime test" to open a generated Xcode project which you can run manually.


You may use the "ios" target when using "lime" commands:

lime test ios

If you would prefer to target the iOS simulator rather than a device, add the "-simulator" flag:

lime test ios -simulator

You can also specify "-ipad" to request an iPad simulator, instead of a phone

lime test ios -simulator -ipad
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