An administration shell for configuring iSCSI, FCoE, and other SCSI targets, using the TCM/LIO kernel target subsystem. FCoE users will also need to install and use fcoe-utils.
targetcli-fb is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Contributions are welcome.
- Mailing list: targetcli-fb-devel
- Source repo: GitHub
- Bugs: GitHub or Trac
- Tarballs: fedorahosted
- Playlist of instructional screencast videos: YouTube
targetcli-fb is packaged for a number of Linux distributions including RHEL, Fedora, openSUSE, Arch Linux, Gentoo, and Debian.
targetcli complies with PEP 621 and as such can be built and installed with tools like build
and pip
For development, consider using Hatch:
hatch shell
to create and enter a Python virtualenv with the project installed in editable mode
pre-commit install
to enable pre-commit hooks
hatch build
to create tarball and wheel
targetcli-fb is a fork of the "targetcli" code written by RisingTide Systems. The "-fb" differentiates between the original and this version. Please ensure to use either all "fb" versions of the targetcli components -- targetcli, rtslib, and configshell, or stick with all non-fb versions, since they are no longer strictly compatible.