Release Notes for OpenPower Firmware v1.8
Package: barreleye-xml
New package.
Package: firestone-xml
Cakici (3):
- 7c3c5ed changes for HPC redundancy
- 5e43660 making changes for N and N+1 power supply settings
Chris Cain (1):
- cf79600 Add Turbo Allowed IPMI sensor
Richard J. Knight (1):
- 0b4fc4f Add ps redundancy sensor to firestone.xml
Uma Yadlapati (1):
- 38c4585 Make both procs as RESOURCE_CRITICAL
Package: garrison-xml
Dan Crowell (1):
- 079f7f1 Decrease write page size for SPD
Erich Hauptli (9):
- 5df3564 Update memory buffer temp sensor IPMI values
- 4884963 Modifying FRU IDs to match Firestone.
- 642354f Reverting memory FRU changes and fixing BMC Card back to 47.
- 598bbf4 Applying patch to pick up new processor sort points for WOF.
- c68282b Applying Frank's patch to enable WOF/iVRMs.
- dcb654e Additional tweaks to WOF tables.
- 247584f Raising N+1 bulk power limit to 2600W.
- 6e8e770 Update garrison.xml
- b9af9c0 Update garrison.xml
tyan (1):
- 18da29a Updating WOF_FREQUENCY_UPLIFT tables.
Package: habanero-xml
Ben Mashak (1):
Chris Cain (1):
- 0d25205 Add Turbo Allowed IPMI sensor
Package: hostboot
- hostboot-0001-Increase-uart-delay.patch
- hostboot-0002-GCC-4.9-Make-compiler-use-ELFv1-ABI-and-use-O2.patch
B. Rafanello (1):
- 6219ff2 SW328077: Missing SEL for eSEL for Platform Checkstop
Ben Rafanello (2):
Benjamin Weisenbeck (6):
- 11ab19d PRD: Check for checkstop or unit cs before clearing service call flag
- fe6700c PRD: Increase MDIA timeout value when tracing enabled
- 215d2de PRD: Fix buffer overrun in errl parsing for ddr4
- 9421a59 PRD: Homer data changes for naples chip
- e4fb8d7 PRD: Fix register capture requirements for Murano and XB chiplets
- 60f3c8b PRD: Fix processor-specific homer register lists
Bill Hoffa (3):
- dee70f6 Set correct HBB address when updating golden side SBE image for MFG
- 9f9623b Update processor MRW processing to use socket position
- 1ec6058 Regression Test Support for New Swap Space Location
Bill Schwartz (6):
- 74e0b5a No RCD CNTRL words for DDR4 RDIMMs
- b825bde Fix ATTR_SPD_ADDR_MAP_REG_TO_DRAM size mismatch
- 081b250 Remove busy trace from getMBvpdAttr
- e7901b7 Extend WOF tables
- 427ed8c Adjust ATTR_PEER_TARGET values for runtime
- 6aba8bc Support 130W Turismo Parts
Brian Horton (1):
- d66316c script to fetch eSEL records and format the PEL data.
Brian Stegmiller (2):
Caleb Palmer (6):
- 2c835b9 PRD: DRAM site locations for DDR4 cards A4 and D4
- cc9054b PRD: Mask RCD errors side-effects bug fix
- 1901314 PRD: DRAM site locations for DDR4 card C4
- 1292ffb PRD: Change Priority RCD Parity Before Mem UE
- 5906812 PRD: Fix accessing ABUS regs on Naples
- 8f5111b PRD: Change NcuFir[9] to Lvl2 Callout
Chris Cain (5):
- ee3ca0b Add system power cap for HPC systems running with non-redundant ps policy
- 9b79ce0 Set the system power cap based on the redundant power supply policy
- fc7293d Prevent customer power cap truncation on HPC systems.
