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issue #601 upload fieldnotes
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hxdimpf committed Dec 1, 2023


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
GromNaN Jérôme Tamarelle
1 parent 34975e3 commit 59d7d87
Showing 4 changed files with 347 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions okapi/core/OkapiServiceRunner.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class OkapiServiceRunner
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions okapi/services/apisrv/installation/WebService.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -33,7 +33,38 @@ public static function call(OkapiRequest $request)
$result['has_image_positions'] = Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '';
$result['has_ratings'] = Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '';
$result['geocache_passwd_max_length'] = Db::field_length('caches', 'logpw');
if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
$result['has_draft_logs'] = true;
$result['has_lists'] = true;
$result['cache_types'] = self::getCacheTypes();
$result['log_types'] = self::getLogTypes();


return Okapi::formatted_response($request, $result);

private static function getCacheTypes() {
$rs = Db::query("
FROM cache_type;
$cache_types = [];
while ($row = Db::fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$cache_types[] = $row['name'];
return $cache_types;

private static function getLogTypes() {
$rs = Db::query("
FROM log_types;
$log_types = [];
while ($row = Db::fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$log_types[] = $row['name'];
return $log_types;
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions okapi/services/draftlogs/upload_fieldnotes/WebService.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@

namespace okapi\services\draftlogs\upload_fieldnotes;

use okapi\core\Exception\InvalidParam;
use okapi\core\Exception\ParamMissing;
use okapi\core\Db;
use okapi\core\Okapi;
use okapi\core\OkapiServiceRunner;
use okapi\core\Request\OkapiInternalRequest;
use okapi\core\Request\OkapiRequest;
use okapi\services\logs\LogsCommon;
use okapi\Settings;

class WebService
public static function options()
return array(
'min_auth_level' => 3

public static function call(OkapiRequest $request)
if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') != '')
throw new BadRequest('This method is not supported in this OKAPI installation. See the has_draftlogs field in services/apisrv/installation method.');

$field_notes = $request->get_parameter('field_notes');
if (!$field_notes) throw new ParamMissing('field_notes');

// In order to understand the following, some serious explanations are in order. We are dealing here with a
// string that resembles multiple CSV records. It is important to understand, that a line, identified by a line
// termination character /n is not a 1:1 match withe a CSV record. In fact multiple such lines can be part of one
// CSV record so this input variable has to treated very carefully. What complicates this further is that we cannot
// dictate the character encoding "by design" as there are legacy applictions which have a hardcoded behaviour of
// using UTF-16LE with no BOM. This encoding has been devised by Garmin and Groundspeak a very long time ago. More
// modern applications use UTF-8 but we're best advised if we're tolerant to the character encoding which means
// we must reliably detect it and convert it to UTF-8 ourselves.
// Further we accept input data as a base64 encoded string. This primarily because the OKAPI Browser (a Windows application)
// cannot deal with multiline string inputs, however, debugging a webservice like this is hardly possible without having
// the OKAPI browser at hands, so we just accept the input string either plain oder base64 encoded.

//First figure out whether it is base64 or not. If it is, decode it.

if (self::isBase64($field_notes)) {
$input = base64_decode($field_notes, true);
} else {
$input = $field_notes;

// At this point we're dealing with the plain $input string, we need to figure out the encoding and convert
// to UTF-8. There is no single library function which proved to reliably identify the character encoding
// for instance mb_detect_encoding() miserably failed identifying UTF-LE w/o BOM correctly, consequently
// it is the safest approach to do this manually with just a few lines of code which can be understood
// by looking at it at a glance.

switch (true) {
case $input[0] === "\xEF" && $input[1] === "\xBB" && $input[2] === "\xBF": // UTF-8 BOM
$output = substr($input, 3);
case $input[0] === "\xFE" && $input[1] === "\xFF": // UTF-16BE BOM
case $input[0] === "\x00" && $input[2] === "\x00":
$output = mb_convert_encoding($input, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
case $input[0] === "\xFF" && $input[1] === "\xFE": // UTF-16LE BOM
case $input[1] === "\x00":
$output = mb_convert_encoding($input, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE');
$output = $input;

// Uncomment the following line in a debug environemnt to visually inspect the $input data
// in the final form in which we will from now on process the data. If the data doesn't
// look right at this stage, there is no point in processing it any further as doing so
// will inevitably fail.
//return self::debug($request, bin2hex($output));

$notes = self::parse_notes($output);
foreach ($notes['records'] as $n)
$geocache = OkapiServiceRunner::call(
new OkapiInternalRequest($request->consumer, $request->token, array(
'cache_code' => $n['code'],
'fields' => 'internal_id'

try {
$type = Okapi::logtypename2id($n['type']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new InvalidParam('Type', 'Invalid log type provided.');

$dateString = strtotime($n['date']);
if ($dateString === false) {
throw new InvalidParam('`Date` field in log record', "Input data not recognized.");
} else {
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $dateString);

$user_id = $request->token->user_id;
$geocache_id = $geocache['internal_id'];
$text = $n['log'];

insert into field_note (
user_id, geocache_id, type, date, text
) values (


// totalRecords is the number of parsed draft logs that were in the
// input data. Some logs may have been discarded because they may
// contain logs for other platforms than In addition
// to discarding "foreign" logs, we also discard logs which contain a
// log type that is not understood by the platform.
// As a result, processedRecords can be smaller than or equal to
// totalRecords.

