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replication acc dep

drdr xp edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 1 revision

2020 Aug 11


Major simplifications with comparison to epaxos:

  • Removed infinite strongly-connected-components and livelock from execution algo.

  • Removed seq thus recovery is significantly simplified.

  • Removed unecessary backward depends-on, thus no livelock exists.

  • Removed defered recovery from recovery algo(If using per-dep commit algo).

  • Simplify proof of correctness.

  • deps now contains instance id and the instance ver.

  • When updating deps for FastAccept of a, add x into a.deps only when x does not know a: x < a

  • Instances by a same leader has a strong depends-on relation. A later instance always depends on a former one. This is guaranteed by handling FastAccept request sequentially.

  • Use the all-committed constrain. all-initial-value and only-to-quorum is not used.


  • R0, R1 ... or R[0], R[1]... : replica.

  • a, b ... x, y... : instance.

  • La, Lb: is the leader replica of an instance a or b.

  • F: number of max allowed failed replica that.

  • n: number of replicas, n = 2F+1.

  • Qc: classic quorum: Qc = F+1.

  • Qf: fast quorum: Qf = F+⌊Qc/2⌋ = F + ⌊(F+1)/2⌋.

  • a₀: initial value of instance a.

  • a₁ⁱ: updated instance a by R[i] when it is forwarded to replica R[i].

  • a₂: value of instance a some relica believes to be safe.

  • a ~ b: interfere: a and b can not exchange execution order in any instance(command) sequence.

  • a → b: depends-on: a interferes with b and has seen b.

  • a ..→ b: indirect depends-on: a has seen b along a depends-on path: a → x → y ... → b.

  • a < b: do-not-know: a has not yet seen b.

  • a ↦ b: exec-depends-on: a should execute after b.


An instance is an internal representation of a client request.

Two essential fields are:

  • cmds the commands a client wants to execute.
type InstanceID(ReplicaID, i64)

type Seq

type Instance {

    seq:           Seq;
    deps:          Vec<(InstanceID, Seq)>;
    committed:     bool;

    cmds: Vec<Commands>;
    ballot: BallotNum;

seq is something to determine order between instances. seq must be a partial-order relation so that a after b in time ⇒ a.seq > b.seq.

In practice, seq can be simply a number and depending instance seq is defined to be 1 plus max of dependent instance seq.

Or seq can be the set of all instance id an instance has seen, plus itself, i.e., an instance knows of all instances its dependent instance knows.

seq is a virtual attribute and is not necessary to persist on disk. Because it can be calculated dynamically from deps.


a.adeps: is instance id set of all instances that directly or indirectly interfering with a.

adeps is a virtual attribute and does not need to persist or recvoer it. Because a.adeps = {a} ∪ a.deps[0].adeps ∪ a.deps[1].adeps ....

a.deps is set max intefering instances adeps of these instances.

E.g., a ~ b ~ c but a ≁ c, a.adeps = {a, b, c} a.deps = {b}

On implementation, a.deps is split into N subset, where N is number of replicas. Every subset contains only instances from leader Ri: a.deps[Ri] = {x | x.replicaID == Ri and a → x}.

And a.deps[Ri] records only the max instance id.


only works for interfering a, x,

accumulated deps may produce a fake dep: x→a:

a←b   ==>   a←bₐ
              b←xₐ   <==   b←x
R0          R1             R2

When updating deps for FastAccept of a, add x into a.deps only when x does not know a: x < a. i.e., if x → a, then a < x.


| a a<xₐ  a<xₐ a←x | x x x |
|     x     x      |       |
| Qc               | F     |

If a is committed with a < x, there are at least Qc replicas a < x. x commit:

  • Any higher ballot must commit with x→a.
  • All seen ballot can only commit with x→a.
  • x < a is not fast committed, because some process enters Accept phase with x→a, indicates that FP-condition does not hold with x < a. FP-condition always choose fast value if it could be FastCommit-ed.

∴ Without bidirection knows, a, x has at least one relation committed.

a < b always hold if a, b is initiated by a same leader and a ~ b.

exclude non existent

When handling FastAccept, need to exclude instance known but not on local replica. This guarantees only need to check the highest interfering instance when recovery.

No way. a after b requires a knows of all b knows of.

prepare and FastAccept together

Prepare and FastAccept can be done together Because Accept only check ballot. FastAccept does not change existent FastAccept.

Definition instance space

The entire instance space is a 3d array:



  • i: replicaID.
  • j: replicaID.
  • idx: index of a instance.