- a047d7b Fix regulator efficiency for memory throttling
- 6e526f6 Query BMC to determine if turbo frequency should be allowed
Chris Engel (6):
- 5c6ea67 Trusted boot support for performing TPM_STARTUP during isteps
- 37ad6f7 Trustedboot: Move data to Hostboot base and add pcrExtend stub function
- f1e68e7 Trustedboot: Remove TPM 1.2 support
- e914974 Trustedboot: Additional commands in trusted boot init sequence
- fc68584 Trustedboot : Refactor to allow for skiboot import of TSSLite
- 7f7eecc Trustedboot TPM Event log manager
Dan Crowell (8):
- 5b5bd5d Include MFSI offset for Centaur access from OCC
- 0da5d47 Fixes and new attributes for DDR4 support
- 27cb28d Add p8.nvbus.scom.if to list of modules in image
- 0d6588f Change interpretation and setting of VPD_VERSION attributes
- 224f929 Apply 2z values for VPP immediately
- 8ea614f Add default for MRW_MCS_PREFETCH_RETRY_THRESHOLD
- 3e7b4b4 Fix memory leak in VPD accessor
- 1505d70 Fix possible error log leak in runtime wakeup path
Dean Sanner (2):
- e50f371 Update hb-trace tool to handle lockless updates
- b983a5a Increase PCIe BAR space for multiple K80 GPUs under single PHB
Dhruvaraj S (1):
- baa3122 Adding support for bifurcation settings on 8x lanes
Elizabeth Liner (6):
- b075166 Adding files from xz-embedded repository
- f83207d Moving the xz files to their own directories
- 40b885f Set watchdog and set sensors are now asynchronous sends
- 9364117 Adding chip DD/EC levels to FRU inventory
- ce43144 Adding additional debug information for an ibscom invalid address error
- 861a815 Added xz decompression functionality for the skiboot image
George Keishing (1):
- 3e8032e DDR4 Callout for failing domains of Centaur DIMMs
Jay Azurin (2):
Jaymes Wilks (4):
- cd5e8d4 ECID Invalid in Error Log
- eb4d2d7 Update SBE Image Version to recognize GOLDEN SBE Image
- 390b72b Fixup HBB address on golden side SBE in the field
- dd059d2 No Callout in SEL for ABUS
Manali Kumar (3):
- 8aef8bf adding error message to console only when error exists
- 1fbe5e7 superio driver to control accesss to SIO registers
- cae9a26 indicate eSels from a previous boot
Marty Gloff (1):
- ca310bd getecid being called on deconfigured parts
Matt Ploetz (4):
- 568932e Add module hierarchy to the proc target in processMrw.pl
- e2b5977 Fix missed error path in scom writes
- a413cfa Set MSS_FREQ attribute based on capable and booted nest freq
- 90cf9eb Ensure ipmiSel thread finishes before shutting down ipmidd
Matt Spinler (1):
- 059bbd3 Support Provisioning PNOR partition XML element.
Patrick Williams (4):
- d2202b6 Update master bbuild to 850.
- 258a0fc listdeps.pl used deprecated perl syntax.
- 6ed8074 xmltohb: Close VMM_CONSTS_FILE fh.
- be1cd12 GPIO: Support 8bit and 16bit PCA95x chips.