$result = array(
'success' => true,
'totalRecords' => $notes['totalRecords'],
'processedRecords' => $notes['processedRecords']
return Okapi::formatted_response($request, $result);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operates on a sanitized utf-8 string of what is known as "Fieldnotes"
// A fieldnotes are a list of CSV formatted records condensed into a
// single string stretching across multiple "lines" where lines are marked
// and terminated by linefeed characters \n. In its simplest form a record
// matches a line, e.g.:
// OC1012,2023-11-27T08:27:48Z,Found it,"Thx to Retriever12 for the cache"
// This example shows that each record consist of four fields:
// cache_code, log date, log type, and a draft log text
// What makes this challenging to parse is that the draft log can be very
// long and it can itself contain line control characters so it stretches
// across multiple lines in string.

private static function parse_notes($field_notes)
$lines = self::parseCSV($field_notes);
$submittable_logtype_names = Okapi::get_submittable_logtype_names();
$records = [];
$totalRecords = 0;
$processedRecords = 0;

foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
$fields = str_getcsv($line);

$code = $fields[0];
$date = $fields[1];
$type = $fields[2];

if (!in_array($type, $submittable_logtype_names)) continue;

$log = nl2br($fields[3]);

$records[] = [
'code' => $code,
'date' => $date,
'type' => $type,
'log' => $log,
return ['success' => true, 'records' => $records, 'totalRecords' => $totalRecords, 'processedRecords' => $processedRecords];

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split lines into an array of records. Each element in the $output
// array will then contain a string, which can strech across multiple
// lines, each terminated with a linefeed \n.
// In this process we also skip records that will not be understood
// by the platform, where platform is one of:, opencaching.{de,pl,...}
// In this function we ony take log records which start with "OC" (for

private static function parseCSV($fieldnotes)
$output = [];
$buffer = '';
$start = true;

$lines = explode("\n", $fieldnotes);
$lines = array_filter($lines); // Drop empty lines

foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ($start) {
$buffer = $line;
$start = false;
} else {
if (strpos($line, 'OC') !== 0) {
$buffer .= "\n" . $line;
} else {
$output[] = trim($buffer);
$buffer = $line;

if (!$start) {
$output[] = trim($buffer);
return $output;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether a string ($s) is base64 encoded or not.

private static function isBase64($s)
return (bool) preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\/\r\n+]*={0,2}$/', $s);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is actually a debug routine to assist in debugging the webservice
// by generating an http response such that a php object can be visualized
// in the absence of using functions such as var_dump() or echo.
// It could be deleted but it may be useful for debugging in case of any
// doubts with respect to the correct function of this webservice.

private static function debug($request, $debug)
$result = array('debug'=> json_encode($debug));
return Okapi::formatted_response($request, $result);
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions okapi/services/draftlogs/upload_fieldnotes/docs.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<brief>Upload Fieldnotes</brief>
<p>This method allows you to upload a series of fieldnote objects in CSV format.
Fieldnote objects contain draft versions of log entries. Once uploaded, users will be able
to review, edit, and submit them via the Opencaching website.</p>
<req name='field_notes' infotags='ocde-specific'>
<p>CSV formatted string with no header.</p>
<p>Each record describes a geocache draft log object consisting of four fields:</p>
<li>Geocache Code</li>
<li>Log Type</li>
<li>Log Text</li>
<p>The first three fields are string entities that don't have line control characters in them,
the Log Text field is different as it may spread over muliple lines identified by line control
characters such as newline or linefeed and it may contain quote characters as well.
<p>The second field <i>Date</i> should be in ISO 8601 format (currently any format
acceptable by PHP's strtotime function also will do, but most of them don't handle
time zones properly, try to use ISO 8601!).</p>
<p>Since the log type is passed as a string, its value must match the
values supported by the platform (case sensitive!). In order to query
the names for supported log types, the service method <i>::services/apisrv/installation</i>
can and should be used.
<p>Note: This service method is not supported on all installations</p>
<p>A dictionary of the following structure:</p>
<li>success - true</li>
<li>totalRecords - number of records in <i>field_notes</i></li>
<li>processedRecords - number of records inserted into the database</li>
<p>processedRecords may be less than totalRecords (it may even be zero) and that
is the case for the following reason: Fieldnotes are created from
Geocaching client applications. Some of these, for instance cgeo support multiple
geocaching platforms from which opencaching is only one of them. Conseqently
Fieldnotes may be a "hybrid object" which may ontain records targeted at more than one
platform. For instance for logs, the records start with <b>GC....</b>
while on the log records start with <b>OC....</b>. Other opencaching
platforms use other codes, for instance uses <b>OP...</b>.</p>
The client application may upload one and the same Fielnotes object to all platforms and
it is within the platform's discretion
to filter out what matches their object definition. discards everything that doesn't start with "OC."</p>
<p>In addition, in that hybrid object there will be <i>Log Type</i>, a string that
inevitably has a different definition for different platforms. For instance, what
is called a "Write note" log on is recognized as "Note" some
opencaching platforms or "Comment" on others.
Consequently fieldnotes records may have Log Types which are not understood
by the target platform in which case they will be discarded without notice.</p>
<p>It is the responsibility of the client application to assign the correct Log Type
string when the offline log is created.
Sending log type names which are not supported by the designated target platform
is considered a programming error within the client application. In order
to determine a target's supported log type names the service: <i>::services/apisrv/installation</i>
can and should be used.</p>

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