Services for matchmaking offers and demands on the web of data.
A public demo of the application is available at
The application can be deployed in several ways. Luminus provides a good overview of the standard deployment options for Clojure web applications. Typical deployment using Git (git
), Leiningen (lein
) and a web app container, such as Tomcat or Jetty, may consist of the following steps:
git clone [email protected]:opendatacz/matchmaker.git
cd matchmaker
lein ring uberwar
cp target/matchmaker*.war /path/to/container/webapps/matchmaker.war
Immediately, or after restart of the web app container, the application will be available in the matchmaker
context (e.g., http://localhost:8080/matchmaker/).
Template of the application configuration, which provides default values, can be found in /resources/config/config-public.edn
(see here). The configuration file needs to be formatted using EDN. You can copy the template and fill in the required missing values (e.g., SPARQL Update endpoint access credentials).
The path to the configuration file must be provided by the application host environment as the value of the MATCHMAKER_CONFIG
environment variable:
export MATCHMAKER_CONFIG=/path/to/config.edn
For example, if you deploy to Tomcat, you can add MATCHMAKER_CONFIG
into $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
(which may need to be created first). Then, restart Tomcat to put the change into effect.
A configuration template, which is used to provide default values, can be found in /resources/config/config-public.edn
(see here).
The development of this tool was supported by the LOD2 project, which is a large-scale integrating project co-funded by the European Commission within the FP7 Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme (Grant Agreement No. 257943).
Copyright © 2013-2015 Jindřich Mynarz
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.