Prachi Gupta (2):
- 8338d88 Compiling DQ/DQS compression tool in hostboot
- 156c395 Fix module_unload in dram_initialization
Prasad Bg Ranganath (1):
- abe0e38 No data in System_Event SEL to decode procedure callouts
Richard J. Knight (2):
- 31c2082 Add event reading type to .rpt file
- 1117b64 DIMM Present sensor not active after dimm is deconfigured
Stephen Cprek (15):
- 35eb9cf Provide legacy support for pre-commit hook script
- 09ca510 Fix for legacy support of pre-commit hook script
- 7bf5be0 Short circuit Jenkins job if there are commit verification errors
- 3d02c5b Fix copyright prolog checking to compare entire block
- 51fa186 Change fsp-ci-jenkins to run on gerrit/master vs hb release
- 675bbea Fix copyright prologs for trustedboot code
- f5bf9de Fix commit ordering algorithm to handle cyclical dependencies
- 02353bc Fix and simplify error handling in buildpnor script
- d0cdf59 Fix how current author is verified in copyright check
- 5b981cb Tool to convert gerrit branches to fips releases and vice versa
- 021892c update bbuild to fips860
- dd06a85 Fix copyright prolog to handle moved files
- 8359dee Improve accuracy of copyright prolog moved files check
- 71c1322 Copy ekb tools and modules into hostboot
- 89051f8 update gerrit hostname for migration
Stewart Smith (5):
- a5003f8 linker/gensyms: Check length of line read from objdump
- d4e748f linker/genlist: use stderr for displaying error messages
- ea1f070 linker/gensyms: use stderr for displaying error messages
- 646db2e tracehash_hb.pl: use gmtime for start/end hash time
- 53d7b7c Fix buildpnor.pl to both work and be slightly more deterministic
Thi Tran (15):
- eae1262 SW322742: update mss_freq to add support for multiple nest frequencies
- 597ebc3 SW323543: INITPROC: Workaround for IPL training fail
- fd371f6 SW324319: INITPROC: HWP: mss_generic_shmoo bug
- 8fa1a5f SW324514: INITPROC: HWP: mss_eff_config DDR4 RCD bug
- f417c94 SW316162: Optimize DDR4 VMEM Power Limit Memory Throttles (HWP support)
- b3e68cd SW322180: Change MCMODE0Q_L3_PREFETCH_RETRY_THRESHOLD from 0xF to 0x7 for all 4
- cc8eb02 SW328360: HW PROC: Update to proc_setup_bars to support group = chip
- c928140 SW326196 : New Naples IO SCOM init file
- d3f8b1e SW328415: INITPROC: Additional HWP updates to support DDR4
- 56258a3 SW328259: HWP Support for new platinit MRW attribute for DDR4 VMEM Regulator Pow
- 2486e35 Multithread VREF calculations for DDR4
- 31425a9 SW322733: HWP mss_volt_vpp_offset not counting number of DRAMs correctly (HWP Re
- 34ea2b4 SW332817: 840.10 Memory Initfile update for 3DS
- 72ed60d SW333714: 840.10 Memory Initfile Update
- 784d1b2 SW336519: INITPROC: HWP: DDR4 effective grouping
Zane Shelley (22):
- 3540b27 Fixed return code issue with hb errlparser command
- a465ee7 PRD: Disable SCOM to PCIE_OSC_SWITCH during OP checkstop analysis
- 84b5ea9 PRD: add support for cooling issue callout
- 9bd43d0 PRD: refactored RasServices deconfig code
- 00d163e PRD: refactored redundant gard enums
- 3ca76cb PRD: refactored gard functions in SDC
- 2fe241f PRD: refactored SDC flag accessor functions
- 1a43087 PRD: refactored SDC SERVICE_CALL flag
- a4b9da8 PRD: refactored SDC DONT_COMMIT_ERRL flag
- afa1c9a PRD: refactored SDC LOGIT flag
- 7e0b812 PRD: fix callout when both symbol and chip mark used
- fab4f39 PRD: Enable dynamic memory deallocation for DDR4
- 622cb57 PRD: Ensured deprecated MemMru wiring type works with old parsers
- d52716d PRD: common interface to add extended MemoryMru FFDC to error log
- 13ca97b PRD: Expanded memory CE table to support more raw card types
- 6ceb389 PRD: avoided MemoryMru endianness issue with simulator/error log parser
- cf29461 PRD: Simplified MemoryMru error log parser code.
- c9a808d PRD: Additional simplification of MemoryMru error log parser code.
- e892907 PRD: Restore support for simple MemoryMru parsing in error log
- fc60922 PRD: callout issue where spares appear to be steered to themselves.
