An opinionated list of awesome OpenCloud apps, extensions, services and other resources.
⚠️ While we are proud to present you these resources, we can't give any guarantees that they will work for you or that they will be stable. Feel free to open issues in the respective, linked repositories or contribute to the projects in any other way.
If you'd like to contribute to this list, please feel free to make a pull request.
Please follow the steps provided in our developer documentation if you want to install any of the following apps and extensions. For some of them there are released artifacts, others still need to be built from source code.
If you want to build your own apps and extensions, the place to start is our app boilerplate. Reach out to us if you need any help. And don't forget to add your apps and extensions to this document. :-)
- - View and edit diagrams
- EPub Reader - Read eBooks in .epub format using epub.js
- PDF Viewer - Read PDFs utilizing native browser pdf rendering
- Preview - View images, watch videos and listen to audio files
- Text Editor - Edit markdown and plain text file types using MD Editor v3
- Cast - Send images and videos from your OpenCloud to your Chrome Cast.
- Unzip - Unzip .zip files directly into the current folder.
- Audio Information - See audio file information like duration, author or title
- EXIF / Image Information - See EXIF information of photos
- Nyan Cat - A JS+CSS only Nyan Cat progress bar for the global loading state.