  • R[i]: all data on replica i
  • R[i][j]: instances initiated by replica j those are stored on replica i.
  • R[i][j][idx]: idx-th instance initiated by replica j.

instance space layout

|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|                    c     f             c     f              c    f     |
|              a     b     e       a     b     e        a     b    e     |
|              ----------------    ----------------    ----------------  |
| leader:      [0]   [1]   [2]     [0]   [1]   [2]     [0]   [1]   [2]   |
|              ================    ================    ================  |
| replica:     R[0]                R[1]                R[2]              |

We may write R[0] as R0 for short.

Definition: commit

The action commit is to broadcast to all replica about what value is safe.

Definition: safe

Some value(e.g. an instance or a relation or something else) is safe if: it has been forwarded to enough replicas and constituted a quorum(Qf or Qc) so that no process(command leader or recovery process) would never choose other value for it to commit.

Commit an instance

In this algorithm we need to ensure two things to be safe, before committing it:

  • What to execute: a.cmds.

    To commit a.cmds, forwards it to Qc=F+1 replicas, because a.cmds never changes.

  • and when to execute: a.deps.

    a.deps have different values on different replicas. This is identical to the problem fast-paxos solved: multi-value-one-round. Thus it requires Qf replicas to have the identical value to be safe.

Commit "a.deps"

Since a.deps has n indepedent fields:

a.deps = {
    0: x,
    1: y,
  • If all a.deps[Ri] is safe, a is safe. Then leader commit it on fast-path.

  • Otherwise if any of a.deps[Ri] is not safe, run another round of Accept to make it safe(slow-path).


Conditions must be sastisified to commit on fast-path:

  • For every updated a.deps[i] == x, the leader received at least one reply with committed u with a → u and u ..→ x.

  • a.deps[i] == x constitutes a fast-quorum.

TODO proof: These two condition guarantees that x will never depends on a. This is necessary to recover a fast-committed instance.

Proof: all replica have the same view of committed instance

TODO obviously

There is only one value could be chosen to be safe.

∴ finally an instance is committed the same value on all replias.

∴ All replicas have the same set of instances.

Fast path


  1. Leader: Initiate instance a: build a.deps:
  2. Leader: FastAccept: forward a to other replicas.
  3. NonLeader: FastAccept: update a with local instances
  4. Leader: Handle-FastAcceptReply

Slow path


  1. Choose a.deps

  2. Send Accept to replicas

  3. Handle AcceptReply

Non-leader replicas:

  1. Handle Accept


Just commit.

| Leader                                   | Non Leader
| --- init                                 | ---
| a.deps = {}                              |
|                                          |
| for x in local_instances:                |
|     // 1. interferes                     |
|     // 2. TODO                           |
|     if a ~ x and x < a:                  |
|          Lx = leaderOf(x)                |
|          a.deps[Lx] = max(x, a.deps[Lx]) |
|                                          |
| forward(a)                               |
| ---                                      | --- handle-fast-accept-request
|                                          |
|                                          | for x in local_instances:
|                                          |   if not a ~ x:
|                                          |       continue
|                                          |
|                                          |   if x < a:
|                                          |      Lx = leaderOf(x)
|                                          |      a.deps[Lx] = max(x, a.deps[Lx])
|                                          |
|                                          |   if x == a.deps[Lx]:
|                                          |      a.deps[Lx].adeps ∪= x.adeps
|                                          |      a.deps[Lx].committed = x.committed
|                                          |
|                                          | reply(a)
| --- handle-fast-accept-replies           | ---
|                                          |
| committed = [];                          |
| same = true                              |
| for repl in replies:                     |
|    same = same and repl == replies[0]    |
| for i in 0..n:                           |
|    for repl in replies:                  |
|        if repl.deps[i].committed         |
|            committed[i] = true           |
|    if a.deps[i] != replies[0]            |
|       and not committed[i]:              |
|       return slow_path(a)                |
|                                          |
| commit(a)                                |
|                                          |
| --- accept                               | ---
|                                          |
| for repl in replies:                     |
|     for i in 0..n:                       |
|         d = repl.deps[i]                 |
|         if a.deps[i].instance_id < d:    |
|             a.deps[i].instance_id = d    |
|         a.deps[i].adeps ∪= d.adeps       |
|                                          |
| accept(a)                                |
|                                          |
| ---                                      | --- handle-accept
|                                          |
|                                          | save(a)
|                                          |
| --- handle-accept-replies                | ---
|                                          |
| commit(a)                                |
|                                          |


  • All request messages have 3 common fields:

    • req_type identify type: FastAccept, Accept, Commit or Prepare.

    • ballot is the ballot number,

      • For FastAccept it is always 0.
      • Fast path Accept ballot is 1.
      • Slow path Accept ballot is 2 or greater. TODO :
      • ballot in Commit message is useless.
      • ballot in a Prepare is chosen by recovery process and should be >2.
    • instance_id is the instance id this request for.

  • All reply messages have 3 common fields:

    • req_type.
    • last_ballot is the ballot number before processing the request.
    • instance_id.