- 32d01a9 PRD: FlyWeightS function accessing pointer out of memory range
- 1de2ec0 PRD: Register caching issue with maint errors during fetch handling
aalugore (5):
- 4a4ade3 Changes to fix ipl-time checkstop FIR collection
- 0cbd525 PART_NUMBER attribute size increase for Garrison DDR4 support
- efb1d52 Update default value for ATTR_MSS_VREF_CAL_CNTL to 0x00
- de327c6 SW327804: HWP Updates for DDR4 cards on Garrison(hwp review)
- 56cb43a DDR4 - Allow SPD writes
crgeddes (2):
- 70e665f Corrected PIB call out in fsiscom.C
- b1dea34 Fixed vddr not disabling for non-functional, present centaurs
nagendra (2):
- 29bd250 New SPD and VPD attributes support for DDR4 DIMM enablement
- 1e031f3 Change to find the DIMM type from SPD attribute rather than EFF.
whs (1):
- c223637 VPD Caching broken on multiple socket, single CVPD systems (Barreleye)
Package: occ
Benjamin Weisenbeck (1):
- 74174ea Skip unnecessary firdata collection for EX targets
Charles Lefurgy (1):
- c935eac WOF updates: iVRM leakage, iVRM sensor, bulk parm read
Fadi Kassem (2):
- f31473f DVFS bits in poll command will only be set if the frequency is below Turbo.
- 53453c6 Add new error log for WOF function and debug command
aalugore (3):
- 03cd6b1 Update build name to op_occ_151015a
- 91d935a Fix ipl time flag bit ordering for checkstop analysis
- 1093bf9 Update build name to op_occ_151116a
Package: palmetto-xml
Richard J. Knight (1):
- c258beb Update .rpt file to include sensor reading type field.
Package: petitboot
Alan Dunn (1):
- 01e104d discover/grub2: Fix behavior of save_env -f
Jack Miller (1):
- cecbe53 Add BMC interface MAC to system info output
Nishanth Aravamudan (2):
- 32d3249 ui: add URL for static configurations to load a specified file
- f155a58 discover: extend URL in UI to support auto-discovery
Sam Mendoza-Jonas (9):
- d9fc455 discover: Handle BTRFS root subvolumes
- a1ec071 discover/grub: Fix handling of empty strings
- 25ef687 discover: Print IPMI bootdev response for debug
- d531395 Retrieve BMC version info via IPMI
- 7460bbb ui/ncurses: Add missing newline in nc-sysinfo
- 91ba676 utils/hooks: Write offb device address to device tree
- 1e1e341 discover: Add support for IPMI network override
- 1128478 discover: Include leading zero in firmware version string
- 72928ed Use 'Primary' instead of 'Current' for flash sides
Samuel Mendoza-Jonas (21):
- e4ff8e8 po: Translation Updates
- 2983a12 po: Translation updates
- eea8cf8 discover: Properly handle return values
- df751aa discover: Use snprintf() when building sysparam path
- c9c964c ui/ncurses: Check for NULL in pmenu_item_get_index()
- e6ba022 discover: Fix dead code in udev_handle_cdrom_events()
- e901890 lib/talloc: Add missing va_end() calls
- 218b523 ui/common: Free message on return
- 8cfcec4 discover: Skip malformed bootdev fields
- 45e64e9 discover: Add two missing talloc_free()s
- 999fd1a discover: Null-terminate buffer in user_event_process()
- 2c6137d discover: Set umask before mkstemp()
- f5d24f2 ui/ncurses: Remove redundant assignment
- b3d51f6 lib/pb-protocol: Fix NULL dereference on non-powerpc
- 90cd56c ui/common: Only close valid file descriptor
- 5f339d4 discover: Release process resources on error
- e25641d lib/talloc: Avoid early exit before va_end()
- 9133420 Add --enable-mtd configure option
- 9239994 lib: Add CCAN headers for endian helpers
- aaeba8e lib/flash: Add support for platform versions
- d974c3c Display VERSION partition info on BMC machines
Package: pnor
Matt Spinler (2):
- 4ac9a7f Add reprovision element to certain PNOR sections.
- e5dfa23 Additional PNOR partitions should be reprovisioned.
