Java client for Openpay services
This is a client implementing the payment services for Openpay at
To install, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
As of now Java 6 is required.
#### Starting the API ####
OpenpayAPI api = new OpenpayAPI("", privateKey, merchantId);
#### Creating a customer ####
Address address = new Address()
.line1("Calle Morelos #12 - 11")
.line2("Colonia Centro") // Optional
.line3("Cuauhtémoc") // Optional
.city("Distrito Federal")
.countryCode("MX"); // ISO 3166-1 two-letter code
Customer customer = api.customers().create(new Customer()
.email("[email protected]")
#### Charging ####
Charging a credit card:
Card card = new Card()
.cardNumber("5555555555554444") // No dashes or spaces
.holderName("Juan Pérez Nuñez")
Charge charge = api.charges().create(customer.getId(), new CreateCardChargeParams()
.description("Service charge")
.amount(new BigDecimal("200.00")) // Amount is in MXN
.orderId("Charge0001") // Optional transaction identifier
Refunding a card charge:
Charge refundedCharge = api.charges().refund(customer.getId(), new RefundParams()
Create a charge to be paid by bank transfer:
Charge charge = api.charges().create(customer.getId(), new CreateBankChargeParams()
.description("Service charge")
.amount(new BigDecimal("100.00"))
#### Payout ####
Currently Payouts are only allowed to accounts in Mexico.
Bank payout:
BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount()
.clabe("032180000118359719") // CLABE
.holderName("Juan Pérez")
.alias("Juan's deposit account"); // Optional
Payout payout = api.payouts().create(customer.getId(), new CreateBankPayoutParams()
.amount(new BigDecimal("150.00"))
.description("Payment to Juan")
.orderId("Payout00001")); // Optional transaction identifier
Debit card payout:
Card card = new Card()
.cardNumber("4111111111111111") // No dashes or spaces
.holderName("Juan Pérez Nuñez")
Payout payout = api.payouts().create(customer.getId(), new CreateCardPayoutParams()
.amount(new BigDecimal("150.00"))
.description("Payment to Juan")
.orderId("Payout00002")); // Optional transaction identifier
Subscriptions allow you to make recurrent charges to your customers. First you need to define a subscription plan:
Plan plan = api.plans().create(new Plan()
.name("Premium Subscriptions")
.amount(new BigDecimal("1200.00")) // Amount is in MXN
.repeatEvery(1, PlanRepeatUnit.MONTH)
After you have your plan created, you can subscribe customers to it:
Card card = new Card()
.holderName("Juan Pérez Nuñez")
Subscription subscription = api.subscriptions().create(customer.getId(), new Subscription()
.card(card)); // You can also use withCardId to use a pre-registered card.
To cancel the subscription at the end of the current period, you can update its cancelAtPeriodEnd property to true:
You can also cancel the subscription immediately:
api.subscriptions().delete(customer.getId(), subscription.getId());