TODO Changes:

To fast-commit a > x: If x is slow-committed, an Accept status x will be seen. Thus a can be fast-committed.

If x is fast-committed:

  • If a reached Lx, then a know if x is committed, because Lx is the first to commit. Although there is chance x is committed after a reaches Lx, Lx broadcasts x is committed very likely earlier than another instance brings x is committed through its fast-accept request.

  • If a did not reach Lx, then a must have reached g - {La, Lx}, this prevent other value of a > y to commit. ∴ a > x is safe to fast commit.

FastAccept request

  • cmds: the commands to run.
  • deps: the deps when leader initiate the instance.

FastAccept reply

  • deps: udpated deps by a replica.

Accept request

  • cmds: the commands to run.
  • deps: the deps chosen by leader or recovery process.

Accept reply

Nothing except the common fileds.

Commit request

  • cmds: the commands to run.
  • deps: the deps chosen by leader or recovery process.

Commit reply

Nothing except the common fileds.

Prepare request

Nothing except the common fileds.

Prepare reply

  • committed is the committed flag of the instance on a replica. TODO



Order is defined as:

  • a.deps ⊃ b.deps : exec a after b. From Def-after, if a.deps ⊃ b.deps, execute a after b guarantees linearizability.

  • Otherwise: exec a and b in instance id order.

Execution algorithm




  • The instance to recover is a.
  • The leader of a La is R0
  • The recovery process is P(P != R0).

Cases not need to recover:

After Preparing on a quorum(Qc):

  • If P saw R0, exit and wait for R0 to commit a.

  • If P saw a committed a: broadcast and quit.

  • If P saw a with ballot>0: run classic paxos with this value and quit.

    TODO explain ballot

P only need to recover if all of a it saw are in FastAccept phase.

Recover FastAccept instance

Recovery is to choose a value of a.deps that could have been committed on fast-path.

P tries to choose a value for a.deps[0], a.deps[1] ... one by one.

First we start to recover a.deps[1].

a.deps[La] is will never change thus do not need to recover it. TODO

Recover one relation

After Prepare on a quorum, P could see different values of a.deps[1](x, y...) from different replicas.

Assumes that x > y and leader of x, y is R1.

  • Define Nx to be the the number of PrepareReply with a.deps[1] == x.
  • Define Ny to be the the number of PrepareReply with a.deps[1] == y.
  • ...

As the following diagram shows:

       x     ...    a.deps[1]=x    a.deps[1]=y
a      z
---    ---   ...    ---           ---
R0     R1    ...    R2

R1 is unreachable, there could be two possibly committed value of a.deps[1].


        x | a→x   a     a
        ↓ |   ↓   |     |
a       y |   y   `→y   `→y
---   --- | ---   ---   ---
R0    R1  | R2    R3    R4
La    Lb
down  down


        x | a→u..→x   a          a
          |            ↘          ↘
a       y |       y      v..→y      w..→y
---   --- | -------   --------   --------
R0    R1  | R2        R3         R4
La    Lb
down  down

FastCommit requires F+Qc/2 identical FastAccept. ∴ if u did not reach La, only F+Qc/2-1 a → u ..→ x can be committed. Thus a ..→ x can not be FastCommit-ed. ∴ There is at most one value of a that may have been FastCommit-ed. ∴ choose the value that has at least Qc/2+1.

        x | a→u..→x   a          a
          |            ↘          ↘
a       y |       y      v..→y      w..→y
---   --- | -------   --------   --------
R0    R1  | R2        R3         R4
La    Lb
down  down

When rerun FastAccept, on R2 it found a new relation a → u ..→ z

  • If there is a u so that u → a, and there is no Accept-ed or Commit-ed u has been seen, a → u ..→ z can not be committed, because this recovery has to commit with u → a.

  • If all FastAccept-ed u < a, And on replicas(R3, R4) without a ..→ z is seen, u ..→ z can not be committed.

  • If no value of a.deps[1] could have FastCommit-ed: Use any value as initial value to re-run replication algo.

  • Otherwise, recover all instances interfering with a and reachable from a.deps.

    Then re-run replication algo from FastAccept phase.


Prepare with a new ballot and FastAccept can be combined.


There is no defer-cycle, because defering requires that: a has > Qc/2 identical values, which requires >Qc/2 z still on these replicas, otherwise z does not have identical value thus can not defer.

And when defering a, z, .... u thus u < a does not hold.

when found a u so that L(u) == L(a) , u always knows-of a.

And on other < Qc/2 replicas, defer chain a, z, u requires u<z<a, this does not hold. thus when defer chain goes to a replica twice, defer is ends.

defer chain(old interfering version): if L(w) == L(a) w > a, then no matter what u is committed it always knows a. ∴ z must knows a

 ↘ y