Package: skiboot
Alistair Popple (1):
- 3d340f2 hw/bt.c: Check for timeout after checking for message response
Ananth N Mavinakayanahalli (2):
- 42d5d04 FSP: Handle DPO initiated CEC shutdown with FSP in RR
- 467c017 FSP: Give up PSI link on shutdown
Andrew Donnellan (1):
- f7b4e36 fsp: fix spelling of "advertise" in log message
Benjamin Herrenschmidt (1):
- 53def38 hw/phb3: Flush cache line after updating P/Q bits
Cyril Bur (2):
- 11eea47 external/pflash: Add (C) header
- c80260e external/gard: Fix displaying 'cleared' gard records
Cédric Le Goater (2):
- fff572c sensor: add a compatible property
- d379d6d opal-prd: display explicit message on IBM Power systems
Gavin Shan (4):
- 98fc754 PHB3: Retry fundamental reset
- b65f36b PHB3: Remove unnecessary message in phb3_sm_fundamental_reset()
- b5ef8a9 PHB3: Retry fundamental reset
- 396de73 PHB3: Remove unnecessary message in phb3_sm_fundamental_reset()
Jeremy Kerr (3):
- 32fa1ca libflash: Provide an internal parity implementation, to remove libgcc dependency
- d4b1428 external/opal-prd: Set initial size value
- 343efe3 firestone: fix spacing in slot name
Mahesh Salgaonkar (2):
- a47b98e opal/hmi: Fix the soft lockup issue on HMI for certain TB errors.
- 888abee opal/hmi: Signal PRD about NX unit checkstop.
Oliver O'Halloran (4):
- 496ad1e hdata/hdata_to_dt.c: Also print node names.
- 880e011 core/device.c: Sort nodes with name@unit names by unit
- b35c765 hdata/test: Updated the hdata_to_dt test data for the new sorting behaviour
- 5d9b239 DT sorting test
Philippe Bergheaud (1):
- 69e027e hmi: Identify the phb upon CAPI malfunction alert
Russell Currey (2):
- dd7980e console: Completely flush output buffer before power down and reboot
- f2efc65 Add OPAL_CONSOLE_FLUSH to the OPAL API
Sam Mendoza-Jonas (1):
- deb601f core: Add explicit 1:1 mappings in ranges properties
Samuel Mendoza-Jonas (3):
- 9f2e4c9 Free bl_prot_range on file_exit_close()
- f77b676 core: Check con_driver is not NULL
- cfc03ba external/common: Fix grammar in arch_flash error message
Stewart Smith (28):
- 55ae15b Ensure we run pollers in cpu_wait_job()
- 939874a Fix printf format warning
- 07ef5bb Add skiboot-5.1.6 release notes
- 8f433d6 hw/fsp/fsp-leds.c: use allocated buffer for FSP_CMD_GET_LED_LIST response
- e91d12a Add skiboot-5.1.7 release notes
- b5d8248 fix prerror() build failure in fsp-leds.c
- be37433 add skiboot-5.1.8 release notes
- 9fda8c5 Fix boot_test.sh script for chmod +x pflash if copying
- a0be766 add skiboot-5.1.9 release notes
- 473049b Add skiboot-5.1.10 release notes
- 916196d Add skiboot-5.1.11 release notes
- 3a3ee53 fsp/fsp-rtc: Correctly report back errors to host
- 04678f9 hello_world: don't link with libgcc
- c15cab6 Fix up extract-gcov for gcc > 4.8
- 84b3e81 Add skiboot-5.1.12 release notes
- 5df1dcb Add hdata_to_dt test
- 3ee7ca1 Enable -Werror for -Wformat
- fa02201 Use VALGRIND callout rather than tricky malloc/memcpy
- 35451e7 Revive hdata_to_dt and make it work again
- 6a9c0af Fix endian flip in printf for FSP in hdata/fsp.c
- 2392236 sparse: fix beint32_t degrades to int in hdata/pcia.c
- ee16a1b sparse: fix conversion of hdat slca_index
- 3171be5 sparse: fix endian conversions in hdata/iohub.c
- e59340e sparse: fix missing beXX_to_cpu() conversions in hdata/fsp.c
- b2260fb sparse: fix incorrect type warnings in hdata/fsp.c
- 0671bb8 Add skiboot-5.1.13 release notes
- 0c5269a add skiboot-5.1.14 release notes
- 8ab4e5f Add skiboot-5.1.15 release notes
Vasant Hegde (1):
- 4d09f98 ipmi-sel: Fix memory leak in error path